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Fed up of non believers

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...atheism plays no part in my beliefs.

Therefore you are a theist. I wish you'd make your mind up.


A belief on the other hand is a view which you are convinced is correct, you have given it thought and arrived at a conclusion.

Wrong. Anyone can believe anything they want to. Being convinced that something is correct doesn't make it so. Otherwise, pay me back that £100.00 that I believe you borrowed from me.

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Atheism doesn't play a part in my beliefs either. I'm just an atheist. Simples.


So you 'believe' there is no God(s)? You cannot prove that contention, you simply believe it.


Like the Monkees you are a believer. :)


---------- Post added 02-03-2014 at 16:43 ----------


Therefore you are a theist. I wish you'd make your mind up.



Wrong. Anyone can believe anything they want to. Being convinced that something is correct doesn't make it so. Otherwise, pay me back that £100.00 that I believe you borrowed from me.


You really do have problems understanding things don't you? I'm sorry if that appears rude but you would try the patience of a Saint as my old mum used to say.


We've already been through this nonsense, you are unable to grasp simple ideas. Your confusion as to whether I'm an agnostic atheist or an agnostic theist is caused by your desperate unfathomable desire to label me one or the other.


I am neither, and it appears to be confusing you.


Try to answer the three questions which I asked in post 509 ,it may clarify things, or not as the case may be.


You could not possibly be more wrong, 'Anyone can believe anything they want to.'


No they cannot. They can say anything they want to, and claim anything they want to, but they can't Believe anything they want to.


Unless of course they are delusional in which case they can, but are suffering from a mental illness.

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Your confusion as to whether I'm an agnostic atheist or an agnostic theist is caused by your desperate unfathomable desire to label me one or the other.

You either believe in god or you lack belief in god. So you are a theist or an atheist. Everybody is. Only you know which one.


No they cannot. They can say anything they want to, and claim anything they want to, but they can't Believe anything they want to.

Oh yes they can. (Your turn. :hihi:)

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So you 'believe' there is no God(s)? You cannot prove that contention, you simply believe it.



I know that God does not exist, and have all the proof I need, therefor I am atheist.

When my children were born they had no knowledge of God or belief in God they were also atheists.

My parents know that God exists and have all the proof they need, so they are theists, if you are not a theist then you must be an atheist, even though you are unaware of this fact.

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You either believe in god or you lack belief in god. So you are a theist or an atheist. Everybody is. Only you know which one.



Oh yes they can. (Your turn. :hihi:)


Did you read Professors Rowe's definition of agnostic and the differences regarding it's position and that of atheists and theists on post number 509 above?


If you did, did you understand it?


If so please explain why you disagree with the Professors statement.


Oh no you can't ( this is getting more and more of a pantomime )


The example that you gave in post 511 was in fact a perfect way of proving your contention incorrect.


I do not owe you £100.00, and you know that I don't. Therefore you cannot 'believe' that I owe it to you. You are lying, and 'trying it on.'

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Personally, I truly believe In something that's far greater than any of us are capable of imagining, something that is continually redesigning itself and modifying and improving it's creation, something that works to a plan that has meaning and purpose for reasons that are way beyond our comprehension. I call this plan -the evolutionary process and see nature as the designer, while others believe the designer to be their God, but whatever IT might be, whatever your stance on religion may be, there can be no questioning the fact that "something" does exists and is working with a purpose.

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I know that God does not exist, and have all the proof I need, therefor I am atheist.

When my children were born they had no knowledge of God or belief in God they were also atheists.

My parents know that God exists and have all the proof they need, so they are theists, if you are not a theist then you must be an atheist, even though you are unaware of this fact.


Sorry ivanava but in fact you 'know', no such thing. You may well believe after thinking it over that God does not exist and you are perfectly entitled to hold that view, but you have no positive proof ,only a belief.


As to your children when they were born they had no knowledge of lots of things.


They didn't know your name or how much you loved them for instance. They will grow to find out both, and also to make up their own mind as to Gods or lack thereof.


Your parents also do not 'know' and only believe they know.


Once again, for the love of God ( or not as the case maybe ) will you please read the definition that I have now referred to on various occasions and either explain where the Professor got it wrong or accept that I am an agnostic. OK?

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Did you read Professors Rowe's definition of agnostic and the differences regarding it's position and that of atheists and theists on post number 509 above?



I read it and understood it and I can definitely say he is wrong.


If you are unable to believe then by definition you disbelieve.






A feeling that you do not or cannot believe or accept that something is true or real.



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