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Fed up of non believers

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A believer in the none existence of God?


'Do you believe in God?'




You have now thought about the existence of such a being by answering the question.


You have decided that, for whatever reason, you don't believe.


You cannot however, provide proof of your decision which means that it is simply something which you believe.


I think I see the cause of your confusion. You appear to think a lack of belief is somehow a belief. Do you also think not collecting stamps is a hobby?



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Have you got over that unfortunate habit of repeating yourself several times to people who have absolutely no interest in your views yet?


No. Have you read it yet? It's rather necessary for this debate to move forwards.


---------- Post added 10-03-2014 at 11:42 ----------


A believer in the none existence of God?


'Do you believe in God?'




You have now thought about the existence of such a being by answering the question.


You have decided that, for whatever reason, you don't believe.


You cannot however, provide proof of your decision which means that it is simply something which you believe.


I'm sure you don't actually believe that Santa exists...


Can you provide proof of your belief in the none existence of Santa Claus then? If not then we have to conclude that you do believe in him which is an unfortunate position for a grown adult.

Edited by Obelix
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The difference between you and I is very basic but fundamental. You are prepared to believe in things which you cannot prove.


This makes you a believer.

No, this means that I understand the nature of "proof" and "logic" whereas you do not.


I on the other hand - whilst being perfectly willing to 'take a view' 'hazzard a guess' 'express an opinion' ' give a theory' etc - am not prepared to believe without proof.

What constitutes proof though? You believe in gravity, you've agreed that. It's a theory though, there is no 'proof'. There is proof that something makes us stick to this rock and that something makes planets orbit the sun and so on. But gravity is just a theory (which in scientific terms is as good as it gets, there is no such thing as 100% certainty in a model).


Presumably due to a lack of proof you are willing to concede that children might actually have invisible friends.

Or do you extend your 'requires proof' world view only to the things you decide are unproven 'enough' somehow.

I know you don't believe in invisible friends of children, which means you don't apply your stated philosophy equally to all things.


Please don't now make yourself look even more foolish than you already have ( if possible ) by trying to say that you are not a believer.

We've already discussed what belief means. It's entirely consistent to believe in something that you know (to some reasonable level of doubt). I believe in many things. Gravity, the sun being a ball of fire, that you don't understand logic, and so on.


The comment in your last post 'God doesn't exist' is expressed as a statement of fact.

You have absolutely no way of proving that statement, therefore whilst it may be a fact, it may not be.

Once again, you still don't understand the nature of proving negatives.

The spaghetti monster is going to punish you when you die for your lack of understanding.


To claim something to be true with no actual proof is a statement of belief in exactly the same way that a theist believes.

You can believe that if you like. You believer.


And no, I do not believe that they have 'intellectual authority' I simply believe that given their background they have far more chance of being correct in their definition than some know it all on Sheffield Forum.

Argh, so much belief without proof, it hurts my irony detector.


Especially given that one of the sources I referred to actually invented the word in question.


The fact that you are prepared to contest the meaning of the word with the originator speaks volumes as to your overweening and delusional sense of self regarding arrogance.

I haven't contested the word. You seem to be getting confused about things.

Not surprised that you claim to know more about engineering than me, is there anything that you don't claim to know?


And if you can't see the difference between Santa, Goblins , Unicorns and the belief in God, then there really is no hope for you.

So you believe.


Oh and you are aware that I don't actually believe or disbelieve in the existence or non existence of God don't you?

I don't honestly care.

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Guys, relax, its a party.


When you expire you may go to the land of milk and honey, there may be 72 virgins waiting for you, or a bloke with a white beard floating on a crowd with a load of sycophants singing.


Personally I would be more than happy to slowly fall apart, providing through my demise succor to the plants.


But hey, who knows, enjoy the ride.


Picture the scene, waking up from your death bed to be met by St Peter at the Pearly Gates..


St Peter: "So, you wasted exactly how much of your precious life experience sat in front of a computer and debating theology on Sheffield Forum?"

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No. Have you read it yet? It's rather necessary for this debate to move forwards.


---------- Post added 10-03-2014 at 11:42 ----------



I'm sure you don't actually believe that Santa exists...


Can you provide proof of your belief in the none existence of Santa Claus then? If not then we have to conclude that you do believe in him which is an unfortunate position for a grown adult.


I have no interest in this debate moving forward. This is not a debate, it is an exercise in certain posters making fools of themselves, much to my amusement, by trying to claim that words do not actually mean what their creator meant them to mean, and maintaining that they know more than I do as to my personal beliefs/non beliefs.


As to Santa, as I'm not the one who introduced him into the discussion the burden of proof as to his existence rests with those who did. :D


---------- Post added 10-03-2014 at 13:27 ----------


Picture the scene, waking up from your death bed to be met by St Peter at the Pearly Gates..


St Peter: "So, you wasted exactly how much of your precious life experience sat in front of a computer and debating theology on Sheffield Forum?"


Yes and the best bit, were it to happen would be the look on the face of the atheists who would have some explaining to do. :)

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So, what do you call someone who simply lacks a belief in God?




It's that age old SF argument about "agnostic atheists" and "gnostic atheists", along with the normal group of theists believing that the only atheists are devout gnostic atheists who like to shout and scream about the non-existence of God, even though they number around the same as the devout theists who shout and scream about the existence of God.

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I have no interest in this debate moving forward. This is not a debate, it is an exercise in certain posters making fools of themselves, much to my amusement,


So in fact, you are actually just trolling. Thanks for the confirmation.

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Picture the scene, waking up from your death bed to be met by St Peter at the Pearly Gates..


St Peter: "So, you wasted exactly how much of your precious life experience sat in front of a computer and debating theology on Sheffield Forum?"


Very good mate, don't they get exited?

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