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The right to vote

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So what you going to do about it? Go snivelling to the Mods. :hihi:


Why would I do that? Your posts stand as a shining example of how much of a joke the indoctrinated 21st century American is, getting them deleted would remove that humour.


Do you agree that any society that claims to be a first world democracy should deny any of it's citizens the right to participate in a general election?


Isn't that exactly what you're suggesting when you say anyone who thinks the US has done / is doing bad things should be banned from voting?


If you do and it ever came to pass then you're welcome to that society and I will gladly finally and completely disassociate from the country of my birth


Can't you do it anyway? You and Buck are already pretty much laughing stocks with your attitudes of constantly complaining about the UK but not wishing to allow anyone else to comment on US affairs, even when directly affected by them (e.g. PRISM - the US activity to collect data from / about foreigners, which you didn't want foreigners to comment on because you're from the US and it didn't bother you, so we should just be happy and ignore it). I don't think any of us would feel any loss if you were to renounce us and become 100% american.


It's depressing enough already to see what's shaping up in the UK. Scotland perhaps going it's own way and if it can be believed a feeling in England that it would be all for the better and also quitting the EU would be a good idea


That's not progress. That's dissolution of the worst kind. A sinking into total oblivion and complete and utter unimportance to the rest of the world


Well, for once, I'm going to have to agree with you. But, I wouldn't pay too much attention to the vocal minority that are shouting over here at the moment. When the Scottish referendum fails in September, it'll be a massive blow to the EU separatists too.

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Should poor people, or people getting benefits have the right to vote, as they put nothing into the system, thus some might argue have no right to be involved in the election decision making process.


Most do not vote anyway, so maybe it should be made official?


When ive paid the mortgage and associated bills this month, I will have enough left over to boil some road kill in Bisto, and have the heating on (every second Tuesday, for 20 minutes).

On that basis of being skinty-poos for the foreseeable future, does that mean I cant vote either?

And I have a job! Granted, its within the NHS, but the pay is mediocre, but its a job. Until the mortgage is paid off, im officially poor.

Do I send my postal vote back unticked?:hihi::hihi:

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Why would I do that? Your posts stand as a shining example of how much of a joke the indoctrinated 21st century American is, getting them deleted would remove that humour.




Isn't that exactly what you're suggesting when you say anyone who thinks the US has done / is doing bad things should be banned from voting?




Can't you do it anyway? You and Buck are already pretty much laughing stocks with your attitudes of constantly complaining about the UK but not wishing to allow anyone else to comment on US affairs, even when directly affected by them (e.g. PRISM - the US activity to collect data from / about foreigners, which you didn't want foreigners to comment on because you're from the US and it didn't bother you, so we should just be happy and ignore it). I don't think any of us would feel any loss if you were to renounce us and become 100% american.




Well, for once, I'm going to have to agree with you. But, I wouldn't pay too much attention to the vocal minority that are shouting over here at the moment. When the Scottish referendum fails in September, it'll be a massive blow to the EU separatists too.


Any negative reputation I have on here wouldnt cost me a minute of sleep.


You and others of your kind are like a bunch of cackling geese. Any thrreads on the US are always negative. In fact negativity in general is the byword.


If it's not moaning about the government, it's the EU or housing, or fast food or immigrants.


People of your grandfathers generation fought and died to make sure you lived in a society that gave everyone the right to vote but even that right is treated with contempt. You and those who think like you are a pathetic lot.


If you are anything typical of today's Brit then the country is in trouble.


For whatever it was worth to Britain I always worked for my money, never had any desire to live on unemployment, paid taxes that were due and did my two years in the army, being discharged with the princely sum of 25 pounds in my pocket.


What have you done ?

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Peiople like you and erebus annoy the crap out of me




I annoy the crap out of you? Oh dear. What happened to Captain America? The tough guy, top gun? The guy who doesn't lose sleep..yeah right you don't :roll: I even have an effect on your bowel movements it would seem.


Quite the delicate lil flower there Hayley.:D

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Maybe people who spend a lot of time on forums posting preposterous conspiracy theories amounting to mountain loads of rubbish should have to undergo some kind of psychiatric test before being allowed to be turned loose in a voting booth



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This reminds me of a film I recently baught on bluray haha "The Purge" it's basically about in America a law is passed that for 24hours once a year all crimes are made legal. Everyone with money pays for topend security while those with some anger to get rid of go out and kill the homeless lol.


As mentioned a lot of oaps claim benefits so do you mean they shouldn't be able to vote? even if they may have fought for the country in wars? Also I'm disabled so claim benefits and if someone turned round and said I couldn't vote I'd go barmy

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I annoy the crap out of you? Oh dear. What happened to Captain America? The tough guy, top gun? The guy who doesn't lose sleep..yeah right you don't :roll: have an effect oI even n your bowel movements it would seem.


Quite the delicate lil flower there Hayley.:D


True to the extent that everytime I flush the pot I think of you :hihi:


---------- Post added 24-02-2014 at 23:41 ----------


Its very difficult to have a rational conversation on sheffield forums. Interesting subject that people dont even understand or cant be bothered to stick to. Missed opportunity yet again.


How would you expect to have a rational conversation on a thread whose subject is completely irrational ?


I dare say there are several on here who would agree with wind bag erebus that voting rights should be denied to the poor which doesnt surprise me because there are strange people on here with strange ideas :D


---------- Post added 24-02-2014 at 23:47 ----------


This reminds me of a film I recently baught on bluray haha "The Purge" it's basically about in America a law is passed that for 24hours once a year all crimes are made legal. Everyone with money pays for topend security while those with some anger to get rid of go out and kill the homeless lol.


As mentioned a lot of oaps claim benefits so do you mean they shouldn't be able to vote? even if they may have fought for the country in wars? Also I'm disabled so claim benefits and if someone turned round and said I couldn't vote I'd go barmy


Better yet go out and take to robbing banks or join up with some mob bent on total anarchy.


You would owe nothing to a country which passed a law denying you the right to vote.


If they hauled you off to the slammer then those who do have the right to vote would have to clothe, house and feed you :D

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True to the extent that everytime I flush the pot I think of you :hihi:


---------- Post added 24-02-2014 at 23:41 ----------



How would you expect to have a rational conversation on a thread whose subject is completely irrational ?


I dare say there are several on here who would agree with wind bag erebus that voting rights should be denied to the poor which doesnt surprise me because there are strange people on here with strange ideas :D


---------- Post added 24-02-2014 at 23:47 ----------




Better yet go out and take to robbing banks or join up with some mob bent on total anarchy.


You would owe nothing to a country which passed a law denying you the right to vote.


If they hauled you off to the slammer then those who do have the right to vote would have to clothe, house and feed you :D


Well Well it does appear Harlyman demonstrates that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and if the force of such ineptitude fails, then opinion ad insult follow, just the sort of thuggish behavior that would not have been out of place in Ukraine.


He might consider a new career initiative, as a performer as a Fairground Freak, screaming at the audience when anyone laughs, sniggers, or dares to comment. It is entertaining to see how absurd it is as it attempts to be herd, in a attempt to patronize, while only able to resort to childish if not infantile remarks. Its a wonder this sort of continuous flow if personalizing insults has not gained a reprimand or two, but then again the world is full of psychopaths. Maybe its better for such a entity to attempt to beat people up with insults, that the normal choice of wife beating, child cruelty, and other more overt antisocial behaviors? Trying to be be clever, is not actually that clever, and knowing what you are taking about trumps insults and opinions.

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