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Unemployment down, inflation down..

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Mecky might be a while answering that one. He's waiting for The Guardian to tell him what he thinks.


Answering what one? There wasn't a question is his letest dummy spit. I don't see how he can accuse me of certain things anyway since he's far much worse than me of doing those things.

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Answering what one? There wasn't a question


Shall we try again then...


Can you provide evidence for your claim that the economy shrunk by half last March? I've looked in the public domain and there is no evidence for it.


is his letest dummy spit. I don't see how he can accuse me of certain things anyway


Oh look - more abuse that you claim not to do. Have a care Mecky it'd be unseemly if you got reported for such abuse.

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Actually they do, to save other people from having to search the entire public domain.



This is the advantage of Google, just copy and paste Mecky's unbelievable statement in the Google and within a faction of a second it will either confirm it or it won't.

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Its not about winning, its about creditability. If you cannot back up your comments with evidence, why should people believe what you say? I don't know you from Adam so how do I know you're not lying through your teeth?


I'm not saying you are, but there are others who will bend the facts, create misleading threads and down right lie to try and sway peoples opinions on all manner of subjects, but usually political. If they can't find something to beat their political opponents with, they will make it up. There are the usual suspects who do this on a regular basis and they are countered by others asking them to quantify their claims. Some can and then others can see the evidence while others can't and vanish.


If you make a claim, back it up, people will listen to you.


If you can't, create an argument about the necessity to provide extra information, keep responding with the same point and hope no one notices and then vanish. This is how you lose any credibility you may have very quickly.


fair points well argued - i would say that linking to media organisations as "evidence" to support an argument is not always all that accurate as, often, the media organisation has placed its own spin on the subject first - i'm speaking generally here, not specifically related to issues raised in this thread


and linking to individual reports/stories doesn't always give the broadest view - i'm sure we can all be selective in providing links which support our view point and ignoring those which don't


so links in themselves aren't always helpful in that they can sometimes de-rail the discussion


in addition - a lot of the points raised are matters of personal opinion/perception and whilst there may only be anecdotal evidence, it doesn't stop it being true - or at least true in some cases - and just because it may be true in some cases doesn't make it a universal truth


as a case in point, take rickiethecat's post at 11.23 - no amount of discussion backed up with any amount of links will change that poster's view that "In my experience the vast majority of so-called job seekers have no intention of working"


it is quite clearly and obviously unproveable but he is perfectly entitled to hold that opinion - no matter how many times i might ask for evidence to back up the viewpoint, none will be forthcoming because there is none - although, having said that, i'd be happy to be proved wrong


edit - and just on the point about Mecky's claim that the economy halved last march (or whatever the actual claim was) - it was obviously wrong - it may have been down to their mis-understanding of the statistic, it may have been a typographical error - it doesn't really matter - we all make mistakes - sometimes it is wise to admit it and move on, some people choose not to - i'm just not sure of the purpose of constantly going back to a statement which was clearly erroneous and, as far as i am aware, has not been repeated by him (i am assuming mecky is a he, apologies if not)

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Shall we try again then...


Can you provide evidence for your claim that the economy shrunk by half last March? I've looked in the public domain and there is no evidence for it.




Oh look - more abuse that you claim not to do. Have a care Mecky it'd be unseemly if you got reported for such abuse.


Oh the irony...Your, and others, continual harrasment of a member of SF is just, if not more abusive than anything he has done.


It's very unpleasant, and seems to be your entire modus operendi.

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Oh the irony...Your, and others, continual harrasment of a member of SF is just, if not more abusive than anything he has done.


It's very unpleasant, and seems to be your entire modus operendi.


Its nothing of the sort. He made a claim and has refused to provide evidence to back it up. This is not the first time its happened and members are fed up with his lies. All of which are trying to sway peoples political opinions.


Please do not defend someone who lies in-an-effort to discredit his political opponents to sway others political opinions.

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Oh the irony...Your, and others, continual harrasment of a member of SF is just, if not more abusive than anything he has done.


It's very unpleasant, and seems to be your entire modus operendi.


Attack ad hominem I think Anna....


Look at who made the original post and then look who turned up to harrass and stir up trouble.


---------- Post added 21-02-2014 at 16:16 ----------


i'm just not sure of the purpose of constantly going back to a statement which was clearly erroneous and, as far as i am aware, has not been repeated by him (i am assuming mecky is a he, apologies if not)


It was pointed out by me and several others that it was erroneous and wrong - it was pointed out that he probably meant the rate of growth was halved, but despite that, Mecky still chose to repeat the claim, and use it in bolstering his arguments.


If it was a simple one off it'd be perfectly excusable but it's the long line of a series of lies and half truths that this is the capstone for.

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Too funny hahaha


---------- Post added 21-02-2014 at 18:27 ----------


Attack ad hominem I think Anna....


Look at who made the original post and then look who turned up to harrass and stir up trouble.


---------- Post added 21-02-2014 at 16:16 ----------



It was pointed out by me and several others that it was erroneous and wrong - it was pointed out that he probably meant the rate of growth was halved, but despite that, Mecky still chose to repeat the claim, and use it in bolstering his arguments.


If it was a simple one off it'd be perfectly excusable but it's the long line of a series of lies and half truths that this is the capstone for.


and what claim is that and what do you think I meant? Would you like to comment on the links I posted in #60?

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