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Coalition abandons promise to allow recall of MPs

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I hope no body at all votes in the general election, making a mockery of our democracy.


Voting is no more than to legitimize the lying scum being in power, whats the point in anyone voting for them based on a set of lies ?


When are we going to get a party that sticks to what they say they are going to do ?


This is why i haven't voted for well over 20 years. It's utterly pointless.

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Voting is just to make the masses think that they have a say on things, when in fact its a small minority of the very wealthy, big banks and corporations.


The days of you getting what you voted for has long gone, its all just a smoke screen now.

They all say they are green but do little or nothing other than have conferences and argue the toss about if global warming is made up or not, while at the same time are signing deals for things like fracking to go ahead.

Wasn't this Government supposed to be one of the greenest yet ? What have they done ?

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I hope no body at all votes in the general election, making a mockery of our democracy.


Voting is no more than to legitimize the lying scum being in power, whats the point in anyone voting for them based on a set of lies ?


When are we going to get a party that sticks to what they say they are going to do ?


We are getting one next year. They are called UKIP. They will give us what we want. Won't be long:hihi:

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This is why i haven't voted for well over 20 years. It's utterly pointless.


Being a bit slower on the uptake than you it's just a few years ago that I decided to take the same course of inaction.


Having lived in the same house for 32 years this July I can tell you exactly which party will be returned at the next election, so what's the point?


Proportional Representation is the fairest method of voting, providing a true reflection of the electorates wishes.


The political parties in the main would hate it, it would bring some degree of accountability,and force them to up their game and that would be very inconvenient, so it won't happen.


In addition to PR I would like to see an additional box on the voting form, 'None of the Above.'


Should that prove to be the majority vote the parties would be forced to run again with alternative candidates.


Maybe this would help to concentrate their minds a little and give a little more respect to the voters.


According to a recent article in The Times MPs are currently submitting expenses for even larger amounts than at the time of the 'expenses scandal', they obviously hold the citizens of this country in contempt.

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They don't have the best track record on saying what they mean, or meaning what they say.


According to Nigel


Yes Spike, we've seen it, over and over again, and again....sigh.......

You know they've knocked the Tories into third place, and came second in the Wythenshaw and Sale contest, don't you?

Any reason why you didn't mention that?

UKIP are extremely popular at the moment, which puts your little dig right down there with the horse ****e.


Farage is coming, and there's nothing you can do about it.


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Is that why their share of the vote has fallen for the last three by-elections?.


That's some plan for world domination.


Drivel, some would say:cool:


Still no explanation for the Tory humiliation?

They did do it you know. So they aren't very popular, eh?

Denial is a sad state of mind, very sad.:hihi:

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Hang on.


Are you accusing me of being a Tory:rant:


I'm not accusing you of anything. I want to know why you think UKIP aren't very popular, when it's clear that they obviously are more popular than ever, despite all the crap that is dragged up about them?


In all fairness Spike, all the other parties are deceitful, but despite UKIPs past failings, they are promising things what people want. Let them have a go, see if they can deliver, and if not, then doubters will have their day.

They surely have got people wondering.

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