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EU stabs Scotland in the back

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So despite Scotland already being part of the EU now, and the SNP who are backing Scottish independence being very pro-EU and wanting to continue playing a full part of the EU in the event of a Scottish Yes vote, the President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso has said it will be nearly impossible for Scotland to join the EU, even though the EU itself continues to try to expand eastwards by trying to bring the likes of Turkey and Ukraine into the EU fold, who are far less ready candidates than Scotland.


Well done Barosso for demonstrating again just how rotten and anti-democratic the EU is. If the EU refuse an independent Scotland EU membership, it will simply be a catalyst for the rest of the UK to leave the EU.



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Scotland has never been as an individual state part of the EU.


It has a separate legal system to the UK and has adopted all aspects of EU law as required by membership.


All Scottish people who are UK citizens are already EU citizens too.


Education sector already separate. NHS authority already separate.


In so many respects Scottish accession to the EU could and should be one of the least messy ever.

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My uncle was in a regiment that relieved the Paras who had taken a vital bridge on D Day.


The Germans counter attacked very strongly and my uncles position needed support.


The radio was damaged and the way he knew help was coming was when he heard the Black Watches Pipe Major playing the "Brown Bear" as that great regiment came to relieve them.


My uncle was a Yorkshireman, an Englishman, as proud of his Scottish associates as any scot.


We are British, all of us, together we are unbeatable in war, in peace, we should stand together.

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It has a separate legal system to the UK and has adopted all aspects of EU law as required by membership.


All Scottish people who are UK citizens are already EU citizens too.


Education sector already separate. NHS authority already separate.


In so many respects Scottish accession to the EU could and should be one of the least messy ever.


All the people of the Channel Islands who are UK citizens are also EU citizens but that doesn't mean an independent Alderney would qualify for EU membership, particularly if it couldn't demonstrate a stable currency.

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So despite Scotland already being part of the EU now, and the SNP who are backing Scottish independence being very pro-EU and wanting to continue playing a full part of the EU in the event of a Scottish Yes vote, the President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso has said it will be nearly impossible for Scotland to join the EU, even though the EU itself continues to try to expand eastwards by trying to bring the likes of Turkey and Ukraine into the EU fold, who are far less ready candidates than Scotland.


Well done Barosso for demonstrating again just how rotten and anti-democratic the EU is. If the EU refuse an independent Scotland EU membership, it will simply be a catalyst for the rest of the UK to leave the EU.




Why would whats left of the UK leave the EU if Scotland is refused?


It's not Barrosos power to decide, but you dont seem to understand the argument or difficulties. It is not that you couldnt get more EU or complaint than Scotland already is.


For a new member state (which is what it would be) then it requires a unanimous vote and he will not get that from the other member states or at least it is very difficult to see it happening. Not sure why that is controversial. Surely letting the member states vote on whether they want to admit a new country is democratic and not anti democratic as you claim.

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All the people of the Channel Islands who are UK citizens are also EU citizens but that doesn't mean an independent Alderney would qualify for EU membership, particularly if it couldn't demonstrate a stable currency.


Alderney and Scotland are hardly comparable.


Why wouldn't a Scottish currency be stable?


---------- Post added 17-02-2014 at 14:03 ----------


Why would whats left of the UK leave the EU if Scotland is refused?


It's not Barrosos power to decide, but you dont seem to understand the argument or difficulties. It is not that you couldnt get more EU or complaint than Scotland already is.


For a new member state (which is what it would be) then it requires a unanimous vote and he will not get that from the other member states or at least it is very difficult to see it happening. Not sure why that is controversial. Surely letting the member states vote on whether they want to admit a new country is democratic and not anti democratic as you claim.


No state has said it would veto Scottish accession. Not even the Spanish. It's the Westminster elite and certain EU officials that are peddling that story.


---------- Post added 17-02-2014 at 14:04 ----------


Exactly very well put.


Not really.

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Alderney and Scotland are hardly comparable.


Why wouldn't a Scottish currency be stable?


The only evidence we have is new currencies tank very quickly and take years to stabilise. No country comparable to Scotland has gone independent in recent years so our only point of reference is pretty unreliable. All we can say is there is uncertainty in a new currency and that is exactly what the markets do not like. Therefore people presume, with some amount of creditability that a new Scottish currency would be unstable.


---------- Post added 17-02-2014 at 14:17 ----------


No state has said it would veto Scottish accession. Not even the Spanish. It's the Westminster elite and certain EU officials that are peddling that story.


Have they been asked?

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