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EU stabs Scotland in the back

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And he's doing this by manipulating countries into stopping potential members from joining? :huh:


Surely if you were right he would be guaranteeing Scotland entry?


You'd think so, which is why I think he has shot himself in the foot, because the SNP are very pro-EU.


It's not his decision, all countries have to accept Scotland as a member, but the fact is he is the top man in the EU with the most influence, which he is trying to use to influence the Scottish people.

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So the President of the European Commission is interfering in Spanish domestic issues and also trying to head off potential independence bids from the Catalans. What business is it his to interfere in such things as European Commission President, trying to exert influence over a nation state's domestic issues? Like I say, rotten and anti-democratic.
Not sure what your point is, here.


With this announcement, he's "interfering in Spanish UK domestic issues and trying to head off potential independence bids from the Catalans Scots" just the same.


He's Portuguese, ex-Portugal PM. Now, you know where that is on an atlas, right? And how close these neighbouring countries' respective Gvts have long been? This might explain that...


...then again, there's been little love lost between him and Cameron lately, and he takes his marching orders from the Bundestag these days. And we all know that, where the EU is concerned, Cameron's and Merkel's respective slices are buttered on the same side at the moment. Again, this might explain that.


And I'm minded to hold either or both as being relevant here.

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He absolutely will have considered it. I have no doubts about that.


Give him the chance to walk away from the debts and you think he won't take it? He'll do it and make it look like Osborne's & Balls' fault.


Salmond is the most cunning and wily politician in the UK - nobody else could have pushed things as far as he has.


I don't doubt that - but surely he should be able to say this close to a referendum what currency the average jock will be using to pay for his buckfast. "It's the pound" nope all parties in the rest of the UK said no " it's the euro then" barroso didn't seem to know and he's top man in the EU. It's all being done on the back of a fag packet.

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He doesnt get to vote. The member states can vote how they like.

Which countries want to leave the EU?

Why would it be in his interest if he has such an agenda to prevent the very pro EU scots from joining?


The problem for him is with independence movements, that is what he is talking about which is why he throws Spain into the conversation. He sees the SNP mirrored in UKIP and other European parties that want out of the EU.


Independence must be suppressed.

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Prevailing nationalism that means people want to democratically opt out of a union (like Scotland want out of the UK) is also the same prevailing mood that means many want out of the EU.


Except that the SNP are very pro-EU as are Scots in general. This is underlined by the fact that UKIP has no elected representatives in Scotland. The SNP are liberal nationalists. UKIP are right-wing nationalists.


What facts have I got wrong then?


Your OP implied that Barrosso alone was trying to stop an independent Scotland from joining the EU. Only the Parliament and individual states have these powers. You could have found this out if you'd been interested in learning some facts about the EU rather than just ranting against it.

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I don't doubt that - but surely he should be able to say this close to a referendum what currency the average jock will be using to pay for his buckfast. "It's the pound" nope all parties in the rest of the UK said no " it's the euro then" barroso didn't seem to know and he's top man in the EU. It's all being done on the back of a fag packet.


He's actually left it open ended.


Not sure what he's up to but if it's no to the Euro, no to the pound then they will have to look at their own currency. Imagine, Salmond boxed into a corner where he has no choice but to walk away from the debts! Now that would be clever.

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