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EU stabs Scotland in the back

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He absolutely will have considered it. I have no doubts about that.


Give him the chance to walk away from the debts and you think he won't take it? He'll do it and make it look like Osborne's & Balls' fault.


Salmond is the most cunning and wily politician in the UK - nobody else could have pushed things as far as he has.


He is a clever politician, but if he gets independence then he will still have to deal with not being part of the £ and regaining entry to the EU.


Once the 6 million or so people have left to form Scotland, then they cant very well expect the remaining 60 million to have to let them be in the same currency going forward. that would be tail wagging the dog.


If they just want to avoid the national debt/ a pro rata share of it then that is unknown territory and there are all sorts of actions the remaining part of the UK could take. It could mean absolute chaos for Scotland and would undermine their new currency.


In terms of rejoining the EU then they will have to go through the same process, which could take a long time and is unlikely to be all smooth sailing. What one country says now might not be the same in a few years time. There is no way of knowing or forcing countries to behave the way you want.


Good luck to them, but its clearly ridiculous to be offering guarantees when he is in no position to do so. he can say how he will behave but he cannot force other people to follow suit.

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It's very unlikely they wouldn't be part of the CTA we share between the UK and Ireland. For a start I'm not sure either country would want to fund a guarded border.


The difference is that Ireland is in the EU...or have I missed something..? Genuine question..

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So the President of the European Commission is interfering in Spanish domestic issues and also trying to head off potential independence bids from the Catalans. What business is it his to interfere in such things as European Commission President, trying to exert influence over a nation state's domestic issues? Like I say, rotten and anti-democratic.


Errr no. All he said is it would be very difficult to get readmission. Its a long and complicated process. If you have ever tried to organise soemthinething and get a unanimous verdict then you will realise a lot of people say one thing and do another. I thought he was being a realist. You seem to have some agenda as you just keep repeating anti democratic and rotten. If you say it enough times then maybe you will believe it.

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My uncle was in a regiment that relieved the Paras who had taken a vital bridge on D Day.


The Germans counter attacked very strongly and my uncles position needed support.


The radio was damaged and the way he knew help was coming was when he heard the Black Watches Pipe Major playing the "Brown Bear" as that great regiment came to relieve them.


My uncle was a Yorkshireman, an Englishman, as proud of his Scottish associates as any scot.


We are British, all of us, together we are unbeatable in war, in peace, we should stand together.

he told you wrong...its black bear

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The difference is that Ireland is in the EU...or have I missed something..? Genuine question..


Admittedly, visa's and border control are slightly different matters - EU residents don't need a visa to travel here, but can't just enter the country since we're opted out of the schengen agreement which allows for that free travel. Ireland is also opted out, as otherwise they would have had to dispose of the CTA agreement between them and us.


Although, that said, I think signing up to the schengen agreement is one of the requirements of new members of the EU...

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So the President of the European Commission is interfering in Spanish domestic issues and also trying to head off potential independence bids from the Catalans. What business is it his to interfere in such things as European Commission President, trying to exert influence over a nation state's domestic issues? Like I say, rotten and anti-democratic.


Moving the goal posts are we after scoring an own goal in them? I don't support what Barrosso did but it doesn't alter the fact that you got your facts wrong because your knowledge of the EU is nothing more than inaccurate right-wing propaganda. If Barrosso does interfere in a nation state's domestic issues he will be doing so with the knowledge of and support of the nation state involved.

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Errr no. All he said is it would be very difficult to get readmission. Its a long and complicated process. If you have ever tried to organise soemthinething and get a unanimous verdict then you will realise a lot of people say one thing and do another. I thought he was being a realist. You seem to have some agenda as you just keep repeating anti democratic and rotten. If you say it enough times then maybe you will believe it.


He could be, but you have to bear in mind he also has an agenda. Prevailing nationalism that means people want to democratically opt out of a union (like Scotland want out of the UK) is also the same prevailing mood that means many want out of the EU. Barrosso wants an ever closer integrated Europe, with the EU at its centre regulating and legislating everything we do, rather than a collective of sovereign nation states.


---------- Post added 17-02-2014 at 19:06 ----------


Moving the goal posts are we after scoring an own goal in them? I don't support what Barrosso did but it doesn't alter the fact that you got your facts wrong because your knowledge of the EU is nothing more than inaccurate right-wing propaganda. If Barrosso does interfere in a nation state's domestic issues he will be doing so with the knowledge of and support of the nation state involved.


Of course he has Spanish support in doing so. I doubt the Catalans are so appreciative.


What facts have I got wrong then?

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Barrosso wants an ever closer integrated Europe, with the EU at its centre regulating and legislating everything we do, rather than a collective of sovereign nation states.


And he's doing this by manipulating countries into stopping potential members from joining? :huh:


Surely if you were right he would be guaranteeing Scotland entry?

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My uncle was in a regiment that relieved the Paras who had taken a vital bridge on D Day.


We are British, all of us, together we are unbeatable in war, in peace, we should stand together.


Unbeatable? Let's not mention Suez then.


D-Day involved troops from the UK, USA, France and Canada. After the initial landings support came from Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Australia, Czechoslovakia, New Zealand and Norway. When we tried to do it alone we should how unbeatable we were at Dunkirk. And D-Day happened when the Russians were already pushing the Germans back on the Eastern Front.

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