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Trainers in Town


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How odd !



Why is it odd to look smart on a night out instead of wearing a grotty T shirt and stinky "trainers" ?


Yes i think its nice to look "smart" on a night out. Prob stems from going out in 80s when couldnt get in most pubs let alone nightclubs in jeans. I would never have dreamt of going out in jeans unless maybe to a local pub and never worn trainers apart from for exercise. Part of your night out was getting dressed up and looking different to how looked in day. I know jeans are "trendy" now and loads of people go out in them but i still dont feel right going in town in jeans. Noticed that girls tend to get dressed up but men often look like come straight from work and made no effort!

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I stopped wearing uniform when i was 16


since then, i wear what i want when i want, i find it helpful that some venues stop me from entering as the venues with dress codes clearly arent the sort of places I should be socialising in.


but the brand thing is interesting, rockport, lacoste, stone island, its stereotyping at its best.


take the hoody thing, if you call everyone wearing a hoody a hooligan, like some people like to do its not even slightly accurate, depending on brand, you could be talking to the skaters, or the scallies.


the former, I have always found to be friendly, the latter less so.

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I stopped wearing uniform when i was 16


since then, i wear what i want when i want, i find it helpful that some venues stop me from entering as the venues with dress codes clearly arent the sort of places I should be socialising in.


but the brand thing is interesting, rockport, lacoste, stone island, its stereotyping at its best.


take the hoody thing, if you call everyone wearing a hoody a hooligan, like some people like to do its not even slightly accurate, depending on brand, you could be talking to the skaters, or the scallies.


the former, I have always found to be friendly, the latter less so.


alot of the time these things are more an excuse used by the doorstaff than a rule, just because the dress code states 'no rockport' ect doesn't mean that you 100% won't get in wearing that brand.


Also most venues won't allow hoodies/caps for security reasons not for dress code reasons, someone who has a hood up before punching someone is alot harder to identify on CCTV than someone who doesnt

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alot of the time these things are more an excuse used by the doorstaff than a rule, just because the dress code states 'no rockport' ect doesn't mean that you 100% won't get in wearing that brand.


Also most venues won't allow hoodies/caps for security reasons not for dress code reasons, someone who has a hood up before punching someone is alot harder to identify on CCTV than someone who doesnt


this is also a reason to avoid a venue, if it attracts people who are going to use a hood before commiting a crime, its not the place for me ;)

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you mean your friend got refused entry for acting like a ****, the fact he was wearing trainers was the easiest excuse the doorstaff could think of


If you knew my mate, which you don't, you'd know he's one of the quietest lads I've ever met.


Don't judge others by your own low standards.

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