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Coalition abandons promise to allow recall of MPs

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Both Tory and Libdem manifestos at the last General Election included plans to allow the public to recall MPs who had committed serious wrongdoing. It was also a promise in the coalition agreement.


Now the plans have been scuppered.


The Libdems are blaming Cameron whilst Tory MP Zac Goldsmith has blamed the Libdems but also said he is ashamed of his own party.


It seems politicians still haven't learnt from the expenses scandal.

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---------- Post added 14-02-2014 at 16:04 ----------



Oh, I thought that was why the tories wiped their pre 2010 election promises from their website so stories like this wouldn't come to light?


It's even better than that they've deleted archived speech major figures in the party have given for the last decade: Including the one in which David Cameron praised the internet for making information more freely available! Very Orwellian

Much talk at the time relates to the embarrassment caused by the Grant Schapps / Michael Green shennanigans.


Any thankfully they can't erase Youtube:

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Politicians failing to keep election promises, now there's a novelty.


I think there's a difference between failing to keep promises and trying to deny they ever existed in the first place ... although they'll have to come clean sooner or later

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I hope no body at all votes in the general election, making a mockery of our democracy.


Voting is no more than to legitimize the lying scum being in power, whats the point in anyone voting for them based on a set of lies ?


When are we going to get a party that sticks to what they say they are going to do ?

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