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Children in cafés and restaurants

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It's not just child free restaurants people want, but this as well.




Here, Here. :banana::clap::banana:


Child-free zones on planes sound like a good idea. Or even 'family flights' and 'adults only flights'?


How do they arrive at 39% being 'almost one in four, though?! (I suppose it is the Daily Mail. They obviously think 40% is one quarter. Duh).

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Child-free zones on planes sound like a good idea. Or even 'family flights' and 'adults only flights'


Yeah, right! Keep dreaming! "How many seats do you want to book? 2 adults and 1 child? Sorry only adults on this flight......:hihi:


Actually, I hope they do this (never gonna happen) I hate sitting with stiff upper lip couples, so far up their own bum they can see out of their own mouth. Or arguing couples who think everyone wants to listen to their conversation. I'd much rather have a family environment. Normal people are more my bag.

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Child-free zones on planes sound like a good idea. Or even 'family flights' and 'adults only flights'?


How do they arrive at 39% being 'almost one in four, though?! (I suppose it is the Daily Mail. They obviously think 40% is one quarter. Duh).


Maybe a Mr.Hydraulic Fluid children's theme park around the landing gear where they won't be heard? That should keep everybody happy. ;)

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Yeah, right! Keep dreaming! "How many seats do you want to book? 2 adults and 1 child? Sorry only adults on this flight......:hihi:

I agree, I can't see it being commercially viable. If RyanAir cannot manage to produce an edible cheese sandwich for £5, I can't see them coming up with imaginative booking options. (Although hotels do).


Actually, I hope they do this (never gonna happen) I hate sitting with stiff upper lip couples, so far up their own bum they can see out of their own mouth. Or arguing couples who think everyone wants to listen to their conversation. I'd much rather have a family environment. Normal people are more my bag.
Then you are strangely intolerant. I don't mind sitting next to anyone as long as they don't violently abuse my senses.
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Would not eat in McDonalds,Asda.if you payed me ,to many E numbers.What the lady is saying is if you brought your kids up right the situation would not arise.You do not have to use physical punishment when the child is brought up in an environment of love with rules.An environment where they are given your time when they need it no matter if it might be inconvenient because the tele is on.Where they also know the meaning of no.Sorry to disappoint you but giving them a crack dose not arise in our household.I like to think our kids had a loving up bringing and a childhood full of family fun and laughter but with respect for others .


At what age?, did they show respect for others when eating out???

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At what age?, did they show respect for others when eating out???


Your diarhhoea-like stream of question marks suggests you find this idea incredible, but I assure yoiu that it is perfectly possible - normal, even, for many families. it does however presuppose that the children have been set an example of consideration for others and the rudiments of table manners at home.


Obviously, the younger the child, the less reasonable it is to expect them to behave perfectly in a restaurant or other public space. For, that reason parents should either accept that they'll have to work harder than usual to keep the little ones entertained until the food arrives and whilst eating, or (if they can't be arsed to do that), accept that their kids are not yet ready to be unleashed on society in confined spaces!

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