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Children in cafés and restaurants

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I'm not God, but I too am glad I am not your mother. (You couldn't be my child though, as all mine can punctuate!) :D


I believe strongly in letting children be children - the world is far too ready to sexualise them, expose them to violence and force them into formal learning when really, they just need to play.


But if we are saying that letting a child be a child means you need to let them scream and whinge while you ignore them, then you have to accept that it is antisocial and wrong to let them do it in public spaces where other people are disturbed and upset by it. It's a bit like potty-training. It's a stage they have to go through, but you don't do it in a restaurant. You do it in the privacy of your own home, where strangers don't have to smell the poo.


Alice ... 4,320 Have viewed this and not one agrees with you. Your kids must be so happy with their mum ?!?!? !

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Alice ... 4,320 Have viewed this and not one agrees with you. Your kids must be so happy with their mum ?!?!? !


Well my kids are grown up now and they have turned out to be lovely, well-adjusted, considerate human beings. Sorry to disappoint!


You clearly haven't read the whole thread, as if you did you will see that there are roughly equal numbers of contributors who agree and disagree with me.


I don't even think you've bothered to think about what I'm actually saying - you're just jumping to conclusions - out of defensiveness, perhaps. But unless you can be bothered to read it, there's no point in trying to debate with you.

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Well my kids are grown up now and they have turned out to be lovely, well-adjusted, considerate human beings. Sorry to disappoint!


You clearly haven't read the whole thread, as if you did you will see that there are roughly equal numbers of contributors who agree and disagree with me.


I don't even think you've bothered to think about what I'm actually saying - you're just jumping to conclusions - out of defensiveness, perhaps. But unless you can be bothered to read it, there's no point in trying to debate with you.


I have Alice... Now I think you should be in bed so you are up in time to sort your man's breakfast.!

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I have Alice... Now I think you should be in bed so you are up in time to sort your man's breakfast.!


I doubt both of those things, somehow.


I can only conclude you're feeling a bit inadequate - sorry if this thread has touched a nerve, but it's always good to consider other viewpoints. I doubt I'll change your mind and am happy to differ. Now go and spend some time with your kids :)

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I doubt both of those things, somehow.


I can only conclude you're feeling a bit inadequate - sorry if this thread has touched a nerve, but it's always good to consider other viewpoints. I doubt I'll change your mind and am happy to differ. Now go and spend some time with your kids :)


Alice... You still up??? ... Just a guess??? You have no man to make breakfast? You working the nightshift? ......Alice I am a grandad No kids to get up to.

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Yes, (as I have already said) I have three children.


I am talking (as I have already made clear) about children of any age who are taken into cafes and restaurants by their parents then ignored, left to their own devices, or allowed to run riot/scream and generally spoil other diners' enjoyment of their food.


No, I doubt very much that I was allowed to scream in a public place when I was small - as I have already said.


Have you actually read this thread, or did you just parachuted in to troll?


Good lass Alice I agree 100% .I have kids also and your idea of bringing up kids mirror my style also.I know my kids are welcome every where we visit .I think we have found on here some of the so called parents we have been discussing .I will sit back now and wait for the response .Keep going girl I love it.

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Yes, (as I have already said) I have three children.

I am talking (as I have already made clear) about children of any age who are taken into cafes and restaurants by their parents then ignored, left to their own devices, or allowed to run riot/scream and generally spoil other diners' enjoyment of their food.


No, I doubt very much that I was allowed to scream in a public place when I was small - as I have already said.


Have you actually read this thread, or did you just parachuted in to troll?


Have you learned them how to throw eggs at people yet.

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Have you learned them how to throw eggs at people yet.


Ha! Someone else who cannot read threads accurately. I never said I would throw an egg at anyone, let alone recommend anyone else did. Read the thread :rolleyes:


So no, I didn't need to teach them that. If they had tried to lob eggs at anyone, I would not have let them do it before they were adults - now they're all over 18, they take responsibility for their own actions....which they would not have been able to do had we not brought them up to be aware other people's needs.


That said, I was talking to the youngest last night (the philosopher) and he agrees that it's healthy for democracy that the odd egg can be thrown at Nigel Farage and his ilk, from time to time. He said he wouldn't do it himself because he's an impoverished student and would rather eat the eggs. I sounded out the other two and they thought it was unacceptable in a democratic society.


I'd dispute that (with our voting system) we live in a true democracy, but that's another argument!

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Ha! Someone else who cannot read threads accurately. I never said I would throw an egg at anyone, let alone recommend anyone else did. Read the thread :rolleyes:


So no, I didn't need to teach them that. If they had tried to lob eggs at anyone, I would not have let them do it before they were adults - now they're all over 18, they take responsibility for their own actions....which they would not have been able to do had we not brought them up to be aware other people's needs.


That said, I was talking to the youngest last night (the philosopher) and he agrees that it's healthy for democracy that the odd egg can be thrown at Nigel Farage and his ilk, from time to time. He said he wouldn't do it himself because he's an impoverished student and would rather eat the eggs. I sounded out the other two and they thought it was unacceptable in a democratic society.


I'd dispute that (with our voting system) we live in a true democracy, but that's another argument!


Stop trying to whisk the debate onto another topic.

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Stop trying to whisk the debate onto another topic.


Er...it was Boothybabe in #157 who dragged in that other thread (about Farage being 'egged'), not me. I merely answered her question.


Read, before you start flinging accusations around!:)

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