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Unemployment down, inflation down..

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More people means less land for food production, less land for wildlife, and in my opinion that's far from good.


WORKING population, as a percentage of the total population. Also, your opinion is that the country's population should decrease, have a bit of a Google on what a decline in population actually means.




25 March 2014 Last updated at 12:00


UK inflation rate falls to fresh four-year low of 1.7%


From Mark Carney today...


• The BoE has lowered its unemployment forecasts, predicting that it will be at 5.9pc in two years, compared to a February forecast of 6.4pc.


• Spare capacity in the economy is still around 1-1.5pc of GDP, but "slightly closer to bottom" of range


• GDP forecasts: 3.4pc in 2014 (unchanged), 2.9pc in 2015 (February: 2.7pc) and 2.8pc in 2016 (unchanged)


Thanks Anna. Looks to me like we are indeed heading for potential deflation but at least the economy is picking up slack. Btw, for those not understanding unemployment, that spare capacity figure is largely related to the real unemployment figure, people that should be in work but aren't.

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WORKING population, as a percentage of the total population. Also, your opinion is that the country's population should decrease, have a bit of a Google on what a decline in population actually means.


I'm fully aware of what it means, and I also know what about the undesirable consequences of an increasing population.

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Well just as well the rising bubble in housing is not included, or rent for that matter, just as well people are spending their savings, getting into debt or we would all be getting a very different picture.


Whn one is in impossible debt how does one get out of it?


Answer by borrowing more of course ..stupid!

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So we have a considerable drop in unemployment..




Other good news is that we've never had more people in work in total, and the number of part time jobs has alos fallen, presumably people are moving from part to full time work..


Inflation is also down where it should be too




And it seems that there is a modest but encouraging growth in wages, so hopefully that will climb a little above inflation soon.


Looking better all round. Let's hope it all continues.




And suicides because of people losing their homes due to bedroom tax, delays in receiving benefit when first being taken off the disability or long term sick, or just stupid sanctions by god complex individuals at job-centres are UP.


But things are really looking up.:roll:

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And suicides because of people losing their homes due to bedroom tax, delays in receiving benefit when first being taken off the disability or long term sick, or just stupid sanctions by god complex individuals at job-centres are UP.


But things are really looking up.:roll:


What would you prefer, keep people on unemployment benefits and dependant on food banks, or for the situation to improve?

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What would you prefer, keep people on unemployment benefits and dependant on food banks, or for the situation to improve?



I would prefer to have a government that looked after it's own people before putting the needs of those from other country's first.


Making the retirement age 70 for men and 65 for women hasn't helped either.


Making the really sick work or suffer the consequences just to have that bit extra cash to give in benefits to all of those flooding our country from the EU is appalling in my view, but we can't say that or we are classed as "racist" the new "stop this conversation" word.

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I would prefer to have a government that looked after it's own people before putting the needs of those from other country's first.


Making the retirement age 70 for men and 65 for women hasn't helped either.


Making the really sick work or suffer the consequences just to have that bit extra cash to give in benefits to all of those flooding our country from the EU is appalling in my view, but we can't say that or we are classed as "racist" the new "stop this conversation" word.


Nothing racist about it, just incredibly short sighted. Raising the retirement age has to happen because the working population is not big enough in relation to the retired population, this is also why we need immigrants and, to afford it all, the economy to grow.


I suppose you'd rather see the economy spiral out of control and increase the debt mountain we already face. Have a look in Spain or Greece to see how that worked out for them.

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Nothing racist about it, just incredibly short sighted. Raising the retirement age has to happen because the working population is not big enough in relation to the retired population, this is also why we need immigrants and, to afford it all, the economy to grow.


I suppose you'd rather see the economy spiral out of control and increase the debt mountain we already face. Have a look in Spain or Greece to see how that worked out for them.


Nah, this is why we need those that can work to be in work, the more spongers there are that choose not to work, the less there is for those that can't work.

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Nothing racist about it, just incredibly short sighted. Raising the retirement age has to happen because the working population is not big enough in relation to the retired population, this is also why we need immigrants and, to afford it all, the economy to grow.


I suppose you'd rather see the economy spiral out of control and increase the debt mountain we already face. Have a look in Spain or Greece to see how that worked out for them.


We only need immigrants in times of low unemployment to do the low paid jobs that the British aren't prepared to do. In times of high unemployment we don't need immigrants at all.

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We need immigration to make sure wages do not rise, if not fall, as its about who wants to work for next to nothing, knowing the government will top it up.


It will be interesting to see what happens when the money for the Right to Buy comes conveniently to an end sometime after the next election, and interest rates start to make the 1.5 million teetering on being able to pay their mortgage start to loose their homes.


So being a property speculator or property renter seems to be the future as poverty fills the cash tills for some.

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