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E Petitions against the school holiday ban

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This isn't really about the whole holiday's in term time, but it is linked to the same sort of thing...

My daughter has bad asthma and has had to have time off school especially through the Winter Months when there are a lot of colds and infections flying about, although I phone the school every morning to let them know she isn't well enough to come in, I have had a letter this morning telling me I have to go for a meeting with the head teacher regarding her attendance, another mum that I spoke to has also had to do this and she said that the head teacher was possibly going to fine her, can they do this??

If a child is ill, really??

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Travel can be educational but I suspect for the vast majority of family's it's all about the money and nothing else. Cheaper to have 2 weeks on the Med outside of term time.


It isn`t all about the money as I`ve already stated above, but even if it were, many families simply can`t afford to go away during the school holidays. I personally think family holidays are very beneficial for kids, and many are very educational. There are areas of the Med which are so, though equally areas which aren`t. I think it should be up to the headmaster and done on a case by case basis, with the attendance of the child taken into account.


---------- Post added 07-03-2014 at 17:03 ----------


I guess its supply and demand, the prices go up whene theres more demand.


Of course it is, you can`t blame the travel companies.

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This isn't really about the whole holiday's in term time, but it is linked to the same sort of thing...

My daughter has bad asthma and has had to have time off school especially through the Winter Months when there are a lot of colds and infections flying about, although I phone the school every morning to let them know she isn't well enough to come in, I have had a letter this morning telling me I have to go for a meeting with the head teacher regarding her attendance, another mum that I spoke to has also had to do this and she said that the head teacher was possibly going to fine her, can they do this??

If a child is ill, really??


Completely off-topic post. You need to grind your axe on another school bashing thread or maybe start a new one.

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One quarter of the year is already given over to holidays. Is that not sufficient? This e petition is driven purely by economics. There would be no complaint if the holiday companies were not overcharging. Therefore it seems logical that parents should be lobbying the industry, not the education authority, whose job it is to see that children are educated. Doubtless the latter is the easier target though.

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One quarter of the year is already given over to holidays. Is that not sufficient? This e petition is driven purely by economics. There would be no complaint if the holiday companies were not overcharging. Therefore it seems logical that parents should be lobbying the industry, not the education authority, whose job it is to see that children are educated. Doubtless the latter is the easier target though.


You can`t blame the holiday companies, it`s a free market, they will maximise the revenue for periods of high demand. You can`t knock them for that, you certainly can`t legislate to tell them what to charge.

But it isn`t just about price, if I wanted to take my son to visit my brother`s family in New Zealand you wouldn`t go for just two weeks, and even if you would, the prices over Xmas really do go through the roof. You wouldn`t want to go in our summer (NZ`s winter) you`d do it on our winter which is their summer. Inflexibly banning parents from taking their kids out of school in term time effectively means I wouldn`t go to NZ, I wouldn`t see my brother`s family, they wouldn`t get to see mine, and, most significantly, my son wouldn`t get to see NZ and Australia. And if anyone thinks a child visiting NZ and Oz isn`t educational we`ve got very different ideas about bringing up kids.....

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I think that even if schools staggered their holidays all over the year so that there was never a specific week or two when holiday companies could jack their prices, they still would as people will still want to travel more at those times due to the weather.

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