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Children in cafés and restaurants

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On the contrary. I think children are great. I prefer them to most adults, much of the time. My intolerance is for antisocial pillocky parents who behave in the manner you describe yourself behaving. It's not the children's fault if they are appallingly behaved, but the accompanying adults'.


(So you were the idiot in the IKEA cafe three Saturdays ago...:gag:)


Please quote anything I have written which states that the world should be child-free during the day. Or at night. Or at all. No? So take your big wooden spoon home and give yourself a whack on the head with it.


---------- Post added 01-03-2014 at 18:45 ----------



So why bother contributing at all, if you have nothing to say?


In any case, it's really not about only having the right to complain if you have children yourself. If dogs crap on the pavement, why should it only be dog-owners who have the right to object? Or if a student chucks up his late-night curry in your path, are you only entitled to complain if you have student children yourself? Or if you were once a student? Your argument is barking.


What we're objecting to is parental selfishness and antisocial-ness. You are OK with that, are you?


Sorry, the post wasn't aimed at you.


---------- Post added 02-03-2014 at 08:33 ----------


There is nothing "stuck up" about someone who does not wish to have their meal ruined by someones screaming brat running riot in a restaurant or café . If people cant keep their offsprings under control then they should keep them at home where no one else has to suffer their noise and bad behaviour.


Depends on the time and place your meal is being consumed!

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Depends on the time and place your meal is being consumed!


Why? The only exception I can think of is when the cafe has been booked for a private kids' party, then they can behave as they like as far as I'm concerned. They can only annoy each other!


Surely, though, when open to the public, restaurants, cafes and other public eating/watering places should be somewhere where everyone can enjoy their meal/cup of tea without someone else shouting, whining, running round the tables or generally being noisy and irritating. You'd be hacked off if adult diners continually screamed, whinged, ran around or threw stuff about, so why is it any less distracting if children are allowed to do it? If you want to allow your kids the freedom to do those things, or if you cannot trust them to be sociable, you should keep them at home and not venture out with them into public places where they can't put everyone else off their food. Or perhaps cafes should have 'Kiddies Kornerz' (preferably outside) where badly behaved families can be taken/directed to, to run wild and not affect others, a bit like smoking areas before the smoking ban?


The fact that they are 'only children' is neither here nor there - by all means use eating out as a way to help socialise them, but (once they're past the baby stage), table manners should be taught at home, don't you think, before children are taken into public eating places?


I wonder why those families are in cafes at all. It's clearly not intended as a 'treat' for the children, as the parents don't talk to them, encourage them to eat or drink, or interact with them at all, in some cases. It can't be much of a treat for the parents, as they only do what they could be doing at home - texting and fbing whilst eating/drinking.


The horrible thought comes to me that this is the future...parents who cannot prepare even the most basic of food eating out all the time (at what cost?) because it is 'easier' than being at home?

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well i am not doing very well today first screaming brats in costa coffee at tescos with parents oblivious to the their little darlings causing havoc, then we went to house of spice indian on ecclesall road last night, where a table of at least three families all with kids and i think two babies certainly one pram for a new born which screamed most of the meal, and the young kids treated the place like a playground, whilst the "right on" parents quaffed their chardonnay darlings! even the owner who we know quite well was not best pleased who on earth takes young kids out on a saturday night to curry house, for gods sake get a takeaway until your kids are a little older or can behave

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well i am not doing very well today first screaming brats in costa coffee at tescos with parents oblivious to the their little darlings causing havoc, then we went to house of spice indian on ecclesall road last night, where a table of at least three families all with kids and i think two babies certainly one pram for a new born which screamed most of the meal, and the young kids treated the place like a playground, whilst the "right on" parents quaffed their chardonnay darlings! even the owner who we know quite well was not best pleased who on earth takes young kids out on a saturday night to curry house, for gods sake get a takeaway until your kids are a little older or can behave


Absolutely. And who the hell quaffs Chardonnay with curry!? Plebs!:gag:


I hope you complained to the management and threatened to take your custom elsewhere. (There seems little point in appealing to the parents' better natures as they clearly have no concept of appropriate behaviour in the first place and you'd just get a mouthful. It has to be a commercial issue!).

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When we`ve been on holiday in Greece, we regularly see Greek families out with their children for a meal. The children (of all ages) are well behaved, sit at the table and eat their food. They are included in the conversation and I dont think I`ve ever seen a Greek child misbehaving in a restaurant. Dont know why, pehaps its the way they`re brought up. We regularly see children of British parents running around, screaming and being generally disruptive, and being totally ignored by their parents.

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When we`ve been on holiday in Greece, we regularly see Greek families out with their children for a meal. The children (of all ages) are well behaved, sit at the table and eat their food. They are included in the conversation and I dont think I`ve ever seen a Greek child misbehaving in a restaurant. Dont know why, pehaps its the way they`re brought up. We regularly see children of British parents running around, screaming and being generally disruptive, and being totally ignored by their parents.


agree with you there most europeans know how to bring their kids up sadly in the uk we are seriously deficient which has more to do with the "entitlement" culture that has savaged this country


---------- Post added 02-03-2014 at 13:27 ----------


Absolutely. And who the hell quaffs Chardonnay with curry!? Plebs!:gag:


I hope you complained to the management and threatened to take your custom elsewhere. (There seems little point in appealing to the parents' better natures as they clearly have no concept of appropriate behaviour in the first place and you'd just get a mouthful. It has to be a commercial issue!).


ha ha yes a cold Cobra is the only true accompaniment to a curry , they were true plebs.

as for the management i felt a little sorry for the guy he is very accomodating and apologised profusely and he is not the type of guy to upset people but i reckon the next time someone turns up with kids and a pram he will say they are fully booked and good on him

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When we`ve been on holiday in Greece, we regularly see Greek families out with their children for a meal. The children (of all ages) are well behaved, sit at the table and eat their food. They are included in the conversation and I dont think I`ve ever seen a Greek child misbehaving in a restaurant. Dont know why, pehaps its the way they`re brought up. We regularly see children of British parents running around, screaming and being generally disruptive, and being totally ignored by their parents.


Yes a lot of kids in this country are now spoiled brats I'm afraid, with little or no discipline, my kids were always very well behaved when we ate out, that was a long time ago now but I put it down to the fact that me and the mrs never spoilt or pampered them !

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Depends on the time and place your meal is being consumed!


No it dosnt . People should be able to enjoy a meal at anytime without it being spoiled by screaming brats running riot , weather it be lunchtime , tea time or in the evening be that in a café OR restaurant .

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  • 1 month later...
There was an article other day in some rag relating to this topic.


Some guy in a café complained to another diner (female) because she had got a potty out and sat her little dear on it to take a dump.:hihi: The guy got a mouthful from said woman. She then bagged up the poo and put it on her table.


That is disgusting. They should have been thrown out..

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