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Fed up of non believers

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Correct, you do not know what is behind the wall, and you have taken a guess that there is nothing, even though you have no positive proof that there is nothing.


That makes you an atheist because you hold a view.


Had you left it at ' I don't know, and can't possibly know what is behind the wall so I shall withhold any guesses until I find out, or not, as the case may be.'

That would make you an agnostic.


And because you have no belief that there is something behind the wall it would also make you an atheist.

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Do you think they will say the same if I claimed to know for definite that an herd of elephants isn't going to stampede out of my asss, what proof would they need other than the fact that is simply not possible, I know lots of things don't exist just based on the fact they are not possible.


Obviously for someone who is prepared to believe in that which is impossible. no amount of evidence that it is impossible will change their mind.


---------- Post added 04-03-2014 at 06:58 ----------




---------- Post added 04-03-2014 at 07:13 ----------





Gnostic means relating to knowledge, especially esoteric mystical knowledge.

Esoteric means intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest: esoteric philosophical debates



Well, it would obviously entirely depend upon the size of your ass.


As I was hoping to be your agent and arrange a world tour with you providing proof of the non existence of God, I had rather hoped it was petite.


People are so shallow, and a neat bum goes a long way. Ask Pippa Middleton.



Gnostic from the Greek gnosis is one single word meaning knowledge and only that. You have chosen to add in a connation that does not apply to the word itself. Various religious groups have used the word Gnostic in particular the Syrian-Egyptian theists.


The word does not however belong to them, and should not be used only when referencing them.


The IRA do not own the word Provisional, you cannot own a word in common usage and contained in a dictionary.


And I think we are all aware of the meaning of esoteric, it doesn't apply here.


From the Greek, 'a' = without + gnostic = knowledge.


Very simple and straightforward really.


---------- Post added 04-03-2014 at 10:11 ----------


And because you have no belief that there is something behind the wall it would also make you an atheist.


You really have not been paying any attention at all have you?


I do not know what is behind the wall, but I am willing to concede that there may be something behind the wall. And also willing to concede that there may be nothing behind the wall, understand?


Atheists believe, without any proof, that there is nothing behind the wall.


Theists believe, without any proof, that there is something behind the wall.


Agnostics concede that they do not know what is behind the wall, and require proof before accepting that they know.


'a' = without + gnostic = knowledge.

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Until some evidence is presented, we should act as if no god exists.


That's the same with all of our understandings of the universe. The current theory is good until more evidence is discovered and we need a new theory. At the moment there is simply no evidence for anything like a god as described in any of the myriad religions we've made up.

So assume that they're all rubbish and get on with your life. Anything else is just wish fulfilment.




The following though is a pretty good euphemism of what is stampeding from certain asses..:hihi:


if I claimed to know for definite that an herd of elephants isn't going to stampede out of my asss,
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A few members of my family are old, and not so old Jamaicans. I keep in contact with them via Facebook and one recently posted a youtube clip of near disasters where people had walked away from car crashes, avalanches and similar.


All the comments reflected on God's grace and the good fortune of those who'd escaped certain death, but the one which really drew my attention was a comment from a woman who was praising God for saving her life in a car crash which left her disabled and took the life of her unborn child..the Bible Bashers wouldn't entertain the argument that she was actually deeply unfortunate or consider the possibility that God had badly let her down.


If you want to see blind faith, sit in a room with a bunch of black folks :hihi:

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This is absolutely fantastic news. May I be your agent? I guarantee that I will make us both richer than Beckham.


You will have your photo on every magazine in the world. You will be interviewed on every talk program,attend movie premiers, and the world will be your oyster.


Obviously, you will need to provide irrefutable prove of your claim that there is no such thing as God. But I have every faith that you can, may I still use the word faith?


It's a sad fact of life, but there are cynical and sceptical people out there who demand proof before believing anything. I confess, before I saw the light, I was one.


They will say that in fact you only think there is no God, that you only believe there is no God. they will say that despite your claims you cannot prove in any way shape or form, that there is no God.


They will point to the fact that you couldn't even persuade your own parents that there is no God. they are like that, begrudgers.


Ignore them, PM me with the proof and we'll take it from there, we're going to be richer than Croesus I tell you.


That which can be asserted without proof can be rejected without proof.


---------- Post added 04-03-2014 at 10:41 ----------


A few members of my family are old, and not so old Jamaicans. I keep in contact with them via Facebook and one recently posted a youtube clip of near disasters where people had walked away from car crashes, avalanches and similar.


All the comments reflected on God's grace and the good fortune of those who'd escaped certain death, but the one which really drew my attention was a comment from a woman who was praising God for saving her life in a car crash which left her disabled and took the life of her unborn child..the Bible Bashers wouldn't entertain the argument that she was actually deeply unfortunate or consider the possibility that God had badly let her down.


If you want to see blind faith, sit in a room with a bunch of black folks :hihi:


Surely there are cultural reasons for such faith, Jamaicans have inherited a culture that is based on slavery, surely when people are treated as appallingly as the Jamaicans forebears were we should not be surprised that, through religion, they sought and still seek explanation and comfort.

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That which can be asserted without proof can be rejected without proof.


---------- Post added 04-03-2014 at 10:41 ----------





Yes, but ivanana said that she/he 'knows' that claims knowledge, and to assert that you have knowledge of a subject can and does demand proof.


Had the claim been 'believe' then that would have been fine.


But they said they knew.


I hope they do otherwise my dreams of amassing a fortune are looking bleak. :(

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Correct, you do not know what is behind the wall, and you have taken a guess that there is nothing, even though you have no positive proof that there is nothing.


No mate. Theists speculate there is a god - and BELIEVE it to be true. I find no good reason to believe their guesswork(god existing); so I have an absence or lack of belief in god: making me atheist. I could speculate, but because I don't know, I don't assert or believe my guesswork to be true.

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Surely there are cultural reasons for such faith, Jamaicans have inherited a culture that is based on slavery, surely when people are treated as appallingly as the Jamaicans forebears were we should not be surprised that, through religion, they sought and still seek explanation and comfort.


Never actually thought about it Bob England, but you raise a good point-are people in sufferance hardwired to seek comfort through the supernatural, or are they brainwashed by those they serve to be believers in order to secure their compliance under fear of burning in hell?


Mind you none of that really explains why they continue to be hard core religious.

Edited by boyfriday
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A few members of my family are old, and not so old Jamaicans. I keep in contact with them via Facebook and one recently posted a youtube clip of near disasters where people had walked away from car crashes, avalanches and similar.


All the comments reflected on God's grace and the good fortune of those who'd escaped certain death, but the one which really drew my attention was a comment from a woman who was praising God for saving her life in a car crash which left her disabled and took the life of her unborn child..the Bible Bashers wouldn't entertain the argument that she was actually deeply unfortunate or consider the possibility that God had badly let her down.


If you want to see blind faith, sit in a room with a bunch of black folks :hihi:

Well at least those black folks you ridicule, are providing some amusement for you.
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Those who says they merely believe what they see must find the operation of their TV, radio and microwave, to give just a few examples, a mystery as they do not accept the existence of the invisible waves received or generated by these devices that full the rooms where they are sitting. In truth, what appears as space is full of elecromagnetic waves and who knows what else that is outside our limited range of perception. Consider how easily we accept invisible forces like gravity and magnetism - early physicists who rejected Newton's idea of an invisible force of gravity considered it to be too occult-like. We have seen a similar reaction to the forces encountered in Spiritualism.


Interesting paragraph, why do we only believe what we can see ...I am open minded

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