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E Petitions against the school holiday ban

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Just a reminder to anyone who feels strongly about the draconian ban on kids going on holiday during school term time, there are a number of E petitions going at the moment. Flexibility on taking children out of school should only apply to kids with a good attendance record, but let`s face it travel is education ! * Seeing and experiencing new cultures and countries and all that. Not forgetting holidays are a prime time for parents to actually spend some quality time with their kids. Furthermore, in my experience, those who travel the most are the least likely to be racist, it really is a win win win situation.


This petition is the most popular, 170,000 signatures so far, but we`re not that keen on it because expecting Governments to meddle in private companies pricing policies is not really realistic, or even desirable ?


This one only has 14,000 signatures so far, but we signed it because it`s more reasonable.


* OK I accept that going to Benidorm is not quite as educational as going to South America or China or even Holland or Poland, but you know what I mean....

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travel is education !


Totally agree with this. Took my son on a 7 day back pack inc a world heritage site, where we met a greater diversity of people (and camped with them) that he could ever hope to meet in a class room, or a city such as Sheffield.


He learned more in that week about becoming an adult than any amount of teaching could have given him. The interactions he experienced were priceless.

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I`m curious, have you got kids ? If so where do you take them on holiday ?


I do indeed have children (who are now grown up), but where we took them on holiday is irrelevant. The crucial factor is when we took them, not where. This subject has already been done to death on this thread:




---------- Post added 26-02-2014 at 23:18 ----------



Its just a money making scam. No yawn about it.


If you think fining parents who deprive their kids of an education is a money making scam, you clearly missed out on a significant chunk of your own education. Suggest you go back to school.

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I do indeed have children (who are now grown up), but where we took them on holiday is irrelevant. The crucial factor is when we took them, not where. This subject has already been done to death on this thread:




We`re quite specifically talking about E Petitions here.


Where you take your kids is relevant in that certain places are much more expensive in the school holidays, others less so.

Futhermore, if you want to take your kids to, say, Australia (or somewhere else in the southern hemisphere) no one with any sense would want to take them in our summer, when it`s their winter..... And if you`re going to go that far you need more than a week or two*, so clamping down completely on school term holidays effectively means you`d never take your kids to half the world.


* You could go for three or four weeks, some of which could overlap with the school holidays.

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I'd quite happily go to Oz during their winter, I'd prefer to be honest.

It's still going to be hot by British standards, I don't think I could manage their summer tbh.


Petition 2 signed, because the ban and subsequent fines for parents just trying to save some cash is quite wrong IMO.

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I`m curious, have you got kids ? If so where do you take them on holiday ?


I have and i can't take them on holiday out of school time.


Thats because you parents insist on teachers actually teaching. So i think if the pupils can be absent so can the teachers.


It'll be amazing how many complaints parents make about the lack of continuity when relief teachers are used.

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