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Fed up of non believers

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It might be, or it might be that far out side the realms of possibility that it is just impossible to imagine, I can imagine an infinite universe, I can even imagine it being devoid of all matter, but I can't imagine it not existing.
An infinite universe devoid of all matter? That implies that all matter is contained within something, presumably, " the universe!!" But how could that be possible if all matter is gone? Unless, 'nothing', actually does exist!
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Why impossible, the human body naturally generates electricity, he appears to generate more than the average human, I have no idea why but I'm sure there will be a good explanation.


I know that the body has energy, but how did that translated and transferred into the other type of energy, as demonstrated by "fire" ? It was electric energy to begin with. That is why he can give people the electric shock. But he seems to be able to make his whole body really efficient, and channel the exact energy into an isolated area and transmit this. This is what I find amazing.


I do feel a bit upset when at the end of the video, it showed that the man himself changed his mood, and affected his own confidence, and therefore his skill which he learnt over the years.


Well, I was just surprised that it IS possible. :) I can see why some religion is behind gated communities. The idea of disbelief in something allows you to then change your own psychology, and therefore biology too.

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I don't know how many times I have had to make this point now.

I do. NONE! However, you have voluntarily chosen to display your ignorance ad nauseum for some unknown reason, or, perhaps, known only to yourself.


There is no such thing as an agnostic atheist,

Oh yes there is.


, it is an impossible combination,

Oh no it isn't.


, it is in fact an oxymoron.

Oh no it isn't.


Theists, atheists and agnostics are three different beliefs.

None of them are beliefs at all. They are all people. Theists are people who believe in god. Atheists are people who lack belief in god. Agnostics are people who do not think that knowledge of god's existence is possible.


If you meant to say theism, atheism and agnosticism, then only one is a belief. Atheism is a lack of belief and agnosticism is concerned with knowledge and not belief.


An agnostic accepts that there may be God(s) but impossible to know.

See! No belief involved!


A theist does not accept the possibility that there is no God(s).

Wrong. A theist believes in the existence of god/God/gods. Nothing more can be inferred from that word. Anthing else is extra to that belief.


If there were only Theists and atheists, then the word agnostic would not exist would it?

Of course it does. Otherwise, how could you be so wrong about it's meaning?


It does exist though and has a different meaning to the other two beliefs.

:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: You should do stand up!



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An infinite universe devoid of all matter? That implies that all matter is contained within something, presumably, " the universe!!" But how could that be possible if all matter is gone? Unless, 'nothing', actually does exist!


The vacuum of space isn't nothing, it is something.

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