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Fed up of non believers

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I do. NONE! However, you have voluntarily chosen to display your ignorance ad nauseum for some unknown reason, or, perhaps, known only to yourself.



Oh yes there is.



Oh no it isn't.



Oh no it isn't.



None of them are beliefs at all. They are all people. Theists are people who believe in god. Atheists are people who lack belief in god. Agnostics are people who do not think that knowledge of god's existence is possible.


If you meant to say theism, atheism and agnosticism, then only one is a belief. Atheism is a lack of belief and agnosticism is concerned with knowledge and not belief.



See! No belief involved!



Wrong. A theist believes in the existence of god/God/gods. Nothing more can be inferred from that word. Anthing else is extra to that belief.



Of course it does. Otherwise, how could you be so wrong about it's meaning?



:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: You should do stand up!




You really are obtuse, you accuse me of being ignorant and yet you fail to understand simple logic.


Agnosticism and atheism are differing beliefs. You cannot be both at the same time, no more than you can be a atheist theist.


What is so difficult to understand about that?


Atheism is a belief ,and only a particularly uninformed person would state anything different.


Any opinion which cannot be proven is a belief.


Oxford English Dictionary definition of Belief : A feeling that something exists or is true, especially one without proof : A firmly held opinion .: ( belief in ) trust or confidence in. : Religious faith.


Atheists believe without actual proof that there is no God(s) They therefore hold a belief, and are believers.


A statement which could only be challenged by someone who lacks comprehension.


Yes a theist does believe in the existence of God ,and that belief prevents them from believing the opposite (anyone holding two conflicting beliefs simultaneously needs to seek help ) that isn't an inference, it's a fact. Were it otherwise they would not be true believers would they?


Agnosticism is also a belief, in that we believe that as there is no way of knowing either way, we do not believe or disbelieve in the existence, or none existence, of God(s)


That puts agnosticism in opposition to both of the other beliefs, and makes it impossible for anyone to be an 'agnostic atheist' ( I don't necessarily accept the belief that no God(s) exist.)


Neither can anyone be an 'agnostic theist' ( I don't necessarily accept the belief that God(S)do exist. )


Where 'belief' comes in to agnosticism is that we believe that humans will never actually get to know the truth. That view cannot be proven, and so therefore it is only a belief.


As we are picking each other up on meaningless incorrect terminology what you meant to say there was ' It would' rather than 'it does'. :)


And no, I don't believe a word does exist anywhere in the English language with the sole purpose of proving me wrong.


There do however, appear to be a few which exist to prove that you're not the sharpest tool in the box. :D


Though I say it myself I am pretty funny aren't I? :hihi:

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I feel this video is a more appropriate demonstration of the power of chi.



After the first minute or so skip to 3.22.



:hihi: What ?


But I thought that Wu Xi is an old fighting method, (presumably used in historical times), and it is not a brute forceful fighting sport as the aggressive MMA style in modern times ?

Also, Qi-Qong is a knowledge of the energy within you, and it is a healing system. It really is a study of energy, and knowing your strong and weak points within your body.




The thing is when people do not even appreciate, understand why something is being used, and they try and bastardise something that they learn, you get things like this wishy washy like this. People regurgitate what they think it is about and how, than they learn to come to deeply understand, and appreciate how something works.



This guy says it best. :)

Edited by salsafan
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You really are obtuse, you accuse me of being ignorant and yet you fail to understand simple logic.


Agnosticism and atheism are differing beliefs. You cannot be both at the same time, no more than you can be a atheist theist.


What is so difficult to understand about that?


Atheism is a belief ,and only a particularly uninformed person would state anything different.


Any opinion which cannot be proven is a belief.


Oxford English Dictionary definition of Belief : A feeling that something exists or is true, especially one without proof : A firmly held opinion .: ( belief in ) trust or confidence in. : Religious faith.


Atheists believe without actual proof that there is no God(s) They therefore hold a belief, and are believers.


A statement which could only be challenged by someone who lacks comprehension.


Yes a theist does believe in the existence of God ,and that belief prevents them from believing the opposite (anyone holding two conflicting beliefs simultaneously needs to seek help ) that isn't an inference, it's a fact. Were it otherwise they would not be true believers would they?


Agnosticism is also a belief, in that we believe that as there is no way of knowing either way, we do not believe or disbelieve in the existence, or none existence, of God(s)


That puts agnosticism in opposition to both of the other beliefs, and makes it impossible for anyone to be an 'agnostic atheist' ( I don't necessarily accept the belief that no God(s) exist.)


Neither can anyone be an 'agnostic theist' ( I don't necessarily accept the belief that God(S)do exist. )


Where 'belief' comes in to agnosticism is that we believe that humans will never actually get to know the truth. That view cannot be proven, and so therefore it is only a belief.


As we are picking each other up on meaningless incorrect terminology what you meant to say there was ' It would' rather than 'it does'. :)


And no, I don't believe a word does exist anywhere in the English language with the sole purpose of proving me wrong.


There do however, appear to be a few which exist to prove that you're not the sharpest tool in the box. :D


Though I say it myself I am pretty funny aren't I? :hihi:



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Reduced to insults, run out of answers, your embarrassing yourself. pathetic aren't you Lockjaw?




You may choose to take it as an insult. I was merely illustrating the image you are creating in my mind, at least.



As for answers: you have had the answer, repeatedly. You seem unable to process it.




ETA, I notice you're contradicting yourself with increasing frequency, now:



Reduced to insults, run out of answers, your embarrassing yourself. pathetic aren't you Lockjaw?





Although looking at your comments above you're the one that should be on the stage, in pantomime.
Edited by Lockjaw
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The thing is when people do not even appreciate, understand why something is being used, and they try and bastardise something that they learn, you get things like this wishy washy like this. People regurgitate what they think it is about and how, than they learn to come to deeply understand, and appreciate how something works.



That could be the case but are you advocating something you equally don't understand or are you deeply knowledgeable on the subject?


Humans produce electricity, humans produce machines that produce electricity. Both are used in medicine. Why is it that when a human produces what is known as fact it's somehow seen as "spiritual" and "miracle like"?


The religious world tends to clutch at the "you can't see it therefore it's unexplainable". It's almost as if their running out of ideas in the face of science.

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You may choose to take it as an insult. I was merely illustrating the image you are creating in my mind, at least.



As for answers: you have had the answer, repeatedly. You seem unable to process it.


No you appear unable to accept that you are a know it all that in fact knows little.


You possess a very teacher like condescending attitude, which comes down to mixing with kids all day and being unable to handle an adult discussion without throwing the dummy out when contradicted.


Now instead of acting like a mardy kid, point out the inaccuracies in post 751. :)


---------- Post added 05-03-2014 at 15:29 ----------


You may choose to take it as an insult. I was merely illustrating the image you are creating in my mind, at least.



As for answers: you have had the answer, repeatedly. You seem unable to process it.




ETA, I notice you're contradicting yourself with increasing frequency, now:








When someone insults me I insult them back. That is how I act in real life and that is how it's going to happen here also.


Redwhine was acting the smartarse and was responded to in kind.

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Any opinion which cannot be proven is a belief.

You're wrong. All opinions are beliefs and there is no such thing as proof. There are merely different levels of evidence supporting the opinions.


Oxford English Dictionary definition of Belief : A feeling that something exists or is true, especially one without proof : A firmly held opinion .: ( belief in ) trust or confidence in. : Religious faith.

Especially, but not exclusively. Do you believe in gravity?


Atheists believe without actual proof that there is no God(s) They therefore hold a belief, and are believers.

Are you actually suggesting a negative can be proven?


This is why you continue to ignore questions about things you don't believe in, like Santa. Because it will highlight why negatives cannot be proven and make your agnosticism seem a bit silly.


Agnosticism is also a belief, in that we believe that as there is no way of knowing either way, we do not believe or disbelieve in the existence, or none existence, of God(s)


That puts agnosticism in opposition to both of the other beliefs, and makes it impossible for anyone to be an 'agnostic atheist' ( I don't necessarily accept the belief that no God(s) exist.)

I agree that you cannot be both.


Where 'belief' comes in to agnosticism is that we believe that humans will never actually get to know the truth. That view cannot be proven, and so therefore it is only a belief.

Are you agnostic about Santa???

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No you appear unable to accept that you are a know it all that in fact knows little.


You possess a very teacher like condescending attitude, which comes down to mixing with kids all day and being unable to handle an adult discussion without throwing the dummy out when contradicted.


Now instead of acting like a mardy kid, point out the inaccuracies in post 751. :)


---------- Post added 05-03-2014 at 15:29 ----------





When someone insults me I insult them back. That is how I act in real life and that is how it's going to happen here also.


Redwhine was acting the smartarse and was responded to in kind.


It has been explained to you many many times. You don't get it.


The fact that you don't get it has made people attempt further explanation.


You still don't get it.


You hurl insults such as pedantic, nit-picking, posse, etc.


Some insults come back at you.


Repeat ad infinatum.


You've become boring now, which is why I stopped engaging with you on the agnosticism point, though I am still mildly interested to see how your opinion regarding the whole chance-of-life-evolving thing develops.


I am, however, still following the thread with interest and, when I read your tirade at Redwhine, an image appeared in my head which I chose to share.

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