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£300,000 a WEEK. An insult to the working man?

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What is it with this 'jealousy' slur.


It's about fairness. It's about equality. It's about the growing gap between rich and poor. It's about a looming danger. It's about the bigger picture.


Would I want to be Wayne Rooney - No, would I want to be married to Wayne Rooney - No! Would I want Wayne Rooney's money - honestly?- No.


It's not a slur - it's probably true for most.

You may be a very principled lady who doesn't go after a man for his money (many do).

How can it be fair to pay the best footballer the same amount as the worst footballer. Where is the incentive to play better football? Where would the incentive be to have every inch of your life raked over by the media for a story, if you were not compensated handsomely (sorry prob not appropriate for Rooney) for it?

If all are equal, therein lies mediocrity at best.

It is a very outdated 1970's Soviet/socialist/communist mentality. I thought history had proved this to be a failure.


---------- Post added 27-02-2014 at 10:52 ----------


Any one CAN scrub a toilet, but most people just wont, but someone has to. The lack of people prepared to scrub toilets is probably one of the main reasons why there are very few public toilets around.


It's more likely due to the druggies, cottagers and violent types who hang around them that makes them close down.


Perhaps, if as you suggest the reason they are not available, we should ask the people who receive our taxes in benefits to do it as a quid pro quo.

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Any one CAN scrub a toilet, but most people just wont, but someone has to. The lack of people prepared to scrub toilets is probably one of the main reasons why there are very few public toilets around.


The cost of upkeep and repairing vandalism is the reason.


Millions of people play football. Only a very small amount get the kind of money Rooney does.

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Sandra Bullock is set to earn $70,000,000 from making the film Gravity. What an insult to the working man!!


..............wait a minute. Isn't she a professional, Oscar winning actress?! Maybe I should shut up and stop being a jealous moron!

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Sandra Bullock is set to earn $70,000,000 from making the film Gravity. What an insult to the working man!!


..............wait a minute. Isn't she a professional, Oscar winning actress?! Maybe I should shut up and stop being a jealous moron!


What for? Lounging around learning a few words and having her hair done.

$70m for 2 hours work? :hihi:

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What for? Lounging around learning a few words and having her hair done.

$70m for 2 hours work? :hihi:


It would take Rooney 3 years to earn what she did in a few months.......it's an insult to the average premiership footballer!

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It would take Rooney 3 years to earn what she did in a few months.......it's an insult to the average premiership footballer!


I know you're joking, but she probably spent 3 years working on that film too. From first readings to script work and research through to filming and then press tours. And yes, there are very few people in the world who could do it, like with Rooney.

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Why do you keep mentioning the gap between the rich and the poor?? Why has Wayne Rooney's wage only just brought this fact to your attention?


Why didn't you start a thread when U2 made over $700,000,000 from their 2011 world tour? Or when the Rolling Stones made over $500,000,000 from their last world tour?


Tom Hanks has grossed almost $4 Billion over his career and is worth over $300,000,000 himself!


J.K. Rowling is worth $900,000,000.....All she's done is sit on her arse typing!


Kim Kardashian is worth $40,000,000..........She doesn't do ANYTHING!


All this ranting about footballers wages is ridiculous! I hate Rooney, I'm a Liverpool supporter, he's almost at the top of my people to hate list, but it's got nothing to do with the amount of money he earns.


He must be worth the salary, or Man U wouldn't pay him that much. They're a business after all.


He's not got to where he is by mistake. He's worked hard, trained hard and sacrificed a lot. It's not an easy job being a footballer. You don't hear them moaning though, because they are very privileged and they know it (most of them), because despite their rewards, they're fully aware that they are lucky enough to be doing their dream job!


Sorry, but there's plenty of people you could be poking your bitter stick at, other than footballers.


Trust me, I have poked my 'bitter' stick at many overpaid people, particularly those who do nothing to earn it, (inherited wealth etc.) I have not just picked on Wayne Rooney, although he perhaps more than most, works in the domain of the ordinary working man, who knows how much hard work he has to put into the price of a season ticket.


Alan Hartley is quite right in that there is a limited amount of money in circulation (which is why QE is such a threat to economic stability) and one person's wealth is always at the expense of someone else, it's called money circulation, and is simple economics. When the balance is out of kilter it means that someone somewhere down the line is getting exploited.

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Trust me, I have poked my 'bitter' stick at many overpaid people, particularly those who do nothing to earn it, (inherited wealth etc.) I have not just picked on Wayne Rooney, although he perhaps more than most, works in the domain of the ordinary working man, who knows how much hard work he has to put into the price of a season ticket.


Alan Hartley is quite right in that there is a limited amount of money in circulation (which is why QE is such a threat to economic stability) and one person's wealth is always at the expense of someone else, it's called money circulation, and is simple economics. When the balance is out of kilter it means that someone somewhere down the line is getting exploited.



I still don't get your point Anna. Wayne makes his company hundreds of millions a year. In light of this, how much money do you think he should get paid?


Imagine that this thread goes viral and people love you and the points you have made. They start paying SF money just so they can read your talented writing. Sky come knocking on the site owners door and offer them just £300 million pounds for the right to a TV program about your posting. Kids and adults buy "Anna B" SF T-Shirts. People want to interview you on TV, with your name associated with SF.


As a result of this, SF start making even more money on advertising. This site becomes one of the most valuable sites on the net.


Would you want to be handsomely paid by SF for continuing? Or would you be happy for someone else to be rich from your hard work and talent?

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