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Would you expect sanctuary here at home?


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What with all the hoo hah surrounding the royal boys helping with the flood, and UKIP trying so hard to make Britain british again, its weird that so many people are taking the pee out of all of it.


Where has all the sense of national pride gone? Were all the anti-british not cheering when the service men and women came home from the Falklands/Iraq/Afghanistan? Were they not saddened by Diana,s death or happy at the Royal birth or overjoyed at britain getting gold at the olympics?


No matter how funny or amusing people may think UKIP are, or how they presume Wills and Harry are sandbagging for publicity, its more than obvious that some people are just anti-british and shamefully pro-europe and bottom suckers to the rest of the world.


Probably unwittingly, to think this way goes against every fibre of who we are. If for example, you want to slate the hierarchy in Korea, you should expect more than a few people telling you how wrong you are on a forum. If you wanted to embrace your partner in a middle east country, be prepared for a bit of porridge. If you decide you want an affair in a muslim country, you will be buried up to your head and decorated with stones, man or woman.


The UK has an identity of being a socially moral and safe country to live in, with many benefits to our lives here. We are a mostly a nation of decent, law abiding moderate people, with the will to do the right thing emblazoned in our souls.


But we cannot control our Governments once we have voted them into power. They give away huge amounts of our revenues to countries that use this cash in ways that we cannot control. They bow to EU directives that basically run our lives, however much we dislike it. They allow immigration in huge numbers, when our own children need the housing/jobs/healthcare.


And yet, people will still yell that this is OK, and any person or party who is opposed to the destruction of Britain by foreign intervention is a racist or a nutty BNP/UKIP/EDL sympathizer.


I personally am not a racist nor a sympathizer, but I believe that the multiculturalism that the UK is now signed up to, and the intervention of our constitution by Brussels, is sickening to say the very least, and I feel so sorry for our children and our childrens children that if this breakdown of our identity continues, we will become the dumping ground for the worlds problems.


I dont think that its wrong to think about the future of our world, and the very fact that we do need the world, but it seems they need us more, but at what cost?


Come on Cameron, put some clout behind the referendum, and put your citizens first, and the world second, and you might just redeem yourself at the election, and if the anti-british cant see just how unfaithful they are being towards their homeland by making fun of the flood victims or the royals helping out in Devon, then why not visit some of the places ive mentioned, then you will realise just how good you've got it here at home.

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Well said, and pretty much nail on head, but we all know who's going to be on here slagging you off now, don't we?


I dont doubt it for a second natjack. It would be nice though, just for once, for the doubters to understand that my views are not uncaring to the world, but caring to "our" world first, then then the rest of the world second.;)

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Why can't you control a government after they've been voted into power?


Googled from Wikipedia;


In January 2013, British Prime Minister David Cameron promised a referendum on British membership of the European Union if the Conservative Party win a majority at the next general election. Since the announcement in January 2013 of a proposed referendum on continued membership, more business and political leaders have expressed their opposition to the idea. Since 2010 opinion polls have favoured a British withdrawal, with opposition peaking in November 2012 at 56% compared to 30% who wanted to remain.


Thats why you cant control a Government Mecky. They do as they please to appease big business and other governments.

Its called holding the populous to ransom, then back tracking to suit everyone but the public.

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Thats why you cant control a Government Mecky. They do as they please to appease big business and other governments.

Its called holding the populous to ransom, then back tracking to suit everyone but the public.


Unfortunately, governments have to do what's best for the country, which isn't always what the populous think is best. At the most basic, if we got what we wanted rather than what's best, there would be no taxes and all that that entails.

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Googled from Wikipedia;


In January 2013, British Prime Minister David Cameron promised a referendum on British membership of the European Union if the Conservative Party win a majority at the next general election. Since the announcement in January 2013 of a proposed referendum on continued membership, more business and political leaders have expressed their opposition to the idea. Since 2010 opinion polls have favoured a British withdrawal, with opposition peaking in November 2012 at 56% compared to 30% who wanted to remain.


Thats why you cant control a Government Mecky. They do as they please to appease big business and other governments.

Its called holding the populous to ransom, then back tracking to suit everyone but the public.


Really? They seem to be having a good go in Syria and the Middle East etc

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You took the words right out of his
...again :rolleyes:



"Thanks very much!"


To contribute, you must have read the original post where it pointed out that the usual bunch would make reference to racism.


And you did a fine job. Why not stop and think about things, before accusing someone of being a racist, because that's what you've done.


If your daughter was on fire, would you give the water to an Ethiopian before putting her out?


Hypocrisy is in abundance lately.

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