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Unemployment down, inflation down..

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Sorry Wex, I don't know how to do links, (I really must get my lad to show me,)


Thats Odd as you managed to do it here:


Right. I've found archive of inquest transcripts at; http://www.webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/www.scottbaker-inquests.gov.uk


It runs to 7,000 pages and I'm not about to trawl through it again.


However -


Happened to notice another website called 'Unresolved issues of the Diana/Dodi inquest' by John Morgan at


which sumerises the contentious areas. I can't speak for the veracity of this site - I haven't read it, but it will perhaps point you in the right direction with regards what to look up in the archive.




PS. Just tried my own links and can't get them to work, (said I wasn't very good,) so go to Google, put in 'Death of Princess Diana inquest transcript' and it will bring archive up at top, Morgan site 4th one down, if that helps.


Twice. :suspect:

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fair comment - let's hope it improves as the economy continues to pick up


Well quite. A fall in productivity in the short term is actually a good sign as it shows the ecnonomy is changing. Of course you would expect it to pick up after a while but no-ones really sure how long it should take, as there doesnt seem to be a lot of hard evidence about.

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Surprise surprise. Just been told that some relative in Sheffield has been made redundant after 20 years loyal service. He is rather upset, his branch will be shut down for savings.


Where are these hallelujah jobs that are on the increase?

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Surprise surprise. Just been told that some relative in Sheffield has been made redundant after 20 years loyal service. He is rather upset, his branch will be shut down for savings.


Where are these hallelujah jobs that are on the increase?




take your pick..

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Inflation is really going down: gas ad electric at an all time low, AND THEY SAY THEY WILL REDUCE IT MORE, and food is so cheap too, petrol cheap as chips, I AM LIVING IN PARADISE

ad I know it, everyone is so friendly and poor people lie o the ground for me so that I do not have to touch the dirty pavement, jobs are paying more, sod the minimum wage go for the maximum, you know it makes sense!


Anyone for a curry, just chartered a plane to get one in Deli or maybe Calcutta...................................

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Inflation is really going down: gas ad electric at an all time low, AND THEY SAY THEY WILL REDUCE IT MORE, and food is so cheap too, petrol cheap as chips, I AM LIVING IN PARADISE

ad I know it, everyone is so friendly and poor people lie o the ground for me so that I do not have to touch the dirty pavement, jobs are paying more, sod the minimum wage go for the maximum, you know it makes sense!


Anyone for a curry, just chartered a plane to get one in Deli or maybe Calcutta...................................


I've always been used to petrol/Diesel going up in price consistently (or the perception of it), but it doesn't seem to have gone up for ages.


It's never likely to be as cheap as chips in any Westernised European country though.


Acceptance of some obvious truths is one possible access key to understanding the world around us erebus.

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  • 1 month later...

According to Newsnight the majority of people newly in employment are self employed, however far from starting their own business, this is because employers are declaring their workers (people like parcel delivery drivers and care workers) as self-employed to avoid giving them a number of employment rights, thus the work is very low paid and insecure.


They also reckon, (sorry can't remember the name of the people involved in the discussion,) that the average wage of the self-employed is less than £10,000 per annum, and working conditions are very bad.


Meanwhile the Trussell Trust says that the use of foodbanks has trippled in the last 2 years and includes a large number of low paid workers as well as the unemployed etc.

They also suggest that ways be found to help this group share in the nation's wealth, rather than it all going to those at the top.


I would suggest that this recovery is all smoke and mirrors - there's an election to be won...

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According to Newsnight the majority of people newly in employment are self employed, however far from starting their own business, this is because employers are declaring their workers (people like parcel delivery drivers and care workers) as self-employed to avoid giving them a number of employment rights, thus the work is very low paid and insecure.


And here's me thinking there's been a massive increase in newly registered businesses simply to try and get around the immigration rules because creating a business, or investing money into one, is one of the few options left that allowsmigrants to stay in the UK.

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