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Drs receptionists and privacy.

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Leather Man, the only way I can see that you have been identified is if the receptionist in question has read the your post, realised it was her and is trying to silence you.


This could be the start of something serious for this person so maybe you should refrain from posting anymore info about it in case it does escalate.

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Leather Man, the only way I can see that you have been identified is if the receptionist in question has read the your post, realised it was her and is trying to silence you.


This could be the start of something serious for this person so maybe you should refrain from posting anymore info about it in case it does escalate.


Good point Super Hans, now we know that the OP has an unusual surname, it's not difficult to imagine someone from his surgery identifying him from his post here.


Given that he hasn't identified any individuals or the surgery involved I suspect whoever made the decision to remove him from the practice list will have some very searching questions to answer when he makes the formal complaint, which I hope he does do.

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Yes it is, minus the space of course. I cant see how that alone can identify me or my grievance though.

Ive sent of an email and a hard copy letter of complaint. Thanks for the links guys.


I'm really shocked and sincerely wish you luck with your complaint as I think that's outrageous. The NHS Choices website allows users to give star ratings for named practices and post comments. It has to be said I've seen far worse on there than your initial post, which came across as a genuine concern about procedure, rather than a personal grievance that shouldn't be aired in public.

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Best of luck to the OP on this one, it needs addressing as you're perfectly valid in expressing your right to free speech. Why shouldn't we all know about bad practice, it's reviews online that make businesses and organisations buck their ideas up.


I find the fact you've been deregistered to be disgusting quite frankly and if I was a patient at the same surgery as I would send a letter stating thus.

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I agree 2's Company, we're all sympathetic to the pressure GPs are under but that shouldn't mean they allocate part of their job to a receptionist and you should certainly have access to a doctor if you ask to see one.


I know in some surgeries they have properly trained triage nurses who take such calls, which is fine, but they should identify themselves as such and be sympathetic to the patient. I often get the feeling that receptionists are briefed by doctors about how much financial pressure they're under so take it upon themselves to act as administrators doling out charity from the state coffers.


Not me! ............


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The important point is to make a complaint and follow it through. It will probably need to go higher than the practice manager, but should start there.


I cant see how you can have defamed them if they were unidentifiable.

You cant defame someone if it is true.

I cant see how you were that identifiable.

The bit the person might not have liked was the allegation of her discussing other patients and laughing at them.


You should research on rights of GPs to remove you from their books. I recall its quite common and theres little you can do, but things might have changed.


If you are unsure or unable to proceed with this yourself, then take it to CAB. I never have much faith in processes which involve the organisation investigating itself. Just find a new practice because you wont be losing much, but keep going with the complaint.


Btw I cant see the practice did anything wrong by booking you in with the nurse. It is their decision. She doesnt have to be medically trained to comply with instructions made by the practice that all patients of xyz sort are referred to the nurse.

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In making your complaint you should be aware of the GMC guidance on removing patients from a list. The practice should be following this.






These are the obligations on the GP. They will need to convince you they followed such guidelines.


Patient removal from lists accounted for 21% of complaints againts GPS on 2011 at about 550. It seems very common.


If the internal procedure fails to work to your satisfaction, then you can escalate your complaint ro the parliamentary and health services ombudsman.



Customer Helpline


Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman 0345 015 4033


8:30am - 5:30pm Monday - Friday


I would be careful how you discuss this matter from now on and keep most of it off board. My own view is that the receptionist needs more training from the practice about how to reassure and explain things so you understand why you are referred to a nurse.


The practice removing you needs to be compared to the guidelines above. I dont think you made anyone identifiable and therefore cannot have defamed them.


I cant remember, but im not sure there is any form of reinstatement and they have discretion about who they want on their list.

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Hi guys!

I needed to make an appointment with my doctor yesterday so i rang them up. The receptionist asked me what was wrong with me, i told her i only wanted to discuss it with a doctor to which she told me "i need to know or i cant book an appointment" so i begrudgingly told her what was wrong.

She insisted i need to see a nurse, i told her i need a doctor but again she insisted its a nurse i need to see so i booked in with the nurse, told her my problem and guess what, she said i need to see a doctor so i waited and waited and waited, 50 minutes in total to finally see a doctor. Whislt i was waiting i coulndt help but hear the same receptionist blab about one patients colon, another patients piles and she had a good chuckle at both of them when shed finished on the phone. Obviously privacy means nothing these days




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