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Psychological impact of knowledge of our own mortality?


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A cloud is simply (physical) storage media somewhere else.


We are getting closer to achieving technology which (in theory) could replicate a human brain. I do find this a very interesting thing.


It may be interesting but is still in the realms on science fiction.


If we manage to transfer a consciousness to a machine, how will that affect those who believe we have a soul?

How about if we manage to duplicate a consciousness? So there are two or more of the same personality roaming the earth, what would that mean to believers?


Again its in the realm of science fiction but I suppose it all depends on what is classed as consciousness. If consciousness is just a stream of electrical impulses then it would be impossible to replicate it. Even in Star Trek they had to invent the Heisenberg compensator to get around the problem when beaming.


---------- Post added 25-02-2014 at 13:53 ----------


The topic of "Nothing" or No-thing .. is actually quite complex. Pure Consciousness / Awareness has no form ... even though that Consciousness both supports and permeates all forms. So we might well call "God" Pure Consciousness the No-Thing which from which ALL "Things" .. all Forms and Experiences burst forth from.


Pure Consciousness / Awareness does have form as it is produced in the brain.


To be honest I'm not upset of bothered by dying and I think as you get older you get to accept that fact.

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Did you have any thoughts on the psychological impact our apparent mortality has on us?


only as previously posted, i can only speak for myself, but as far as i am aware my assumed mortality does not affect how i live my life - nor does it consciously affect me psychologically - if i was the only one who was going to die, or the only one who wasn't then it may do so, but otherwise i tend not to worry too much about things i can't change


my attitude may change the older i get, but, as i assume i'm going to live till i'm in my 90's, i'll let you know in 40 years

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It may be interesting but is still in the realms on science fiction.




Again its in the realm of science fiction but I suppose it all depends on what is classed as consciousness. If consciousness is just a stream of electrical impulses then it would be impossible to replicate it. Even in Star Trek they had to invent the Heisenberg compensator to get around the problem when beaming.

Of course it's science fiction, currently.


Pure Consciousness / Awareness does have form as it is produced in the brain.

Like Johncocker said, what would that form be?


---------- Post added 25-02-2014 at 15:11 ----------


The topic of "Nothing" or No-thing .. is actually quite complex. Pure Consciousness / Awareness has no form ... even though that Consciousness both supports and permeates all forms.
Only if you're talking about a collective consciousness.

So we might well call "God" Pure Consciousness the No-Thing which from which ALL "Things" .. all Forms and Experiences burst forth from.

That makes no sense. Sounds like you're just trying to somehow rationalise the existence of a God.


Microsoft windows or iOS have no form. What would you call them?

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Actually, this is a very interesting question.


We all know we're going to die - we just don't believe it....




You'd think it would be pretty major. In fact I think it probably is part of the reason we seem to have become so selfish and hedonistic.



I remember when I was growing up, I questioned life. I also came to learn that I was brought up in that kind of "vertical environment". Of knowing my grandparents and of respecting my elders. I think things truly flipped for me when I entered the working world, and then I had to handle heavy sexual innuendos and so forth in a male dominated environment. That really turned my world upside down. I even tried to "respect" my female IT boss, but then she treated me like I was her peer, which was also quite odd in my eyes. How can an older person be your friend, and not be someone you respect and looked up to ? I once mentioned age, and then I got embarrassingly pushed back in conversation. I should indeed have stopped socialising with her in that context, but work organised team building events just get more and more weird. This also flips my world too.


I always thought that knowing your older generation actually allows one to make sense of their own age, and actually encourages one to learn, and even to be respectful appropriately. It is a way to learn one's limitation, and experiences.


I definitely agree on the selfish and hedonistic angle. As I remember that I signed on one time on a dating website, only to be approached by a girl under 20 asking me for a bisexual experience when clearly my profile stated that I was a heterosexual. It is very brazen, and rude in my eyes of what she did. To me, I saw her as a bit of a sexual predator and not understanding that people meant what they write on their profile and she was "chancing" this. Which was quite inappropriate to be honest. How can a 30-something year old turn down a 20-something ignorant girl in the nicest possible way without harming her own personal development ? I blocked her and ignored her totally.


I always thought that if you knew your own mortality, then you need to focus on the time left in this world to do what you wanted or to spend it more with those you love. How many actually tries to aim for this now ? What we learn, we can also pass onto the next generation too. I thought that this is a kind of cycle of life. There are a lot of things which are wrong in our world. Like a manager who has no life experiences and is younger than those who he manages. Or a sexualised teenager who has no idea about relationships only to be chancing, or exposing herself to possible dangers in doing so. Or people hiring those because they know that they are a connection than someone who can do the job. Lots of things like that which makes and affect the dynamic of society overall.


I think overall there are people looking after each other less and less. Maybe this article also explains why. The internet does not help it either, as people are exposed to knowledge than to learn from life's experiences.


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What fears? give an example. I think nothing to fear when you go you go ... you will remember nothing of this life!


Fear is a natural instinct. Because death is inevitable you seem to think "inevitable" negates fear. Many people if not most fear death..it's just a matter of degree. If your doctor told you you had 40yrs left the degree wouldn't have such a profound effect. On the other hand if he told you you had six months your reaction would I would guess be a little different. I'm surprised you asked me for examples when there are many examples of a fear of death.


Only a minute number of people are remembered past one or two generations, which is why I think the current cult of 'celebrity' is such a joke.


I could name you half a dozen massive celebrities in their day who most people now will never have heard of.


Rich, famous; all will be forgotten in the end.


I wasn't exactly alluding to the likes of the Kardashians or Beckhams..more Darwin, Armstrong, even maybe The Beatles.

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