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Fed up of non believers

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Unbelievable, you actually seem serious about this. You have an presupposition and are searching for anything that appears to remotely fit in with it.


Look at the evidence.


Edit, Assuming that the Henry Morris that you referred to is the Young Earth Creationist. Shall we start with an easy one? Despite evidence to the contrary, do you believe that the Earth is 6000 years old?


No I don't believe the earth is 6,000 years old ( in fact I think you'll find the creationist numpties are going with 5,000 years. :D)


The reason I posted that link was because it contains an easily understood description of Entropy and Evolution and the anomaly which exists in accepting both.


You are aware that Morris didn't come up with the theory of Evolution or the theory of Entropy aren't you?

I do not accept his conclusion, but I do think he illustrates the basic difficulty caused by conflicting theories.


Obviously, there will be a rational explanation, but what is it and which theory will require most adjustment when it is explained?


Incidentally in post 215 in an answer to janie48 you stated that ' the most overwhelming evidence for life on earth is evolution.'


The inference being that you appear to believe that evolution disproves the existence of intelligent creation.


It doesn't, it merely means that intelligent creation decided to go about it in that particular way.


The reason most - although not all - religions get so worked up about evolution is not because they think it disproves God. It doesn't.


The thing it does do,( which throws a huge spanner in the works ) is reduce the importance of the human species in relationship to the Creator.


Religions tell their adherents that they are 'special' in the eyes of God. They tell them that God created this world and everything in it for their personal use and that man was created in the image of God.


Evolution proves otherwise, it reduces humans to being simply a - possibly - more cognicient form of animal life.


Religions can't accept that, it destroys their whole reason for existence. Even if there is a God if this being regards humanity as just another species of billions it created, then where's the special relationship?


It removes the possibility of an 'after life' and any reason to worship. No more collections, no more charitable status, no more wonderful buildings or art or comfortable lives for the clergy. :o


No SnailyBoy, I'm mainly with science, although it's nowhere near having all the answers yet.

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Speed of light is 299792.458 km/s


Universe is expanding at a rate of 74.3 km/s.

No. The universe is expanding at 74.3km/s/megaparsec (Mpc). A megaparsec is about 3 million light years so for every megaparsec you go out the Universe is expanding 74.3 km/sec faster. So a galaxy 10 Mpc away would be moving away from us at 742 km/sec.



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No. The universe is expanding at 74.3km/s/megaparsec (Mpc). A megaparsec is about 3 million light years so for every megaparsec you go out the Universe is expanding 74.3 km/sec faster. So a galaxy 10 Mpc away would be moving away from us at 742 km/sec.




But don't they predict some galaxy's will collide? How can they collide if they're moving away from each other? I imagine they have relative speed (towards each other) greater than the expansion speed of the universe? Is that correct?

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No. The universe is expanding at 74.3km/s/megaparsec (Mpc). A megaparsec is about 3 million light years so for every megaparsec you go out the Universe is expanding 74.3 km/sec faster. So a galaxy 10 Mpc away would be moving away from us at 742 km/sec.




Thats right, but we wasn't talking about how fast the edge of the universe is moving away from us, it was about how fast it is moving away from a planet at the very edge of the universe, for them the out edge will be moving at 74.3 km/sec, assuming that it is actually expanding.

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But don't they predict some galaxy's will collide? How can they collide if they're moving away from each other? I imagine they have relative speed (towards each other) greater than the expansion speed of the universe? Is that correct?


Yes, local forces can override universal forces in discrete regions. Just like evolution and the second law of thermodynamics in fact.


Andromeda is predicted to collide with our galaxy in 4 billion years btw.

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But don't they predict some galaxy's will collide? How can they collide if they're moving away from each other? I imagine they have relative speed (towards each other) greater than the expansion speed of the universe? Is that correct?


Yep our galaxy is set to collide with Andromeda in about 4 billion years, so space between us is clearly not expanding and must be contracting.

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Thats right, but we wasn't talking about how fast the edge of the universe is moving away from us, it was about how fast it is moving away from a planet at the very edge of the universe, for them the out edge will be moving at 74.3 km/sec, assuming that it is actually expanding.


There's a restaurant there apparently.

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Opinions are opinions, yes? I don't accept any opinion on face value, obviously you do.


You dismiss opinions which in reality you can't actually disprove, therefore you have a closed mind.


Obviously, you could prove me wrong by scientifically disproving Henry Morris' theories.


However, I would have to take into account that he has a Ph.D. and maybe you haven't?


I completely accept that his qualifications do not necessarily make him right, on the other hand, your perhaps misplaced self confidence does not necessarily mean you are. :)


Morris PhD was in hydraulic engineering. Not really related to biology or earth sciences.


---------- Post added 25-02-2014 at 13:16 ----------


Yep our galaxy is set to collide with Andromeda in about 4 billion years, so space between us is clearly not expanding and must be contracting.


No it just means we are travelling towards M31 faster than space is expanding that's all.

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