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Fed up of non believers

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As for me being an atheist you and your sad band really are hard of understanding.


One more time for the slow learners at the back. :rolleyes:


I am fully prepared to accept that there may be a creative force commonly referred to as God.


I am also fully prepared to believe that there may not be.


Additionally I do not believe that we will ever know either way for certain and therefore it is a waste of time worrying about it.


In my opinion that puts me in the agnostic category.


Agnostic is the third option to atheist or believer. It is neither one nor the other, it is as I say the third option.

Your all-bold ranting makes it obvious you wish it were that way


If this were not so, then there would be no requirement for the term agnostic would there?

Of course there would and there is. Agnostic (as the name suggests) is a position of knowledge

One of the other two options would suffice would it not?
of course not, the other two options are positions of belief (or absence of).


As we're into psycho analysis, may I say that in my opinion you and your pals obviously suffer from a lack of love and affection in your lives.


Desperate for attention and to feel some form of common bond with someone else, no matter how tenuous you bond over your sad obsession with definitions, pedantry and the need to feel superior even in the most pathetic manner. :(

You're the one who's been supplying the definitions.


Once again, after you've given the definition of atheism and also stated that you meet the requirements of it (therefore you are an atheist, an agnostic one), you are still stubbornly clinging to your denial, left adrift with no reasoning or argument at your disposal, armed only with poor insults.

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Yup, now you're projecting.


Don't worry; it's pretty typical behaviour for those unable to accept the possibility they may be wrong. Nothing you can do to change it, unfortunately.


Some interesting self-contradiction by the end of the post, too. Also normal when under stress.


Keep it up.


Who's clutching at straws now. :)


That nail on the head comment as to your lack of love and affection really hit home didn't it?


So, no come back with a definition of agnostic? Showing how it differs from my explanation of having an open mind either way but not believing we can ever know?


Have to say disappointed, when I first used the word on this thread I was certain what the response would be and who the usual suspects were, but poor show all round. :)

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There is NO big white beardy guy sitting on a cloud...end of!!

It's just a story.

Lots of beliefs come from stories.

If you want to believe..you can..

If you don't want to believe that's your right/perogative...if you DO want to believe...then that's your right too...either way....enjoy what you believe, take from it what you need, but don't dump on other people's ideals...you don't live their life...let people take what they need for comfort from wherever they feel comfortable!

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Who's clutching at straws now. :)


That nail on the head comment as to your lack of love and affection really hit home didn't it?


So, no come back with a definition of agnostic? Showing how it differs from my explanation of having an open mind either way but not believing we can ever know?


Have to say disappointed, when I first used the word on this thread I was certain what the response would be and who the usual suspects were, but poor show all round. :)



See post 487.

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I'll just chuck in my two'penneth to what I believe, my opinion, my choice...etc, etc

Brought up in a non-practicing 'Church of England' (whatever that is) family, went to Weddings, Funerals, Christenings, Life Celebrations of many different beliefs and religions, and do you know what...I enjoyed every single one.

I am quite happy to say that I love Solstices and the idea of seasonal and natural Gods, and feel akin to a Pagan style philosophy, my theory being is you find your happiness and comfort in what fits your beliefs, if it makes you feel comfortable in your life, then carry on, bugger it, too much hand-wringing-head-banging-ridiculousness going on in the World.







No idea why SF has posted this twice...hey...might be an intervention!!! Who knows?!?

Edited by lilypiglet
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Your all-bold ranting makes it obvious you wish it were that way



Of course there would and there is. Agnostic (as the name suggests) is a position of knowledge


Didn't realise the bold was interpreted as ranting, other posters have responded to my posts in the past in that manner and I never interpreted it that way.

Simply thought it was the easy way to answer posts that contained several quotes and make the reply easy to distinguish.


I shall cease and desist with immediate effect, thanks for the info.


The reference to knowledge in agnostic is in regard to the fact that agnostics believe that the knowledge as to whether there is, or is not, a God is unknowable.


Professor William L Rowe philosopher has described agnosticism as 'Someone who holds neither the belief that God exists nor the belief that God does not exist.'


That is my view exactly described, however some of the 'experts' on here obviously know more about it and refuse to accept my explanation.


They are that omniscient that they know my feelings and beliefs better than I do. :)


At least in their own deluded misinformed minds they do. :)

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The reference to knowledge in agnostic is in regard to the fact that agnostics believe that the knowledge as to whether there is, or is not, a God is unknowable.

Yeah, I know. I haven't said anything contrary to this.

Professor William L Rowe philosopher has described agnosticism as 'Someone who holds neither the belief that God exists nor the belief that God does not exist.'
Not quite the same as the dictionary definition you gave but not believing either way still doesn't conflict with simply being without belief. If you don't believe either way, you are automatically without belief in any gods. An atheist by the definition you cited (Oxford Dictionary), as you have admitted that you don't believe in any gods


That is my view exactly described, however some of the 'experts' on here obviously know more about it and refuse to accept my explanation.
Nobody has disagreed with the definition of agnostic. Nobody has an issue with your agnosticism.


They are that omniscient that they know my feelings and beliefs better than I do. :)


At least in their own deluded misinformed minds they do. :)

Misinformed by who? You? You've told us that you have no belief in any gods, that's all the information anyone needs to know that you're an atheist (an agnostic atheist).
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Of course there would and there is. Agnostic (as the name suggests) is a position of knowledge


No its still a position of belief, you believe that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God, but you don't actually know that that is the case.


Belief that God exists. Theist

Belief that nothing can be known of the existence or nature of God. Agnostic

Lack of belief in God. Atheist.

The atheists position doesn't require belief, the agnostic position does.

Edited by ivanava
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