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£300,000 a WEEK. An insult to the working man?

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Yes, congratuations you win tonight's star prize... I know nothing about Association Football.


I do know about business though. You pay to keep your best performing talent. I want to keep my prize possession in top position attracting the punters and their wallets each week. To stop my prize possession being poached by another club or simply walking - I keep them well paid and happy.


As soon as they stop perfoming and lose their attraction then they can be left open for bids or simply got rid of.


You dont need to know anything about football to get your head around that simple concept.


I'm off down the boozer Ecco, I!ll let you know what people think about Rooney on £300,000.

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Whats your point ivanava?


That its too high or your admiration that even capped players can be on so much? Please clarify so I can see your point.


I think the cap is applied to the team as a whole.


IPL has a salary cap as well.


My point is that even if it is capped it would no doubt still hack some of you off, because you would still consider it to be too much.


Mahendra Singh Dhoni‘s Indian Premier League (IPL) last year, Dhoni made an unprecedented $26.5 million.

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Why worry about it if you don't contribute to his wage? And if you had the power how would you resolve the situation?


As I said in post 26 the gap between rich and poor is something we should all worry about. As for the solution, I've voiced it many times on other threads. It comes down to the rich having a little less so that the poorest can have a little more.


Greater equality (not total) is in the interests of everyone.

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As I said in post 26 the gap between rich and poor is something we should all worry about. As for the solution, I've voiced it many times on other threads. It comes down to the rich having a little less so that the poorest can have a little more.


Greater equality (not total) is in the interests of everyone.


How would you achieve it? and why does it bother you when poor people fund the lavish lifestyle of their football hero's.

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My point is that even if it is capped it would no doubt still hack some of you off, because you would still consider it to be too much.


Mahendra Singh Dhoni‘s Indian Premier League (IPL) last year, Dhoni made an unprecedented $26.5 million.


NBA players earn on average more than premier league players on average. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/news/7530789/Premiership-stars-are-poor-men-of-sport.html

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He obviously is to Manchester United...


That's the point - if he didn't get even 100k at utd he could push off to France, Spain Italy Qatar or maybe even china. If you object to how much people earn, don't partake in watching them, using their sponsors and get your enjoyment watching a lower league team (like man city used to be not so long ago) or the local pubs teams kick lumps out of each other but don't kid yourself it's the same standard. Ditto film stars. Watch multi million pound oscar winners or films on syfy channel. Choice is yours.

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