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Fed up of non believers

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yes you are right I have no more of an argument than you or bonzo77 , just a different view.


---------- Post added 14-02-2014 at 11:53 ----------



were you a politician in a previous life. :hihi::hihi: your insurance will tell you because they use it not to payout!!! so the onus is on you im afraid!!!


oh and before you say they have to prove it, no they don't you accepted it when you took the insurance!!! too late


The term "Act of God" is a turn of phrase, it doesn't mean god exists :roll: just that the events were out of human control. In the same way the phrase "Elephant in the room" doesn't literally mean there is an elephant in the room with you :roll:

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People believing in all sorts of of things make all sorts of claims.


It is for them to provide the evidence. They're making the claims. It's not for me to disprove something. Same goes for Gods.


There's a very tiny man who lives at the bottom of my garden. He's only 2 inches tall. Only I can see him, but you can't prove he's not there.


I'm open minded, but not gullible.


you said "no such thing as ghosts" - sounds like you're the one making the claim


just because there is no evidence to "prove" something exists, does not mean it doesn't exist - absence of proof does not mean absence of existence


it isn't for you to disprove something and if you only believe in what you know to be true that is your choice


but it is not gullible to accept the possibility that there may be more things in this world than you know

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im afraid it does when it comes to insurance. why don't they write act of ? . exactly. they don't write because of acts of "elephant in the room". lol


No it doesn't, read the small print before you make stupid comments. an act of god is a term used by insurance companies to identify insurance losses that are out of human control with no liability or blame.


Your comment about act of elephant is just plain stupid. A elephant is real so you cant use that as there is no elephant.


Act of God means there is no one to blame, not that God personally came down from the heavens and flooded your house.

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just because there is no evidence to "prove" something exists, does not mean it doesn't exist - absence of proof does not mean absence of existence


Like I said before, people believed the earth was flat due to a lack of evidence to the contrary. That doesn't mean they were correct. Once more and more evidence was accrued, people changed their opinions, until it is now the accepted understanding that the earth is round.


Another example is the assertion by the Christian faith that the earth was at the centre of the universe (the geocentric universe theory). This was disproved by and now people believe the science. Religion has had to adapt/refute their early claims.


I put it to you that God (in the form that is given to us by the Abrahamic faiths amongst others) does not exist and my reasoning is there is not one piece of evidence to prove the mere possibility of a deity overlooking us all.


---------- Post added 14-02-2014 at 12:25 ----------


lambasting will always get you noticed wex.

RELIGION - NO doubt, NO question, when challenged becomes hostile.


I'm not lambasting you, you're making silly, misguided comments based on complete misunderstandings of the contents of the conversation.


I'm open to proof, but you are unable to provide any.


The fact is you seem unaware that the base of all religions is faith, which is the complete trust or confidence in something without the need for proof. This and only this should be your argument.

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The earth being round has also been in dispute , its considered spherical by many.


---------- Post added 14-02-2014 at 12:29 ----------


Like I said before, people believed the earth was flat due to a lack of evidence to the contrary. That doesn't mean they were correct. Once more and more evidence was accrued, people changed their opinions, until it is now the accepted understanding that the earth is round.


Another example is the assertion by the Christian faith that the earth was at the centre of the universe (the geocentric universe theory). This was disproved by and now people believe the science. Religion has had to adapt/refute their early claims.


I put it to you that God (in the form that is given to us by the Abrahamic faiths amongst others) does not exist and my reasoning is there is not one piece of evidence to prove the mere possibility of a deity overlooking us all.


---------- Post added 14-02-2014 at 12:25 ----------



I'm not lambasting you, you're making silly, misguided comments based on complete misunderstandings of the contents of the conversation.


I'm open to proof, but you are unable to provide any.


The fact is you seem unaware that the base of all religions is faith, which is the complete trust or confidence in something without the need for proof. This and only this should be your argument.


you seemed to have missed the part about I don't have to validate myself to you or anyone else!!! you have your views I have mine. I wont retort by berating simply because you don't see it my way.

Edited by mg16
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