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£300,000 a WEEK. An insult to the working man?

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A valid chestnut though. What about all those, and there will be quite a few in the premier league (and maybe even the championship at some clubs) who are one £20k a week? Is that still too much? Surely it's worse - they don't win anything.


What do you think tinfoil, do you think there're worth it?

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Why is it??


You are clearly not getting it. He is paid what his value is worth.


Think of him as a massive piece of asset to the club. HE has the skills, personality, sellable value and attraction which bring in millions and millions for the club.


If they did not pay him such amount, someone else would and he would move to another club.


That's how life works. If you have something that everyone wants your value goes up and you can demand xxx amount.


Its the same for top laywers, actors, surgeons, businessmen and trades. You make yourself an asset. You make yourself hot property. You make yourself in demand. You attract the big monies.


I would almost understand the negativity if Rooney was a privileged child born into a football dynasty and playing for a club owned by his billionaire daddy but he clearly was not.


He if anything should be a hero of the working classes setting an example to us all that no matter what your background, if you work hard enough its just possible to make it good.


In a small scale think about some of our ordinary background entertainers ala Jane McDonald, Paul O'Grady or John Bishop. They too worked hard and left their working class routes gaining multi-million pound television and tour contracts.


I too think there is a cloud of jelousy from some people on this thread.


Well said.

Some jobs pay well, some don't - that's life I'm afraid and the sooner people accept that (rather than begrudging those who have been more successful in their careers), then the happier they'll be.

Jealousy will consume you and make you bitter!

And if you really, really can't stand the fact that someone else earns such an 'obscene' amount of money in comparison to your average Joe wage, then why not turn all that anger and unjust feeling you have raging away inside you into drive and determination to better yourself?

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Can I doff my cap your Lordship?


That's clearly a no then.


Ok, let me give you something to try and get you back onto a debate rather than silly comments.


How much do you think would be FAIR to pay a top level player employed by one of the most popular supported and successful football clubs in the world?


If xxx is amount is for a Rooney, what would you expect the cap salary to be for a Premiership average ball kicker, Championship and lower league ball kicker.


Do you not beleive there would be a risk that capped or even tariff salaries may lead to a player reaching a certain point and then just giving up. After all, once someone reaches their respective glass ceiling - why bother trying?


Surely that would have a massive impact on the standard and in turn popularity of the game and industry as a whole.

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A valid chestnut though. What about all those, and there will be quite a few in the premier league (and maybe even the championship at some clubs) who are one £20k a week? Is that still too much? Surely it's worse - they don't win anything.


Surely you can see that this is not jelousy. This is beyond a joke - nobody is worth that sort of money.


These sorts of amounts are obscene in a country in which we have working people struggling just to keep their heads above water.

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That's clearly a no then.


Ok, let me give you something to try and get you back onto a debate rather than silly comments.


How much do you think would be FAIR to pay a top level player employed by one of the most popular supported and successful football clubs in the world?


If xxx is amount is for a Rooney, what would you expect the cap salary to be for a Premiership average ball kicker, Championship and lower league ball kicker.


Do you not beleive there would be a risk that capped or even tariff salaries may lead to a player reaching a certain point and then just giving up. After all, once someone reaches their respective glass ceiling - why bother trying?


Surely that would have a massive impact on the standard and in turn popularity of the game and industry as a whole.



I thnk the idea is that you have a salary cap for the team as a whole. Germany is debating this at the moment. the advantage is you focus on managing resources as well rather than buying your way out of things. the laternative is a cap on the basis of % of the teams income i.e 70%. As German clubs are fan owned then they have more say.



The trying argument = no because they only get the share they have based on performance. They dont perform they arent retained and can move on. Players also want to win things mostly. Cant see why it would have any impact if it applies to everyone.


The area it would have an impact is players going abroad for higher salaries. Might give more scope for more English players.

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Surely you can see that this is not jelousy. This is beyond a joke - nobody is worth that sort of money.


These sorts of amounts are obscene in a country in which we have working people struggling just to keep their heads above water.


Who says?

Clearly they are worth that sort of money or they would not offer them such a salary.


Lets just say for example, a council house raised guy learns a trade, he then starts a plumbing company that offers a unique specialist service, he spends a few years kicking around earning an average wage from odd jobs and then one day suddenly winning a big contract with a huge company as exclusive plumbing company for all their premises, the business booms, he becomes a multinational and a millionaire.


Mr average goes from earning a few hundred pounds a week to become a millionaire.


So, should this be deemed "obscence" "disgraceful" "totally unnecessary"


If it is that, I have to ask again where is the incentive for anyone to do anything.


Are we going to turn into a country of people who sit there going

"why bother"??

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That's clearly a no then.


Ok, let me give you something to try and get you back onto a debate rather than silly comments.


How much do you think would be FAIR to pay a top level player employed by one of the most popular supported and successful football clubs in the world?


If xxx is amount is for a Rooney, what would you expect the cap salary to be for a Premiership average ball kicker, Championship and lower league ball kicker.


Do you not beleive there would be a risk that capped or even tariff salaries may lead to a player reaching a certain point and then just giving up. After all, once someone reaches their respective glass ceiling - why bother trying?


Surely that would have a massive impact on the standard and in turn popularity of the game and industry as a whole.


You clearly know nothing about Association Football so carry on with your rant that Rooney should get £300,000.

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Surely you can see that this is not jelousy. This is beyond a joke - nobody is worth that sort of money.


These sorts of amounts are obscene in a country in which we have working people struggling just to keep their heads above water.


Some of them will be the very people that choose to pay his wage by supporting Manchester United.

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