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World Cup workers dying in their hundreds

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FIFA is riddled with corruption and is crippled, in terms of being able to reform, because of the arrogance of the leadership and because everyone behind them is of the same ilk. What the (major) national football associations need to do is to resign their membership of FIFA, set up a new body and start again. If the major footballing nations did this then the rest would follow and the nasty FIFA beast can be left to die the death it deserves.


Said this years ago, and it makes just as much sense today, if not more.:thumbsup:

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Just seen the news on payments for Quatar to get the world cup,now why isn't it a surprise.



I saw this on the news earlier, and was genuinely shocked! :shocked:*












*sarcasm, in case onlineness misses the obvious


---------- Post added 02-06-2014 at 02:26 ----------


added a post to add: I was laughing at the posts about corruption, but just realised this was an old thread and saw the OP. I'm not in anyway laughing at the deaths from this corruption 'alleged'. I was laughing at the irony because we all know what goes on, and somehow things still happen. Sadly lives were lost in this irony, and I didn't see the thread title and OP when I posted.

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FIFA is riddled with corruption and is crippled, in terms of being able to reform, because of the arrogance of the leadership and because everyone behind them is of the same ilk.


Too True :(


Unfortuntley these accusations are nothing new.

The problem is Fifa pledged to investigate and deal with them a couple of years ago.


They just spent that time attempting to sweep it under the rug, there was never going to be any investigation because they all had their noses in the trough :rant::rant::rant::rant:


Quatar should be stripped of the 2022 World Cup, they can take their Vagina-shaped stadium and stick it!

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The 2018 WC will be in Russia and so the 2022 one will be outside Europe. The 5 bidders for 2022 were Australia, Japan, Qatar, South Korea and the United States. Australia would be a good choice.


Japan and South Korea had it in 2002....the 'states had it in '94 so yes Australia looks a good choice...

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It's really hot there in the summer too tho.


This year Adelaide hit 47-48 degree's :o:o:o


Played in July it would be their winter? What's it like in Adelaide,Sydney,Perth Melbourne,Canberra etc at this time of year...?

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Being one of the last people who you imagine would be interested in football, I have been avidly following the unfolding revelations in the SUNDAY TIMES over the sheer level of corruption that enabled Qatar to win the bid for 2022, and altogether the whole charade sounds like the plot of some weird Monty Python film!

It almost certainly looks beyond doubt that Qatar will lose the 2022 bid and I noticed in the DAILY MIRROR today that there is a chance that the 2018 bid will ALSO be re-run and ENGLAND may get the chance after all to stage the Cup in 2018.

I couldn't agree more in seeing Russia lose the right to host 2018, after what they are doing to spread unrest in Ukraine, the unresolved Crimea situation and their refusal to withdraw the homophobic legislation passed by Putin's government in the last couple of years.


If England does get the 2018 World Cup, may I suggest that CHINA be offered the chance to stage the 2022 one? China, in contrast to Russia has advance in human rights in leaps and bounds, and protects most LGBT rights, so it would also be an excellent opportunity to reward China's increasing openness and to warn Russia that their backsliding to the era of the Tsars will win them no favours from the international sporting community.

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Being one of the last people who you imagine would be interested in football, I have been avidly following the unfolding revelations in the SUNDAY TIMES over the sheer level of corruption that enabled Qatar to win the bid for 2022, and altogether the whole charade sounds like the plot of some weird Monty Python film!

It almost certainly looks beyond doubt that Qatar will lose the 2022 bid and I noticed in the DAILY MIRROR today that there is a chance that the 2018 bid will ALSO be re-run and ENGLAND may get the chance after all to stage the Cup in 2018.

I couldn't agree more in seeing Russia lose the right to host 2018, after what they are doing to spread unrest in Ukraine, the unresolved Crimea situation and their refusal to withdraw the homophobic legislation passed by Putin's government in the last couple of years.


If England does get the 2018 World Cup, may I suggest that CHINA be offered the chance to stage the 2022 one? China, in contrast to Russia has advance in human rights in leaps and bounds, and protects most LGBT rights, so it would also be an excellent opportunity to reward China's increasing openness and to warn Russia that their backsliding to the era of the Tsars will win them no favours from the international sporting community.


Is this a joke?

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