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Fed up of non believers

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But you don't like discussions.


I do not like hidden anger veiled as "debate" from those heavy-weighted so called forum posters. I have seen them in actions and I do not like it one bit. The OP here is sharing her frustrations, and I happen to believe a little bit in what she is talking about and I have pondered over this myself personally. So we are sharing of information and mutual understanding. You won't see me criticising her for her core beliefs nor do I "challenge" her here. That is the difference between her thread and other people's threads on politics and so forth.


To the OP, I would suggest that you just talk to those who can and will share your sentiments. Cos some people are not here to relate and make friends, but to antagonise and displace their own hidden anger from life onto you. That is what I think.

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That is the difference between her thread and other people's threads on politics and so forth.

But it isn't her thread. It's on a public forum, and any/every member in good standing is entitled to respond as they see fit. She merely chose the title and made the first post.

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But it isn't her thread. It's on a public forum, and any/every member in good standing is entitled to respond as they see fit. She merely chose the title and made the first post.


If you read into the words written by the OP, do you think that she was asking you to join her in discussing, dissecting and also debating the topic of "ghosts" ? The answer is a "no". :(


So someone who wrote something personal online, then gets criticised for it. Is that fair ? Cos the context looks very different if others just jump onto the bandwagon and hit her when her mood is down, or is angry.

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If you read into the words written by the OP, do you think that she was asking you to join her in discussing, dissecting and also debating the topic of "ghosts" ? The answer is a "no". :(


So someone who wrote something personal online, then gets criticised for it.

It's a public forum.


Is that fair ?

Yes. It's a public forum.


Cos the context looks very different if others just jump onto the bandwagon and hit her when her mood is down, or is angry.

Cry me a river. ;)

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It's a public forum.


Yes. It's a public forum.


Cry me a river. ;)


You see an old woman fall down in public, what do you do instinctively ? Walk on her ? :suspect:


No, you help her up. Don't you question those who goes ahead and walk over the poor woman ? Where is their judgment gone to ? I think this is the downfall of the internet "discussion" forum. People take it literally without an ounce of understanding that they are still in a public domain too. It really strips away any empathy that a normal person has.

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You see an old woman fall down in public, what do you do instinctively ? Walk on her ? :suspect:



No, you help her up.



Don't you question those who goes ahead and walk over the poor woman ? Where is their judgment gone to ? I think this is the downfall of the internet "discussion" forum.

Err.... WTF? :loopy:


People take it literally without an ounce of understanding that they are still in a public domain too.

Now you're getting it! :cool:


It really strips away any empathy that a normal person has.

Define "a normal person", please.

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I will accept this point if you can give a a few examples of "things" we have no proof of but believe in.


The obvious one would be people believe in God but can't prove God exists, another would I believe that life exists on other worlds but I can't prove it, I believe the universe is infinite but I can't prove it.

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I was watching "Contact" yesterday and the preacher character said that 95% of the planet's population believed in a supreme being, deity or God. Is that still the case?

Yes. The preacher character will always say that. (That's how movies work.) :hihi:

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