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Children in cafés and restaurants

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I think many mothers ignore their children because they've become immune to the racket they make because of lack of attention. Sadly they've also become immune to their surrounding and others within a close proximity. Don't think it's a new phenomena but twatter and faceache doesn't help

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having worked in kitchens for the last 10 years I've seen my fair share of misbehaving children. One guy is so laid back over the space of 7 years I've seen his kids jump up and down on sofas, scream, lick the cake that was on display AND poo on the sofa. His response has always been to chuckle and gently tell them not to whilst walking out the door :roll:

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I cant stand this in restaurants. If you have a child entertain it, play with it or talk to it! I have a three year old shes my little buddy I wouldn't leave her to be ignored just cause I was having a chat I include her. If she started running round screaming and wouldn't settle down then it would be home time! Other people shouldn't have to endure badly behaved children.

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There was an article other day in some rag relating to this topic.



Rise of the me first mothers: Changing nappies in restaurants. Brazenly promoting their little darlings.



And from a parent discussion forum:


So my friend let her son use the potty in the middle of a cafe today... There were complaints but her reasoning was that it was that or him peeing on the floor so what would you rather. It was a portable potty so he peef in a bag that then ties up so it wasn't like she the had to empty it.



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Nice one alchresearch!


I thought it was in the Scottish Daily Record. Same story though.

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The reasoning doesn't make any sense, she couldn't take him into the bathroom and use the potty there?


Quite. And if that was too difficult (e.g. if she had a baby with her as well), then perhaps she should either have brought another adult with her (to mind the baby) or considered staying at home for lunch until the child was toilet trained.


I cannot think it is in a cafe owner's interests to allow children to defecate in the eating area, however many yummy mummies frequent the place. Apart from being grossly off-putting for the other customers, it is probably a public health issue. They wouldn't allow adults or dogs to crap in the eating space, would they? So why allow a child? Parents shouldn't be changing nappies there, either.

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