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The right to vote

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What are you voting for these days? Personality????? Well forget policies, as as soon as the greedy little political muggers get into so called power, they chuck out their lies. What do you think 9k a year for university is all about apart from another tax???? But everyone was fooled though the justification of the rip off, while the real money went to defense, wars, and big boys toys and games, while shutting down services, selling off the NHS, and everything they can to gain future employment in the temporary job of grab it while you can.


One elects greedy psychopathic orientated individuals, as the expenses on top of their salaries continue to demonstrate. Kids in the sweet shop with no adults around, pretending to care, with their fake words.


What have the politicians in the last 35 years done for the majority of people living on this island? One judges the prosperity by how one treats the vulnerable, so the mentally ill chucked into the community,......... streets to anyone with a clue.


Does anyone realise that the main reason the NHS is short of cash is because of PFI contracts, which is a way of giving the tax take to the banks???? Everyone is constantly being ripped off and what the powerful do is point at vulnerable groups for the peasants to vilify, and they fall for it all the time. no wonder we are almost scraping the bottom of the educational global ladder, the powerful need people to be educated into stupidity, its policy.

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Should poor people, or people getting benefits have the right to vote, as they put nothing into the system, thus some might argue have no right to be involved in the election decision making process.


Most do not vote anyway, so maybe it should be made official?


Maybe people who spend a lot of time on forums posting preposterous conspiracy theories amounting to mountain loads of rubbish should have to undergo some kind of psychiatric test before being allowed to be turned loose in a voting booth

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Maybe people who spend a lot of time on forums posting preposterous conspiracy theories amounting to mountain loads of rubbish should have to undergo some kind of psychiatric test before being allowed to be turned loose in a voting booth


Not once has erebus attacked a poster directly. He's controversial, contentious maybe. You on the other hand are personal, loud and vulgar. I guess you failed the "psychiatric test"?

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Not once has erebus attacked a poster directly. He's controversial, contentious maybe. You on the other hand are personal, loud and vulgar. I guess you failed the "psychiatric test"?


What can I say? Peiople like you and erebus annoy the crap out of me and I will exercise my rights under the laws of free speech..... like it or not.


Being loud and vulgar doesnt disqualify anyone from being able to vote. Acute paranoia however accompanied by delusional thoughts that the world is full of conspiracies and rip offs of various kinds.... all it seems masterminded by the USA....... does give one pause for thought that the person is missing a screw or two.


This opinion of mine born out by the latest conrtibution that certain members and citizens of the UK should not be allowed to vote in a national election :loopy:

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This opinion of mine born out by the latest conrtibution that certain members and citizens of the UK should not be allowed to vote in a national election :loopy:


What's it got to do with you anyway? I seem to remember your comments to people talking about the last US elections (or any US matters really) were effectively "butt out" if you didn't agree with them. If you're not willing to let others discuss you elections, why should we allow you to discuss ours?


And anyway, America has near enough got the conspiracy market sealed up. It's only the US influence which has bought it to these shores in any noticeable levels, so technically, Erebus' conspiracy flings are one of your great provisions to the world.


I suppose Buck will be here shortly to back you up...

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Unsurprisingly, the idea of banning the poor from voting has excited ex leader of the young Consevatives, now UKIP councillor Tom Bursnall. He goes further, arguing that rich people should recieve more votes than poor people:


"It would be terribly ‘unfair’ of you to give equal representation rights to the chap who contributes 50 times more than the next person. In the same way as if you own 60% of shares of a company, you’ll get 60% of the voting rights at the Annual General Meeting."



Snotty totty, Alexandra Swann, another ex Conservative turned UKIP supporter (I'm sensing a pattern here :suspect:), defended Bursnall, claiming that:


“allowing people to vote on how other people’s money is spent — if they dont contribute — is dangerous.”



These 2 young people will go far in politics

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What's it got to do with you anyway? I seem to remember your comments to people talking about the last US elections (or any US matters really) were effectively "butt out" if you didn't agree with them. If you're not willing to let others discuss you elections, why should we allow you to discuss ours?


And anyway, America has near enough got the conspiracy market sealed up. It's only the US influence which has bought it to these shores in any noticeable levels, so technically, Erebus' conspiracy flings are one of your great provisions to the world.


I suppose Buck will be here shortly to back you up...


So what you going to do about it? Go snivelling to the Mods. :hihi:


Do you agree that any society that claims to be a first world democracy should deny any of it's citizens the right to participate in a general election?


If you do and it ever came to pass then you're welcome to that society and I will gladly finally and completely disassociate from the country of my birth


It's depressing enough already to see what's shaping up in the UK. Scotland perhaps going it's own way and if it can be believed a feeling in England that it would be all for the better and also quitting the EU would be a good idea


That's not progress. That's dissolution of the worst kind. A sinking into total oblivion and complete and utter unimportance to the rest of the world

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