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E Petitions against the school holiday ban

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but let`s face it travel is education ! * Seeing and experiencing new cultures and countries and all that. Not forgetting holidays are a prime time for parents to actually spend some quality time with their kids.


I don't think anyone would disagree with this, but explain how travel makes up for missing important lessons preparing for GCSEs in Maths, English and Science.


Furthermore, in my experience, those who travel the most are the least likely to be racist, it really is a win win win situation.


I'd love to know how you come to that conclusion.

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Then you're wrong, if a union advises it is withdrawing its staff in a school then you cannot turn up for work at school to teach whether you voted to strike or not.



Nope, its not legal for a union to force its member to strike, if you go on strike it is because you wanted to go on strike, no one to blame but yourself.

This is from their website.

The NUT does not instruct members to strike and we equally resist members being put under pressure not to strike. The decision is yours and you should be able to make it freely.

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Everyone that I have ever been to.


Come on Smithy, tell us the size of your sample so we can show your attempted claim the derision it deserves.


While you're at it, why not provide the absence statistics for staff and students at "every [school] [you] have ever been to"?

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Nope, its not legal for a union to force its member to strike, if you go on strike it is because you wanted to go on strike, no one to blame but yourself.

This is from their website.

The NUT does not instruct members to strike and we equally resist members being put under pressure not to strike. The decision is yours and you should be able to make it freely.


BUT if the Union is on strike it will advise the head who its members are numerically- the school will not allocate lessons for you to teach. They aren't allowed too in most cases.

Now you can disagree to your hearts content but as a qualified teacher and the parent of two teachers i think i may have a little bit more idea of what really happens.

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BUT if the Union is on strike it will advise the head who its members are - the school will not allocate lessons for you to teach. They aren't allowed too in most cases.

Now you can disagree to your hearts content but as a qualified teacher and the parent of two teachers i think i may have a little bit more idea of what really happens.


Although I'm note sure about this, I think all teachers have their own brain and mouth, which should make them capable to informing the head that they are available for work.


The fact you and your family are teachers just means your opinion is likely to be biased and based on what you want us mere mortals to believe. Sadly for you we can read.

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Because teaching is supposed to be a vocation and the school system is not supposed to be carceral.


Or have I got that wrong somewhere?

How about stowing that chip away for a moment, willman?


No chip.

I just think that parents,teachers and children should have parity. At the moment - children and teachers have parity. I don't see why parents can select when they want someone to educate their child and then when its suitable elcet to educate them themselves - 'cos its cheaper.


I want to holiday with my children when its cheaper, i can't. Yet you feel fully justified in doing as you please.


---------- Post added 28-02-2014 at 14:30 ----------


Although I'm note sure about this, I think all teachers have their own brain and mouth, which should make them capable to informing the head that they are available for work.


The fact you and your family are teachers just means your opinion is likely to be biased and based on what you want us mere mortals to believe. Sadly for you we can read.


But i am sure. The head teacher cannot ask a teacher who's union is striking to fulfill any duties in school.If they do they are to be reported to the Unions.


I wouldn't expect you to agree with anyone.


If you can read then try reading the whole of the NUT,not just the bit you selected. It gives you all the legal issues and rights that a union member has,including non provision of classes during strike action,no supply teacher etc etc

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But i am sure. The head teacher cannot ask a teacher who's union is striking to fulfill any duties in school.If they do they are to be reported to the Unions.


I wouldn't expect you to agree with anyone.


If you can read then try reading the whole of the NUT,not just the bit you selected. It gives you all the legal issues and rights that a union member has,including non provision of classes during strike action,no supply teacher etc etc


I agree, you can however inform the head that you will not be striking and the head will then be allowed to give you duties in school, you should start to take responsibility for your actions and stop blaming others for your desire to strike.

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Reported to the unions for what exactly? If the teacher has decided not to strike then they are clearly available to work.


If you can provide a link that backs up what you're saying I'll be happy to accept it of course.


Read the NUT site on strike action - as all o fit needs to be read not just selective bits.

The NUT advises a school it is carrying out a strike and 20 teachers are union members. THEN the head must decide what to do. They can't ask who is striking or who is a union member.They can't ask a teacher to provide cover work, they can't employ supply staff.


My children aren't union members and don't strike but they turn up for school and sit doing stuff that doesn't require pupils.

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