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Unemployment down, inflation down..

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You don't want to answer the question because you know what the answer is as well do I. So then, the question remains, what did you think I was talking about when I was talking about the economy?


Sorry to burst your bubble but Ive not even looked at your question yet.


When you clarify what you meant about the economy last March I may then look.

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Sorry to burst your bubble but Ive not even looked at your question yet.


When you clarify what you meant about the economy last March I may then look.


So you're using that as an excuse not to answer the question, which is directly linked to the one you asked, simply because you know what the answer is, as do I, and you don't like it.

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Actually it was written quite recently, and Mecky is determined to have people beleive it. It's not unreasonable to point out Meckys failing and ask him politely to correct it.


You've asked and he as refused, everyone is capable of checking for them selves, so why is it bothering you son much?

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You've asked and he as refused, everyone is capable of checking for them selves, so why is it bothering you son much?


It doesnt bother me. It clearly bothers Mecky so much or he'd answer the question.


---------- Post added 23-02-2014 at 20:05 ----------


Obelix, Mecky, between you, you've ruined a perfectly good, interesting thread. Thanks a lot....


My pleasure Anna. :)

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Obelix, Mecky, between you, you've ruined a perfectly good, interesting thread. Thanks a lot....


Nah, he's just realised he's lost that's all, which is why he keeps going over the same old ground and is using it as a poor excuse to avoid answering questions. He probably thinks he's upsetting me and is trying to get me to say something that would result in me receiving a ban because that's the sort of person he is; even if he's not very good at it. He's the sort of person who always feels he has to have the last say. It's not me he tries to wind up either but anyone who challenges his views. I can't wait for his retort because I know what he's going to say.

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There is plenty of anecdotal evidence out there. Also nearly half the sanctions are overturned at appeal. MPs have stated publicly that they are having to fight for their constituents to right these wrongs. 40 bishops and other clergy are calling on the government to put right what they have done to the welfare system, calling it 'a disgrace' that has to be put right - 'People are having to chose between heating or eating.' Foodbanks are dealing with thousands of people who are 'destitute,' because of sanctions.


How much more back up do you need?


Definition: non-scientific observations or studies, which do not provide proof but may assist research efforts.


anecdotal evidence backs up primary and secondary evidence. It is not proof of anything on its own. This is why I ask for real evidence to back up your claims. A link to a news report or a charity group report on the matter is good enough for most people. Can you provide one?

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if this is the case, why are there about 10 posts from you on this thread alone banging on about it?


Why are you banging on about it then..?


Asking Mecky to politely debate instead of insulting people is tedous admittedly, but I'd like to debate with a semblenace of decorum. Sadly it seems that Mecky and others prefer abuse and lies to being sensible, as evidenced throughout this thread.


---------- Post added 24-02-2014 at 11:02 ----------


You've asked and he as refused, everyone is capable of checking for them selves, so why is it bothering you son much?


I dont really care if he refuses, but I don't see why I should answer his questions when he will not do the common courtesy of answering mine first.

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Why are you banging on about it then..?


because i was asking you a question


i was curious as to why someone who isn't bothered would raise the same issue so many times - i know why i'm banging on about it, i just don't know why you are


but never mind, the thread is derailed enough as it is

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