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Bit coins bite the dust?

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They're still trading for over 500 Dollars a piece on other online markets/exchanges.

Down from the near $1500 a piece they hit in the bubble.


Alot of people have been burnt by this and other similar mass 'loss' of coins, there's been a number of smaller exchanges setup just to take in coins and disappear with peoples money.


I think it's starting to become obvious that without regulation or legal oversight the criminal element will scam and steal with impunity.

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They're still trading for over 500 Dollars a piece on other online markets/exchanges.

Down from the near $1500 a piece they hit in the bubble.


Alot of people have been burnt by this and other similar mass 'loss' of coins, there's been a number of smaller exchanges setup just to take in coins and disappear with peoples money.


I think it's starting to become obvious that without regulation or legal oversight the criminal element will scam and steal with impunity.


No need for a brain and no need to think for that to be obvious.

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Never trusted them and never will, but that is actually irrelevant here.


Bitcoins are the first in a wave of revolutions regarding the way we think about money, in a similar style to Napster, for those not familiar with this line of thought it goes as follows:


- New exciting technology emerges

- New technology gets adopted at large

- New technology garners public interest due to novelty

- Technology forms foundation for new protocols

- Maturity issues in technology get revealed

- Scammers exploit technology

- Technology suffers PR-problems

- Technology matures in technical and legal terms

- Protocols get used to make technology fit-for-purpose

- Further maturity in protocols and technology

- Technology gets adopted in smart new business models

- Technology becomes mainstream


For those blinking at this stage: Napster introduced peer-to-peer connections to a broad public, even though Napster disappeared, this formed the foundation for many new uses, from cloud computing to iPlayer and Spotify. The same will happen with BitCoins - the theory is there, it now needs to mature (ie. get rid of scammers etc.)


BitCoins themselves will likely disappear due to the impracticality of managing it, but the technology will result in a future, mature in technological and legal terms, method of using money.


My bet is that services like PayPal and GooglePay will offer an alternative that can mature very rapidly - in ten years time you will pay for all your online purchases using a global currency, in 50 years time people will wonder why countries had separate currencies in the past.

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