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£300,000 a WEEK. An insult to the working man?

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What a wonderful jealousy fuelled thread - keep it coming, it is most amusing.


Not at all.

It's about the growing gap between rich and poor. This country is supposed to be broke. We are being subjected to swingeing cuts to public services etc yet the rich are getting richer, and putting more and more things beyond the purse of ordinary people.

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Not at all.

It's about the growing gap between rich and poor. This country is supposed to be broke. We are being subjected to swingging cuts to public services etc yet the rich are getting richer, and putting more and more things beyond the purse of ordinary people.


It's clearly not putting the price of season tickets beyond man utd supporters. It's a non-story. This story is defunct. So he earns a lot of money kicking a bag of wind about. Big deal. At least he plays and wins things. There are countless premier league footballers on thousands per week who do no more than turn up for training and are part of unsuccessful teams who win nowt. They pay their taxes. The club and supporters, on the whole want him.


People who work for banks earning millions whilst they still owe the tax payer and ripping off their tax paying customers whilst they pay no tax. That's noteworthy. Any public sector who earns more than the PM (of any colour) is noteworthy. The salary of a footballer, or any sportsman who actually pays his taxes isn't a big deal it really isn't.

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It's clearly not putting the price of season tickets beyond man utd supporters. It's a non-story. This story is defunct. So he earns a lot of money kicking a bag of wind about. Big deal. At least he plays and wins things. There are countless premier league footballers on thousands per week who do no more than turn up for training and are part of unsuccessful teams who win nowt. They pay their taxes. The club and supporters, on the whole want him.


People who work for banks earning millions whilst they still owe the tax payer and ripping off their tax paying customers whilst they pay no tax. That's noteworthy. Any public sector who earns more than the PM (of any colour) is noteworthy. The salary of a footballer, or any sportsman who actually pays his taxes isn't a big deal it really isn't.


I agree up to a point, but the whole banking thing is part of it. They've sort of set the standard. How many times have we heard the 'we have to pay to get the best' argument? Rooney might be exceptional for all I know, but the rest of us are getting left so far behind the elite we can never catch up.


London for example is now almost impossible to live in, on an ordinary salary. In fact all over the country many ordinary workers now have to be subsidised by the state (taxpayers) just to put a roof over their heads and food on the table. It's not the taxpayer, but the employers, that should be digging into their profits to pay a decent wage. But no, they just keep it all, and get ever richer.


So the cost of living spirals upwards, but leaves more and more people in poverty at the bottom, and at the bottom of the bottom people are now getting desperate. This is happening now, and will get worse.


Where will it end? With more and more people tumbling into this impoverished sector, and the gap between rich and poor getting bigger, will we eventually become a third world country?

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I agree up to a point, but the whole banking thing is part of it. They've sort of set the standard. How many times have we heard the 'we have to pay to get the best' argument? Rooney might be exceptional for all I know, but the rest of us are getting left so far behind the elite we can never catch up.


London for example is now almost impossible to live in, on an ordinary salary. In fact all over the country many ordinary workers now have to be subsidised by the state (taxpayers) just to put a roof over their heads and food on the table. It's not the taxpayer, but the employers, that should be digging into their profits to pay a decent wage. But no, they just keep it all, and get ever richer.


So the cost of living spirals upwards, but leaves more and more people in poverty at the bottom, and at the bottom of the bottom people are now getting desperate. This is happening now, and will get worse.


Where will it end? With more and more people tumbling into this impoverished sector, and the gap between rich and poor getting bigger, will we eventually become a third world country?


I don't think the wages of a few hundred footballers is going to tip the balance. We are so far away from being a third world country and never will be.


We're too well armed.

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I agree that it's a small number, which is why it's so extraordinary how much wealth the wealthiest people have.


According to Oxfam, the richest 85 individual people, have as much money as 50% of the entire world's population.


I find that amazing. And at the current rate that will soon be 75% of the world's wealth still in the hands of very few people. Where or who are they going to get it from? Who is going to be impoverished to make them richer?


This is the 1% and the 99% that people like Occupy keep banging on about, and it's happening before our eyes.

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I agree that it's a small number, which is why it's so extraordinary how much wealth the wealthiest people have.


According to Oxfam, the richest 85 individual people, have as much money as 50% of the entire world's population.


I find that amazing. And at the current rate that will soon be 75% of the world's wealth still in the hands of very few people. Where or who are they going to get it from? Who is going to be impoverished to make them richer?


This is the 1% and the 99% that people like Occupy keep banging on about, and it's happening before our eyes.


But if they take a certain amount of money us lower down the chain won't afford to watch man utd or get sky and Wayne will be out of a job. You won't get much of an atmosphere with 85 people. And they must spend it on something. Also note that globally speaking you are positively minted. There are women in tea fields in India whining on how rich white women in England have pensions, indoor plumbing and don't have to work till they die.

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Also note that globally speaking you are positively minted. There are women in tea fields in India whining on how rich white women in England have pensions, indoor plumbing and don't have to work till they die.


Exactly, compared to many on this planet we are as rich to them as Rooney is to us.

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I agree that it's a small number, which is why it's so extraordinary how much wealth the wealthiest people have.


According to Oxfam, the richest 85 individual people, have as much money as 50% of the entire world's population.


I find that amazing. And at the current rate that will soon be 75% of the world's wealth still in the hands of very few people. Where or who are they going to get it from? Who is going to be impoverished to make them richer?


This is the 1% and the 99% that people like Occupy keep banging on about, and it's happening before our eyes.


The question is, would you be prepared to give up 50% of everything you have or are likely to get in the future, if Rooney gave up 50% of everything he has or is likely to get?

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