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Unemployment down, inflation down..

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Im sorry but that is not an answer. If its in the media it will be on the internet. Search it, find it ad link it. It takes seconds to back up an argument with a few references.


just because the answer is not satisfactory to you doesn't mean it isn't an answer


it is perfectly adequate to say - i can't be bothered to waste my time producing links just so that someone else can pick holes and faults to suit their agenda - it is just that some people say it more politely


some people have more time on their hands and are more bothered with trying to "win" arguments and debates, some people have better things to do

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just because the answer is not satisfactory to you doesn't mean it isn't an answer


it is perfectly adequate to say - i can't be bothered to waste my time producing links just so that someone else can pick holes and faults to suit their agenda - it is just that some people say it more politely


some people have more time on their hands and are more bothered with trying to "win" arguments and debates, some people have better things to do


Its not about winning, its about creditability. If you cannot back up your comments with evidence, why should people believe what you say? I don't know you from Adam so how do I know you're not lying through your teeth?


I'm not saying you are, but there are others who will bend the facts, create misleading threads and down right lie to try and sway peoples opinions on all manner of subjects, but usually political. If they can't find something to beat their political opponents with, they will make it up. There are the usual suspects who do this on a regular basis and they are countered by others asking them to quantify their claims. Some can and then others can see the evidence while others can't and vanish.


If you make a claim, back it up, people will listen to you.


If you can't, create an argument about the necessity to provide extra information, keep responding with the same point and hope no one notices and then vanish. This is how you lose any credibility you may have very quickly.

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Well Mecky? We are still waiting for your evidence that the economy halved last March as you claimed.




Ah and there's the abuse, right on queue...


and I suppose you're going to say you're not abusive, despite all the stirring you try on here


---------- Post added 21-02-2014 at 10:16 ----------


Its not about winning, its about creditability. If you cannot back up your comments with evidence, why should people believe what you say? I don't know you from Adam so how do I know you're not lying through your teeth?


I'm not saying you are, but there are others who will bend the facts, create misleading threads and down right lie to try and sway peoples opinions on all manner of subjects, but usually political. If they can't find something to beat their political opponents with, they will make it up. There are the usual suspects who do this on a regular basis and they are countered by others asking them to quantify their claims. Some can and then others can see the evidence while others can't and vanish.


If you make a claim, back it up, people will listen to you.


If you can't, create an argument about the necessity to provide extra information, keep responding with the same point and hope no one notices and then vanish. This is how you lose any credibility you may have very quickly.


People do not have to provide proof of their argument if the evidence is in the public domain. Basically, such a request just trying to troll and discredit. I'm very sceptical of what is published in the media anyway, since we can all provide some form of evidence to support our views, but it seems the thing to do on here.

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and I suppose you're going to say you're not abusive, despite all the stirring you try on here


---------- Post added 21-02-2014 at 10:16 ----------



People do not have to provide proof of their argument if the evidence is in the public domain. Basically, such a request just trying to troll and discredit. I'm very sceptical of what is published in the media anyway, since we can all provide some form of evidence to support our views, but it seems the thing to do on here.


Oh look Mecky has shown up to argue for blind faith over evidence driven discussion, I wonder why? :suspect:


Manlinose, Mecky is case and point of how not to act. No one believes a word he says these days because he has been shown to be a fraud on numerous occasions. He starts his political diatribe's making claims and accusations but fails to back them up. Then goes onto argue the toss but still fails to provide any evidence even though he is asked polity to do so. Once a few people have clubbed together and provided a counter argument back up with stats, evidence and facts, he vanishes like the Shop keeper in Mr Benn.

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I know several people made redundant for cost saving


I don't know nobody getting jobs due to better economy.


Who is believing the dirty lies designed to keep UK sinking head afloat in international markets.

A little positive lie here, some good news there, big headlines on the papers and UK is left alone from scrutiny in international markets and losing its credit ratings.


England's credit rating should be examined and taken lower down after examination but they do anything they can, even lie about employment, to make it look like they are still doing ok and everything is fine.

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Yes indeed. But then people like rickiethecat are the gullible victims of a very sophisticated government media campaign to make them think exactly that...


Could you be any more patronising? :loopy:


People like me and indeed anyone else who works for a living base our judgement on benefits claimants on what we see around us, not what we read in the paper. Take a walk around any council estate you like in Sheffield during the day and you'll find unemployed people hanging around smoking weed, boozing in the pub, gambling in the betting shop, walking their ugly dogs.


It doesn't appeal to those of us who believe in hard work but the fact is, it is possible to lead a life of relative luxury on benefits. A guy I know has been unemployed for the last 10 years save for the odd short-term agency job, yet he still manages to smoke and drink, has broadband at home and spends most of his days watching DVDs and playing on his Xbox. I'm sure there's plenty more like him.


The left wing idea that we're a bunch of gullible fools who base our opinions of benefit claimants on what the media tell us is complete nonsense. In my experience the vast majority of so-called job seekers have no intention of working. for as long as the state gives people enough handouts to live off without them needing to work, this will continue.

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Im sorry but that is not an answer. If its in the media it will be on the internet. Search it, find it ad link it. It takes seconds to back up an argument with a few references.


I shouldn't have to its been a major news topic on virtually every news programme I've seen this week, as well as a phone in topic on two radio stations I've heard with GPs contributing to the discussion with the same criticisms. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-26261700

Did you watch Question Time earlier this evening? it was the first subject they discussed.

No response with regard to that news article in the link, that doesn't surprise me.


How about this?


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and I suppose you're going to say you're not abusive, despite all the stirring you try on here


All I'm asking Mecky is that you either provide evidence for your frankly somewhat unbeleivable statement, or you retract the statement. It's not abuse - that's just how debate works. Pointing out how you act is also not abuse - it may be personally uncomfortable for you but that's a rod you cut for your own back.


Now, calling people Tory bully boys etc, would be abusive, especially when it's not true but that's another matter.



People do not have to provide proof of their argument if the evidence is in the public domain.


Actually they do, to save other people from having to search the entire public domain.


Now then - can you provide evidence for the economy shrinking by half last March - I've looked in the public domain and there is no evidence whatsoever for it.

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All I'm asking Mecky is that you either provide evidence for your frankly somewhat unbeleivable statement, or you retract the statement. It's not abuse - that's just how debate works. Pointing out how you act is also not abuse - it may be personally uncomfortable for you but that's a rod you cut for your own back.


Now, calling people Tory bully boys etc, would be abusive, especially when it's not true but that's another matter.





Actually they do, to save other people from having to search the entire public domain.


Now then - can you provide evidence for the economy shrinking by half last March - I've looked in the public domain and there is no evidence whatsoever for it.



Mecky might be a while answering that one. He's waiting for The Guardian to tell him what he thinks.

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Mecky might be a while answering that one. He's waiting for The Guardian to tell him what he thinks.


One of the problems is, you provide links and people don't read them, evidenced by their responses to questions that have already been answered.

Try to put it in your own words and you end up with long rambling posts.


Most questions have complex answers which can't be answered in soundbites and need researching from many sources to build up a picture.

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