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Todays Headline (in case you missed it by some quirk of fate)



As we face a flood of immigrants from Eastern Europe thousands of Fed up britons...are making a new life in Spain


Anyone else find this ... well ... hilarious?


I can just imagine the headline in El Pais:


As we face a flood of immigrants from Northern Europe, thousands of fed up Spaniards ... are making a new life in the Slovak Republic.


and from the Bratislava Daily Examiner


As we face a flood of immigrants from the Iberian peninsula, thousands of fed up slovaks ... are making a new life in Britain.


Plus ca change eh?

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It's the juxtaposition of the 2 items:


As we face a flood of immigrants from Eastern Europe thousands of Fed up britons...are making a new life in Spain


that I find amusing. It implies that one is leading to the other when in fact fed up Britons have been making new lives in Spain for many years.

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Just an observation but perhaps these fed up Britons are leaving for pastures new because they can't stand the thought of immigrants coming here to claim benefits and abuse the NHS. We are the only place (as far as I'm aware) that gives free health service to anyone living within these shores.


However if they are in spain and require health, everyone is in the same boat (i.e. they need insurance to get health treatment) thus they feel they aren't paying to support people (maybe a minority but still is a factor) to exploit our benefits and NHS.


We are extremely highly taxed as it is. Maybe it's not the fact that these people are coming here, I have no objections to migrants comign to live and work and contribute to the UK. However I take exception at those who are coming here to exploit the benefits and NHS.


It does happen, I see it happen everyday.

It's not all, so I welcome the people coming here who are going to contribute to our economy in a possitive way.


Maybe that is the veiw point of these 'thousands' of Britons leaving for spain???


Just my observation!

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I still find it difficult to believe that someone would pay 10s of thousands of pounds to a people smuggler to come here to claim benefits.


In today's Sun, left open on somebody's desk, there was an article about someone on benefits who has taken 17 years to claim IN TOTAL £40,000. That's about how much it costs to get a family of 4 from Bosnia to Britain.


You do the sums 'cos in my book it just doesn't add DaB, sorry.

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Max that's if they did it the illegal way. The migrants can come here totally legally as and when they become part of the EU.


And yes £40,000 mya not be much, but when they dont have to work for it then it's a more tempting option.

However not all migrants are coming here for the benefits, that I fully accept and know from personal experience.


However a hell of a lot are coming here for free health service... which is I'm afraid to say a fact. No ammount of money can put a price on that max.

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What made me laugh was twofold (threefold thanks to Max)


1.)The double biblical reference like it was some apocalypse or something. Exodus - throwing off your chains and going to the promised land (Marbella) and Flood - the Biblical flood, a blank page upon which to write a new history.


2)The implicit suggestion that it may be right for a Brit to emigrate due to home pressures, but not for a Slovak or Lithuanian. All in the same sentence. Are they not aware?

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Erm, £40,000 in 17 years works out at £2,352 a year. Woopee. They must really live the high life on that.


What I don't understand is how people can be angry when people move into our country, but think it's perfectly fine to do the same to other people.


If their was a civil war in England and we wanted to move to somewhere more peaceful, what would you think if, when you arrived, they put you in prison for a year, made you take exams on the country you arrived in (in another language) and then sent you back to the war??? How can anyone can think that is right?


I'm not suggesting they should be allowed to sponge off our system, but if you look at the figures (recently published, check BBCi) you'll see that only about 30,000 people arrive each year and even less of those are accepted, whilst the Birtish settle all over the world and refuse to learn local languages when they do!(rant over)

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The article about the £40k in 17 years though was to do with some women who has never done a days work in her life (at least I think it was the same article :P) and she has recently had her Job Seekers benefit stopped - rightly so as well, can't believe she got away with it this long to be honest.

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