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When Should You Lose Your Human Rights?

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I think our government are just being stupid and stubborn about it all.

It's just a load of stupid political posturing.


The simple solution is to just hand down 100+ year sentences, or hand down sentences without possibility of parole.


That way no-ones human rights have been violated because they have an end date to their sentence.

The likelyhood of them ever reaching it is another point entirely and nothing to do with their human rights.

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What you are asking is when humans should stop being considered humans. The answer to that is: never.


The Tories hate everything coming out of Europe, thus they hate the Human Rights court, but however easy it is to get riled about some of their less sensible rulings, in the end it is them that safeguard the RIGHT to be HUMAN and treated as one.


The whole reason for this being done in the EU is because that removes state-political sensitivities. To put that in more clear terminology: When the government tries to dupe you because it is in the government's interest to do so, you still have a way out of it.


Sure, that is annoying for a government, but do you trust the government to have your best interests at heart?

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There should be a murder 1 and murder 2 tier a bit like America.


I just can`t see the 75 year old woman who has been beat her entire life killing her Husband been on a par with Ian Brady. <(as an example)


Every case should be judged and sentenced on its own merits.

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There should be a murder 1 and murder 2 tier a bit like America.


I just can`t see the 75 year old woman who has been beat her entire life killing her Husband been on a par with Ian Brady. <(as an example)


Every case should be judged and sentenced on its own merits.


You mean like the current murder and manslaughter tiers we have?

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It all depends on how you define human rights.


Saying that jailing someone for a full life is taking away human their rights is ridiculous, next it will be claimed that jailing them is against their human rights.


^^^Is the correct answer. For example Trying to equate prisoners not getting the vote to the lot of a inmate at a nazi concentration camp is laughable. It needs be made very clear what human rights actually not as a starting point for lawyers trying to get a client off.

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