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Absolutely Fuming, Angry, upset.. and the rest..

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I went to visit an old comrade yesterday, we served together in the US Marine Corps. He served his country and I believe humanity, in an exemplary fashion for over 30 years.


Within two months of his retirement his wife died suddenly. Within months of that he was diagnosed with a terrible wasting disease from which he is now in the last stages.


He has never once complained, he asks and worries about other people and their problems.


Maybe the answer to your issues are to think beyond yourself, try to place your worries into context, if people have let you down, then you are a better person than they are, move on. If you are ill, fight back, do not go gentle into that goodnight. Move on. Maybe its work, if you do not like your job, assert yourself tell people how you feel, or get another one.


You have one life, this is not a rehearsal. Do not waste it.

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It's not as simple as picking one and resolving it...


As they kinda have a knock-on effect on each other, and just as I get some resolution to one thing, something else happens, which causes more problems, and some times related back to the one I have just resolved... thus, causing more issues!


Just as positive people attract positive things, so negative people attract negative things. It sounds to me like you must be a very pessimistic and miserable person so you need to change your outlook on life and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

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Just as positive people attract positive things, so negative people attract negative things. It sounds to me like you must be a very pessimistic and miserable person so you need to change your outlook on life and stop feeling sorry for yourself.


Yeah, buck up kiddo and everything will be fine. Money will start rising up through the floorboards, women will find you attractive, you'll be the life and soul of every party and you're confidence will soar.


Just smile a bit.

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Life is very tough sometimes,

but I always think that things do very often work out in the end

You will look back and think, what was all that about then

just give it time, you are doing something about it which is good ..... keep thinking positive instead of negative

Be glad for what you have got even if doesn't seem like much at the moment.

Good luck, take care x

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I know the only way to sort it would be to fix the "problem"


But there's multiple, and just as I sort one thing, something else happens, then another and another and so on... just keeps coming and coming...


I felt exactly the same last year-the worst few months of my life to date. I kept thinking "it can't get any worse" then bam another issue slapped me in the face. Develop tunnel vision and sort one thing at a time whilst just doing the bare minimum to prevent further issues.

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I went to visit an old comrade yesterday, we served together in the US Marine Corps. He served his country and I believe humanity, in an exemplary fashion for over 30 years.


Within two months of his retirement his wife died suddenly. Within months of that he was diagnosed with a terrible wasting disease from which he is now in the last stages.


He has never once complained, he asks and worries about other people and their problems.


Maybe the answer to your issues are to think beyond yourself, try to place your worries into context, if people have let you down, then you are a better person than they are, move on. If you are ill, fight back, do not go gentle into that goodnight. Move on. Maybe its work, if you do not like your job, assert yourself tell people how you feel, or get another one.


You have one life, this is not a rehearsal. Do not waste it.

Thank you for sharing that lovely story.


It is very true about time. I met up with some college friends this week, and when I see their kids as being so grown up already. I do feel sorry for myself and I also questioned whether it was the right thing for myself too to have chased the career for so long. I now understand that time can fly by, and especially if we don't take a good handle of our own lives and give it a good damn shake, so it brings it back on track to what our original goals and dreams are all about.


A Spanish friend shared this, which I think is very apt too.


It is good to take stock and go into the unknown, but stretching yourself all the time makes you lose your sense of self, and identity as well. But going back to what you are used to actually changes things too. It reminds you of what you have achieved, and what you are capable of also.

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Due to a number of events over the last few weeks, I have now hit a point mentally, where I feel I just want to give up...


I'm not going into detail of what's happened, as I would be here for a few hours typing away, and honestly, I'm not going to share my personal life with the whole forum...


Let's just say, I feel I'm stuck in a place I can't get out of, and it's only going to get worse...


I need to relieve some stress and tension!!


Any suggestions?


(not slept in almost 24 hours, been for several walks, been for a jog, tried relaxing music, tried a bath and other things)

Make an appointment to see your GP, if sleep deprivation continues to that extent it can be harmful.


Sleep is what you need at present to heal you and help you think more clearly. It may not resolve all your problems in the short term, but at least you will be mentally and physically strong enough to deal with problems more efficiently, once you are able to relax.


Perhaps relaxation meditation may help for the stress and tension at a stage when you feel ready to practice it.

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It's not as simple as picking one and resolving it...


As they kinda have a knock-on effect on each other, and just as I get some resolution to one thing, something else happens, which causes more problems, and some times related back to the one I have just resolved... thus, causing more issues!


It has to be, Ghozer.


If it is money related, fix the most expensive thing first. If not, just pick the most important.


I know that loads of things stack up and affect people all at once. I know very well how that can become overwhelming.


There is only one way out and that is to be systematic. Choose some of your problems that can wait and park them. Deal with them later. Then get on with tackling the biggest one, or two.


CAB is a good idea. They will be able to advise you about which things you really have to deal with now and which can wait. Once you have the problems simplified, you can begin to make progress towards solving them.


Good luck.


---------- Post added 27-02-2014 at 15:39 ----------


Just as positive people attract positive things, so negative people attract negative things. It sounds to me like you must be a very pessimistic and miserable person so you need to change your outlook on life and stop feeling sorry for yourself.


What sort of people do unpleasant trolls attract, Gordon?

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samaritans 08457 90 90 90

Go out with friends

Go for a walk

See if they have a course you can go on at Mind/scope


See your GP about depression/stress.


You need to make sure you dont do anything silly, then you are going to have to start at the beginning and deal with issues one by one.

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