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Fed up of non believers

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In your opinion. Sounds rather like eastern mysticism to me, 'state of being.'


Are you serious?

State of being is simply how something is. There's nothing mystical about it.


-An ice cube is in a solid state of being, unless it melts and then goes into a liquid state of being.


-A person with no belief in any gods is in an atheist state of being, unless that person develops belief and then goes into a theist state of being.

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In your opinion. Sounds rather like eastern mysticism to me, 'state of being.'


Clutching at straws now, old chum. If you were "ivanava" I'd be expecting you to appear with a new user name fairly toot de sweet.


Any comments on post 466, by the way?

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Clutching at straws now, old chum. If you were "ivanava" I'd be expecting you to appear with a new user name fairly toot de sweet.


Any comments on post 466, by the way?


I said it sounds like it, it does ,you lot really are easily upset aren't you?


As for another user name I think I'll leave that to the overly sensitive.


Post 466 yes I assumed, maybe incorrectly that it would make it less likely If the mixture had to be precise.


Should any discrepancy of the ingredients either way, too much of one or not enough of another prevent the process taking place it would make it that much more difficult for the process to have happened by sheer chance.


Obviously, it wouldn't rule it out completely we're talking about a lot of time and therefore the possibility would still exist.

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I said it sounds like it, it does ,you lot really are easily upset aren't you?


The fact that you frequently refer to a person who is disagreeing with you in the plural indicates a persecution complex. This is basic psychology; you really should have paid more attention to those early sixties science teachers.




Post 466 yes I assumed, maybe incorrectly that it would make it less likely If the mixture had to be precise.


Should any discrepancy of the ingredients either way, too much of one or not enough of another prevent the process taking place it would make it that much more difficult for the process to have happened by sheer chance.



Again, some interesting psychology being demonstrated here. You have been, repeatedly, provided with evidence to show that a set of random conditions can lead to an outcome which, when looked back upon, can appear to have been contrived but which, upon logical examination, does not need to have been yet still you rail against it.


My diagnosis is that you are struggling with some cognitive dissonance. You are unable to accept the total randomness of the universe and your own place in it and so tend toward an acceptance of the indoctrination you experienced as a child and yet the rational side of you refuses to accept it and strives for a more logical position. The trouble is, the aforementioned indoctrination has instilled within you the inescapable belief that "atheist" is a bit of a dirty word so you are completely unable to accept that that is what you are, in spite of the fact that the source (OED) you quoted earlier says it is.


Pretty crap but, hey, we all have our cross to bear.

Edited by Lockjaw
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The fact that you regularly refer to a person who is disagreeing with you in the plural indicates a persecution complex. This is basic psychology; you really should have paid more attention to those early sixties science teachers.


Don't forget we have posted on the same thread previously and I am aware of your little gang of definition experts. Another poster has also referred to this earlier on this thread. Also you appear to have forgotten your little slip up earlier when you mentioned a PM to one of your mates and discussing the way it was going.



Again, some interesting psychology being demonstrated here. You have been, repeatedly, provided with evidence to show that a set of random conditions can lead to an outcome which, when looked back upon, can appear to have been contrived but which, upon logical examination does not need to have been yet still you rail against it.


My diagnosis is that you are struggling with some cognitive dissonance. You are unable to accept the total randomness of the universe and your own place in it and so tend toward an acceptance of the indoctrination you experienced as a child and yet the rational side of you refuses to accept it and strives for a more logical position. The trouble is, the aforementioned indoctrination has instilled within you the inescapable belief that "atheist" is a bit of a dirty word so you are completely unable to accept that that is what you are, in spite of the fact that the source (OED) you quoted earlier says it is.


Pretty crap but, hey, we all have our cross to bear.


And now you have qualifications in psychology and mind reading. Your delusions grow daily. :).


Accepting the randomness of the universe isn't a problem it's accepting the sadness which is obviously part of some poor persons life when they simply cannot accept not being able to categorize everything into neat little box's that is difficult. Believe me I feel your pain :D.


As to indoctrination well that's a bit strange ,having a religious upbringing and then rejecting it after much thought would rather suggest the opposite wouldn't it?


As for me being an atheist you and your sad band really are hard of understanding.


One more time for the slow learners at the back. :rolleyes:


I am fully prepared to accept that there may be a creative force commonly referred to as God.


I am also fully prepared to believe that there may not be.


Additionally I do not believe that we will ever know either way for certain and therefore it is a waste of time worrying about it.


In my opinion that puts me in the agnostic category.


Agnostic is the third option to atheist or believer. It is neither one nor the other, it is as I say the third option.


If this were not so, then there would be no requirement for the term agnostic would there?


One of the other two options would suffice would it not?


As we're into psycho analysis, may I say that in my opinion you and your pals obviously suffer from a lack of love and affection in your lives.


Desperate for attention and to feel some form of common bond with someone else, no matter how tenuous you bond over your sad obsession with definitions, pedantry and the need to feel superior even in the most pathetic manner. :(

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And now you have qualifications in psychology and mind reading. Your delusions grow daily. :).


Accepting the randomness of the universe isn't a problem it's accepting the sadness which is obviously part of some poor persons life when they simply cannot accept not being able to categorize everything into neat little box's that is difficult. Believe me I feel your pain :D.


As to indoctrination well that's a bit strange ,having a religious upbringing and then rejecting it after much thought would rather suggest the opposite wouldn't it?


As for me being an atheist you and your sad band really are hard of understanding.


One more time for the slow learners at the back. :rolleyes:


I am fully prepared to accept that there may be a creative force commonly referred to as God.


I am also fully prepared to believe that there may not be.


Additionally I do not believe that we will ever know either way for certain and therefore it is a waste of time worrying about it.


In my opinion that puts me in the agnostic category.


Agnostic is the third option to atheist or believer. It is neither one nor the other, it is as I say the third option.


If this were not so, then there would be no requirement for the term agnostic would there?


One of the other two options would suffice would it not?


As we're into psycho analysis, may I say that in my opinion you and your pals obviously suffer from a lack of love and affection in your lives.


Desperate for attention and to feel some form of common bond with someone else, no matter how tenuous you bond over your sad obsession with definitions, pedantry and the need to feel superior even in the most pathetic manner. :(


Yup, now you're projecting.


Don't worry; it's pretty typical behaviour for those unable to accept the possibility they may be wrong. Nothing you can do to change it, unfortunately.


Some interesting self-contradiction by the end of the post, too. Also normal when under stress.


Keep it up.

Edited by Lockjaw
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I'll just chuck in my two'penneth to what I believe, my opinion, my choice...etc, etc

Brought up in a non-practicing 'Church of England' (whatever that is) family, went to Weddings, Funerals, Christenings, Life Celebrations of many different beliefs and religions, and do you know what...I enjoyed every single one.

I am quite happy to say that I love Solstices and the idea of seasonal and natural Gods, and feel akin to a Pagan style philosophy, my theory being is you find your happiness and comfort in what fits your beliefs, if it makes you feel comfortable in your life, then carry on, bugger it, too much hand-wringing-head-banging-ridiculousness going on in the World.

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