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Denmark bans religious slaughter


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Because there's less than 300,000 Jews, and falling, in the country, so negligible amount? But there's several million and rising Muslims, so the problem is only going to get worse?


And there is a shortage of Kosher meat in the UK, so not enough for the Jews let alone the rest of us, whilst their appears to be an over supply of halal meat, so there's far to much for the Muslims of this country which means it ends up being sold in supermarkets unlabeled to anyone.

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kosher meat can be eaten by muslims. but the jewish people wont eat halal . so there you go! same argument as yours exists for muslims too.


That's right, and that just makes them both as bad as each other.

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If say, the UK were to ban religious slaughter, would our Muslims decide to emigrate to somewhere they can do what they want re slaughtering? Or would you decide it was ok to say the exonerating prayer and eat the dirty meat, or become vegetarian, rather than emigrate to one of the so-called 'homelands'?


I think I already know mafya would probably opt for becoming veggie, but the rest of you, what's your opinion on it?

Any Muslims up for answering this question?


I'm also wondering whether we should expect an influx of emigrants from Denmark anytime soon, as it's part of the EU?

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Can you explain why you think my last point racist tripe?

Islam/Muslim haters use the halal meat is cruel argument to have a go at Muslims.

Ever heard of inverted commas?


"Islam/Muslim haters" or animal lovers? I detect a chip on your shoulder.

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the Danes, in fact all Scandinavian countries are for more progressive than us,

we live with one foot in the past, as a country we need to evolve, doesn't help that we as a country seem to be overcompensating for our history, at the expense of this and future generations

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