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Belgium passes euthanasia bill for all children

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My title does not take away the complexity of it, it merely suggests that I see it with negativity.


Like I say you would have to be in the situation and I am not ruling out that I would see it differently if I had to, but at the moment it seems to me as I have expressed it in my title.


---------- Post added 16-02-2014 at 13:23 ----------



Look I'm not getting into a debate about the title, if you don't like the title then ok, I have stated why it is what it is, if you don't want to talk about the core of the topic then click the back button.


But surely that doesn't negate the fact you are able to empathise? Terminally ill children are not a stranger to Sheffield, therefore possibly not a stranger to SF for parents.


Saying it how you see it comes from the same mentality as saying " hey split arse, fancy a dance?" camp. It simply isn't clever. A pity really as you've probably entered one of the most sensitive threads running so far..pity you had to think that being crass would have attracted comments.


Belgium passes euthanasia bill for all children. How easy was that?

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My title does not take away the complexity of it, .....................
Yet here we are, discussing your title due to what could almost be seen as a (deliberate or accidental) misuse of words. If not misuse then perhaps a poor choice of words would be a better way to describe the title?


---------- Post added 16-02-2014 at 13:41 ----------


But surely that doesn't negate the fact you are able to empathise? Terminally ill children are not a stranger to Sheffield, therefore possibly not a stranger to SF for parents.


Saying it how you see it comes from the same mentality as saying " hey split arse, fancy a dance?" camp. It simply isn't clever. A pity really as you've probably entered one of the most sensitive threads running so far..pity you had to think that being crass would have attracted comments.


Belgium passes euthanasia bill for all children. How easy was that?


^^^^^^^^^This would have been far better^^^^^^^^^

OP, would you object to a moderator changing the title?

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I suppose you would have to be in a situation where it was relevant to you to know what you truly think about this, but as someone not in the position to have to contemplate actually doing it, it seems a rather shocking idea.


If one of my parents were in a situation where they were in unbearable pain and with no prospect of surviving it and asking me to help them die I like to think I would be strong enough to fulfill their wish, but if it was one of my children I really do not think I could bare to live myself if I did.


Its a really complex thing to think about, so please discuss.




I don't see anything complex about it, given the option of watching a child suffer for weeks, months or years before they eventually die in pain, or kill them quickly without pain, a quick painless death wins every time. Quality of life is far more important than longevity.

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Terrible title. OP should be banned for life.


But seriously, I think it's a 'good' thing. If a child has no real life left and all they have left is days, weeks or even months of nothing but mysery and no chance of survival whatsover, then I think it's only humane to let them rest in peace sooner rather than later.

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Thank you Mort.


Epic Fail you talk out of your rectum. The title was a good descriptive of how I saw it, it was not meant to be crass or disrespectful of the issue, I could not imagine having to do it but if I was in that situation I may think different as I have stated. It must be the hardest thing in the world to have to do, bar non.

The only time I have ever been near this kind of situation was when I had to Euthanize a dog that I loved, 'putting him down' was what I had to do, and was the wording that came to mind when I was posting. I have since requested the title change so watch your step when your getting down off your horse.

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The new title is still misleading.


'Belgium passes euthanasia bill for all children' means : all Belgian children (not just teminally ill ones) may be euthanased, i.e. humanely killed (but not necessarily with their agreement). Clearly that is nonsense and not what has happened.


What has actually happened is that Belgium has passed a law entitling terminally ill children to subject themselves to voluntary euthanasia, but only if they can convince their parents and their doctor to agree that it is in their best interests.


Perhaps we could have a title which is accurate.

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