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Fed up of non believers

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Opinions are opinions, yes? I don't accept any opinion on face value, obviously you do.


You dismiss opinions which in reality you can't actually disprove, therefore you have a closed mind.


Obviously, you could prove me wrong by scientifically disproving Henry Morris' theories.


However, I would have to take into account that he has a Ph.D. and maybe you haven't?


I completely accept that his qualifications do not necessarily make him right, on the other hand, your perhaps misplaced self confidence does not necessarily mean you are. :)


Unbelievable, you actually seem serious about this. You have an presupposition and are searching for anything that appears to remotely fit in with it.


Look at the evidence.


Edit, Assuming that the Henry Morris that you referred to is the Young Earth Creationist. Shall we start with an easy one? Despite evidence to the contrary, do you believe that the Earth is 6000 years old?

Edited by SnailyBoy
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I see dummies have been thrown out of a pram. My sig has never been truer it would appear.


...and mine, too.


---------- Post added 25-02-2014 at 08:54 ----------


I disagree. It offers a great deal in understanding the human need for understanding, making sense of the world and a sense of belonging.

Really? :huh:




You want/need more?


I got more...





Knock yourself out.

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Opinions are opinions, yes? I don't accept any opinion on face value, obviously you do.


You dismiss opinions which in reality you can't actually disprove, therefore you have a closed mind.


Obviously, you could prove me wrong by scientifically disproving Henry Morris' theories.


However, I would have to take into account that he has a Ph.D. and maybe you haven't?


I completely accept that his qualifications do not necessarily make him right, on the other hand, your perhaps misplaced self confidence does not necessarily mean you are. :)


His Ph.D. in hydraulic engineering, and have you read his Gap theory, it must take a missive amount of belief in God to believe in that theory.



There are few, if any, professionally trained geologists and astronomers (to my knowledge there are none) who accept the gap theory. The promoters of this theory have mostly been Bible teachers who hoped they could place these great ages in a gap between the first two verses of Genesis, and thus not have to deal with them at all.

Edited by ivanava
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with the exception of the first sentence in the middle paragraph i think i understood most of that, thank you


all i can say is, he wouldn't be much of a god if he wasn't recognisable when he was found


presumably though, sometimes it works the other way - whilst looking for evidence of something, do scientists find the existence of something else?


Yes, all the time. For example many moons ago it was thought that the Earth moved through an invisible field of aether that carried light. In an experiment designed to detect the motion of matter through this aether Michelson and Morley (among others) found nothing. This paved the way for Albert Einstein and special relativity.




---------- Post added 25-02-2014 at 10:48 ----------


Its very unlikely that we will ever be in a position to prove it one way or the other. But assuming it isn't infinite, the outer edge of it should contain matter, this matter may have formed stars and possibly planets, on one of these planets there could well be intelligent life, they might have built a space ship. Now suppose they aim there ship at the outer edge of the universe, will they hit an impenetrable barrier, or will they simply cease to exist if they pass the out edge and what is it expanding into.


The universe is expanding at the speed of light, to get outside it (assuming of course there is an outside) you would have to travel faster than light.




---------- Post added 25-02-2014 at 10:58 ----------


In fairness, if we only take scientific theory into consideration and dismiss religion, we still don't get a conclusive answer do we?


For instance, Entropy and the second law of thermodynamics appear to contradict evolution don't they?


One states- basically- that left to their own devices things will naturally decay and revert to less complex structures.


The other -basically- states the opposite, that left to their own devices things grow more complex and efficient.


It's interesting, and I think an open mind is still required.


When people state that they quite clearly do not understand either entropy or the second law of thermodynamics, What you have done is miss out a very important part, that is the part the states it applies to CLOSED systems. The Earth is not a closed system and is the recipient of vast amounts of energy from a source in the sky. That source isn't God, see if you can guess what it is.



Edited by barleycorn
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When people state they quite clearly do not understand either entropy or the second law of thermodynamics, What you have done is miss out a very important part, that is the part the states it applies to CLOSED systems. The Earth is not a closed system and is the recipient of vast amounts of energy from a source in the sky. That source isn't God, see if you can guess what it is.



Quite laughable isn't it?


When people think that entropy and the second law of thermodynamics contradicts evolution they overlook the fact that by the same "logic" it also contradicts embryology, photosynthesis, and life basically.

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The universe is expanding at the speed of light, to get outside it (assuming of course there is an outside) you would have to travel faster than light.





where is it going?


if nothing exists outside it, what is it expanding in to - or is nothing actually something?


i can feel a headache coming on!

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where is it going?


if nothing exists outside it, what is it expanding in to - or is nothing actually something?


i can feel a headache coming on!


That is difficult to imagine. Was going to write this from memory but google has came through for me...


A Two Dimensional Analogy

The Universe has 3 spatial dimensions, but it is easier to visualize an analogy to its expansion for the 2-dimensional surface of a balloon. There is no center. If you stand on any galaxy, all the others will appear to be moving away from you with a velocity proportional to the distance from you. An analogy in 2 dimensions is to put dots on the surface of a balloon and blow the balloon up. As it expands, there is no dot that is the "center", but if you stand on any dot you will see all other dots moving away from you (and the rate at which they move away will be proportional to the distance. Dots close to you will be moving away slower than those further away). The expansion of the Universe appears to be like this, but in 3 rather than 2 space dimensions, which makes it much harder to visualize, but it is possible to describe it mathematically.






ETA: http://www.exo.net/~pauld/activities/astronomy/universalballoon.html

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