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Coalition abandons promise to allow recall of MPs

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Oooo, if UKIP or BNP or EDP or any other party except the tories/libdems win the next election then will succeed the coalition, not labour. A bit like if the Queen dies tomorrow then prince Charles will succeed her (or be her successor). Succession doesn't mean to beat a competitor but rather to take over from the previous holder. I hope that explains the issue.


Regarding your comparison of UKip's rise, which will undoubtedly see farage win a landslide at the next election, to the position the libdems now hold... The libdems only managed to get into the government because nobody won it.


I honestly cannot see farage really winning the next election. I predict a hung parliament and another coalition. Farage will be prime minister and will offer the deputy job to Griffin on condition that he doesn't use the word darkies in public. He will make the edl leader (not sure what his newest name is) the home secretary. Just to make it clear that they are not racist, they will allow Diane Abbott to be a foreign secretary and they will even buy her a typewriter!


Britain will be great again! Heil Farage!

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UKIP are the right wing equivalent of the SDP with less brains involved. Anyone remember the Social Democratic Party?


Formed by some reasonably intelligent people it disappeared without trace.


Seeing as how UKIP is mainly made up of single issue muppets with no other plan than to attract as many Daily Mail xenophobic fellow 'thinkers' as they can, I don't fancy their chances.


The Times reported a survey conducted by the CBI which claimed that 8 out of 10 companies wished to remain in the EU.


Who do you think knows best, Farage or hard headed business people?

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Oh yes I remember this, the idea was lauched with great fanfare.....and now dropped very quietly.

I blame the weather, the Eurozone crisis, the last government, the Environment Agency, the PC brigade.....


..and homosexuals. We must not forget homosexuals.



Second thoughts, you did mention the weather. :hihi:

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Both Tory and Libdem manifestos at the last General Election included plans to allow the public to recall MPs who had committed serious wrongdoing. It was also a promise in the coalition agreement.


Now the plans have been scuppered.


The Libdems are blaming Cameron whilst Tory MP Zac Goldsmith has blamed the Libdems but also said he is ashamed of his own party.


It seems politicians still haven't learnt from the expenses scandal.


I am strongly in favour of recall elections, and asked a question about this at a hustings meeting at the last general elections. Candidates from the 3 main parties were all VERY unenthusiastic about it, even though it was in all their manifesto's.


In a sense I'm quite relaxed about this, as the proposals as they stood were not as good as I'd have liked. The proposals put too much power into the hands of parliament, and effectively just strengthed the hands of parliamentary whips to disipline MP's who don't tow the line.


Hopefully if and when this subject raises its head in future we can get a better bill out of it then the one that was on the table.

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