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Fed up of non believers

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Those who says they merely believe what they see must find the operation of their TV, radio and microwave, to give just a few examples, a mystery as they do not accept the existence of the invisible waves received or generated by these devices that full the rooms where they are sitting. In truth, what appears as space is full of elecromagnetic waves and who knows what else that is outside our limited range of perception. Consider how easily we accept invisible forces like gravity and magnetism - early physicists who rejected Newton's idea of an invisible force of gravity considered it to be too occult-like. We have seen a similar reaction to the forces encountered in Spiritualism.


Interesting paragraph, why do we only believe what we can see ...I am open minded


Not a mystery at all. They exist, they are proven to exist...like Australia, never been but I know it's there.

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Those who says they merely believe what they see must find the operation of their TV, radio and microwave, to give just a few examples, a mystery as they do not accept the existence of the invisible waves received or generated by these devices that full the rooms where they are sitting. In truth, what appears as space is full of elecromagnetic waves and who knows what else that is outside our limited range of perception. Consider how easily we accept invisible forces like gravity and magnetism - early physicists who rejected Newton's idea of an invisible force of gravity considered it to be too occult-like. We have seen a similar reaction to the forces encountered in Spiritualism.


Interesting paragraph, why do we only believe what we can see ...I am open minded


Gravity and magnetism can both be measured (and directly observed). How is the force of spirituality measured and what are its units?



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Those who says they merely believe what they see must find the operation of their TV, radio and microwave, to give just a few examples, a mystery as they do not accept the existence of the invisible waves received or generated by these devices that full the rooms where they are sitting.


The invisible may look very similar to the non-existent, but invisible things are detectable - they are evident and they leave evidence. It's through science that those things are discovered, not spiritualism.


In truth, what appears as space is full of elecromagnetic waves and who knows what else that is outside our limited range of perception.


Yes, who knows. But if it's beyond our perception, or simply not evident to us, there's no point in dancing around a fire while singing to crystals(unless you want to make a quick buck from the gullible.)

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If you want to see blind faith, sit in a room with a bunch of black folks :hihi:


There was a television report about survivors of the Haiti earthquake a couple of years back. When asked whether it made them question their faith they replied that it had in fact confirmed their belief in god because they themselves had survived because god had wanted them to. The fact that however many others had died according to god's wishes wasn't expanded upon.

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I think the main point is they cannot be seen but they are there


what other things are out there that cannot be seen

but are there

think I will get a copy of this



Edited by shaznay
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what other things are out there that cannot be seen

but are there


The following pretty much sums it up.


there's no point in dancing around a fire while singing to crystals(unless you want to make a quick buck from the gullible.)

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Well at least those black folks you ridicule, are providing some amusement for you.


It's called a joke janie48, at the expense of a community I'm part of-don't think any of them would take it too grievously :)

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Didn't you know...Religion and hoomer dunt mix. :hihi:


Innit so brudda :P


---------- Post added 04-03-2014 at 12:28 ----------


There was a television report about survivors of the Haiti earthquake a couple of years back. When asked whether it made them question their faith they replied that it had in fact confirmed their belief in god because they themselves had survived because god had wanted them to. The fact that however many others had died according to god's wishes wasn't expanded upon.


It's very odd, and even odder that their ultimate objective is to reside in heaven on some celestial cloud, you'd think they'd regard themselves as unfortunate not having hastened that outcome.

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