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Friends Coming Round Unannounced & Uninvited!

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I know a couple who have an even worse situation. On reasonably regular intervals over many years the two siblings of one of them turn up unannounced and expect to stay overnight and sometimes for a couple of days.


As both siblings live over a hundred miles away they find it difficult to say no.


My advice was to keep a suitcase packed with overnight requirements and the next time it happens say ' Oh that's a shame, we are just about to leave for a couple of days away! We wish you'd let us know you were coming!


Then leave and stay overnight with us at the other end of town.


Might work, on the other hand they might say ' Oh that's OK, leave us your keys and we'll look after ourselves! :o

Then they would be dropping on you unannounced

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When is it ok to 'pop in' on someone unannounced?


I don't even do it to my mother fgs, so why do folks think it's ok to do it to me (Jamaica's answer to Victor Meldrew) :rant:


I'm beginning to feel like a victim the JW's are trying to convert and a pretty miserable one at that...


It's very bad form - and that's being polite

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They would have the courtesy to phone when on their way, and I believe my suggestion constitutes an invitation? :)


The visitor may also think their previous stay was an invitation to do this unannounced too, and if you miss their call they will have to go back and say they've decided to stay with them :hihi: or summat like that.

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The visitor may also think their previous stay was an invitation to do this unannounced too, and if you miss their call they will have to go back and say they've decided to stay with them :hihi: or summat like that.


Mobile phones would prevent too much hassle. Also the people involved are my wife's family, so always welcome. :)


To me 'unannounced' means actually knocking on the door with no previous warning.

Very poor form in my opinion. :(


That is what these siblings do, and have done for years.

Not only is it inconsiderate it's daft in my opinion, they've driven over a hundred miles, what's stopping phoning en-route?


Personally I wouldn't dream of rolling up somewhere without previous contact.


Unless of course it was 3 o' clock in the morning, with a dead body and a shovel in the boot.


Now that's when you find out who your friends are!


Hope I never have to do that again!



:o :o :D

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When is it ok to 'pop in' on someone unannounced?


I don't even do it to my mother fgs, so why do folks think it's ok to do it to me (Jamaica's answer to Victor Meldrew) :rant:


I'm beginning to feel like a victim the JW's are trying to convert and a pretty miserable one at that...


Speaker positioned near front door, connected to long cable plugged into laptop in lounge.


When unexpected/unwanted visitors rattle the door quickly google gangbanging porn site. Turn up volume to the brim,then sit back and relax.

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Speaker positioned near front door, connected to long cable plugged into laptop in lounge.


When unexpected/unwanted visitors rattle the door quickly google gangbanging porn site. Turn up volume to the brim,then sit back and relax.


What if it's the vicar, or worse still your mum? :)

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