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Fed up of non believers

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'I don't believe there isn't a God because I don't know that there isn't.'


Therefore, I am perfectly willing to believe that there is a God.

You may be willing, but do you believe there is a god?


Therefore I am a believer.

So you are lying when you say that you don't believe in god. (...or you have changed your mind.) ("I don't believe there is a God because I don't know if there is.")


Your opinion is irrelevant.

I haven't expressed an opinion in this thread.


---------- Post added 01-03-2014 at 14:33 ----------


A subset of Atheists are believers in the non existence of God(s).


FIFY Don't mention it; you're welcome.

Edited by redwhine
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You may be willing, but do you believe there is a god?


As I keep on explaining to you and as you tiresomely keep on failing to grasp, I don't know, there well may be, there well may not be, it is highly unlikely we will ever know, and therefore the sensible position is to get on with your life, if you have one.



So you are lying when you say that you don't believe in god. (...or you have changed your mind.)


You are not the sharpest tool in the box are you? It was a retort to your previous post, where you quoted one of my sentences and claimed it made me an atheist, it was the adjoining sentence which stated the opposite.


I haven't expressed an opinion in this thread.[color="Silver"


Post 468 'Therefore you are an atheist' sounds like your opinion to me because it certainly isn't mine



---------- Post added 01-03-2014 at 14:33 ----------




FIFY Don't mention it; you're welcome.


Please take this on board and use it for future reference, I have no interest whatsoever in the nonsensical divisions, sub divisions, or beliefs regarding the absence or presence of divine beings. Unless you can provide me with proof of your non provable belief then I prefer not to be bothered, OK?

Edited by mjw47
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Please take this on board and use it for future reference, I have no interest whatsoever in the nonsensical divisions, sub divisions, or beliefs regarding the absence or presence of divine beings. Unless you can provide me with proof of your non provable belief then I prefer not to be bothered, OK?

So stop posting utter tripe in this thread, then. Whilst ever you do, I will continue to excercise my right of reply, if I see fit to do so.

Edited by redwhine
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Pot kettle black?


Well here's the thing, because I have little to no interest in the beliefs of atheists or theists or any other form of non provable codswallop for that matter I was under the impression that Atheism meant ' The belief that God does not exist'.


I share this mistaken belief with the Oxford English Dictionary, from which I have quoted above.


Now you will no doubt come up with some other definition which suits your argument. However I would point out that if you asked 100 people at random the majority would give the above definition.


And that's all that matters, because you see atheists just like their religious counterparts, cannot prove their contentions, they simply have a belief and I, and I suspect a lot of people don't really care about what conclusion someone has dream't up without a shred of hard evidence to back it up.


---------- Post added 01-03-2014 at 15:30 ----------


So stop posting utter tripe in this thread, then. Whilst ever you do, I will continue to excercise my right of reply, if I see fit to do so.


You really are a bad loser aren't you, no opinion man. And I certainly wouldn't want you to stop digging, carry on by all means.


You are amusing me greatly.


Got to go to meet the grandkids now but as that great philosopher Arnie said 'I'll be back.'

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I have no belief in the belief of atheists, it has been my experience that quite a number of them are arrogant pricks who are under the impression that proclaiming their lack of belief in some way makes them appear 'cool'.


It's been my experience that quite a number of atheists are simply responding to the claims of 'arrogant pricks' who delight in making sometimes silly, and often abusive, straw-man definitions & arguments.


Stating you lack belief in some unsubstantiated claim doesn't make you arrogant or cool. It just means you require something of substance to accept the truth of those claims.


Incidentally, if someone wants to make the claim that something exists, then those who find no good reason to believe have the right to say so - and explain why they disagree. That doesn't make them arrogant; it just means they are a little more careful as to what they accept as true.


IMO, you seem to resent that. You seem to think others shouldn't disagree with you or state as much. When they do you get abusive.


Incidentally, if you think that a certain thing is true, but have absolutely no way of proving it, that's what is known as a belief, whether you want it to be so or not.


Atheism is a state of being - it is not an opinion or a belief. The terms atheism & atheist are descriptive terms used to describe a person's state of being. An atheist is simply someone who is NOT theist.


The default state of being is NOT theist: babies, and those who haven't been exposed to the claim that God exists are default atheists. Belief doesn't come into it.


That default state remains unchanged in those who, after being exposed to the claim, find no good reason to believe. They remain NOT theist. Belief doesn't come into it.

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This about sums it up.


If you are convinced that a god exists, you are a theist

If you are not convinced that god exists you are an atheist.

As roots pointed out earlier you don't need to know that you are an atheist, the example above, a new born baby doesn't know they are atheist but if they are not convinced that a god exists they must be, there is no middle ground.

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'I don't believe there isn't a God because I don't know that there isn't.'


Therefore, I am perfectly willing to believe that there is a God.


Therefore I am a believer.

This makes no sense. By the same reasoning if you were simply willing to be an artist you would be an artist, or if you were simply willing to run, you would be a runner.


I have no belief in the belief of atheists, it has been my experience that quite a number of them are arrogant pricks who are under the impression that proclaiming their lack of belief in some way makes them appear 'cool'.

So, unable to provide any kind of successful argument, you simply resort to insults? And you have the nerve to throw "arrogant" in there?


Incidentally, if you think that a certain thing is true, but have absolutely no way of proving it, that's what is known as a belief, whether you want it to be so or not.
Of course it is


Atheists are believers in the non existence of God(s).

Some are. Some are just like me and you, no belief but open to the possibility.


As you and your cohorts are so fond of definitions : Belief ,the psychological state in which an individual holds a conjecture or premise to be true.
I'm glad you understand now, you see the difference between what you know and what you believe?


---------- Post added 01-03-2014 at 17:40 ----------




Please take this on board and use it for future reference, I have no interest whatsoever in the nonsensical divisions, sub divisions, or beliefs regarding the absence or presence of divine beings. Unless you can provide me with proof of your non provable belief then I prefer not to be bothered, OK?


Wow, you just went all-bold!

You say you have "no interest whatsoever in the nonsensical divisions, sub divisions, or beliefs regarding the absence or presence of divine beings"

...yep, sounds just like an atheist :thumbsup:


---------- Post added 01-03-2014 at 17:46 ----------


Well here's the thing, because I have little to no interest in the beliefs of atheists or theists or any other form of non provable codswallop for that matter I was under the impression that Atheism meant ' The belief that God does not exist'.


I share this mistaken belief with the Oxford English Dictionary, from which I have quoted above.

You seem to have misread it then, I will show it again here for you (from your source)...


-A person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods

You've already stated that you lack belief. I see no further argument, you're an atheist by your own definition of the word.

(extra highlighting due to the size of this combined post)


Now you will no doubt come up with some other definition which suits your argument. However I would point out that if you asked 100 people at random the majority would give the above definition.
I just used yours


And that's all that matters, because you see atheists just like their religious counterparts, cannot prove their contentions, they simply have a belief

Some do, some don't.

Edited by RootsBooster
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It's been my experience that quite a number of atheists are simply responding to the claims of 'arrogant pricks' who delight in making sometimes silly, and often abusive, straw-man definitions & arguments.


Stating you lack belief in some unsubstantiated claim doesn't make you arrogant or cool. It just means you require something of substance to accept the truth of those claims.


Incidentally, if someone wants to make the claim that something exists, then those who find no good reason to believe have the right to say so - and explain why they disagree. That doesn't make them arrogant; it just means they are a little more careful as to what they accept as true.


IMO, you seem to resent that. You seem to think others shouldn't disagree with you or state as much. When they do you get abusive.


I resent nothing, other than people who have never met me attempting to tell me what terminology I should use in order to describe my beliefs/non beliefs. As to others disagreeing with me I have no problem other than expecting them not to think that they can change my viewpoint other than by presenting me with an actual fact that I was previously unaware of. I would expect no difference the other way around


I said in my experience ' quite a number ' and that has been my experience. You do realise that doesn't suggest a majority don't you? In fact the wife of one of my best friends is a convinced atheist and also one of my favourite people, one minor reason being she's never had the arrogance or conceit to tell me what my belief is. And shes actually known me for 44 years.


Atheism is a state of being - it is not an opinion or a belief. The terms atheism & atheist are descriptive terms used to describe a person's state of being. An atheist is simply someone who is NOT theist.


The default state of being is NOT theist: babies, and those who haven't been exposed to the claim that God exists are default atheists. Belief doesn't come into it.


That default state remains unchanged in those who, after being exposed to the claim, find no good reason to believe. They remain NOT theist. Belief doesn't come into it.


In your opinion. Sounds rather like eastern mysticism to me, 'state of being.'

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