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Absolutely Fuming, Angry, upset.. and the rest..

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Just as positive people attract positive things, so negative people attract negative things. It sounds to me like you must be a very pessimistic and miserable person so you need to change your outlook on life and stop feeling sorry for yourself.


Then you obviously don't know me...


i'm always the one telling others it'll be ok, helping others with problems, I usually look forward to the future, and think "well, things won't get any worse, only better" - but then things do Get worse, and keep getting worse, and have done on a constant cycle for the last 10 years...


I have tried to get myself out of the cycle, and once almost did... but then lost my job, and BOOM, right back where I was, starting all over again...


i'm tired of the stress.. 10 years pretty much constantly being walked over and not given a **** about, and getting no help from anyone when I do talk to companies to try and resolve issues.


---------- Post added 27-02-2014 at 21:46 ----------


to all these people who are saying..


"concentrate and fix one thing first... the worst/biggest issue"


well, what happens while i'm resolving this issue, and several others are phoning me daily, sending me letters every couple of days stressing me out, demanding contact etc...


Or I get another letter from somewhere else I didn't expect, adding more to the pile...


(and just so you know, it's not all money related....)

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Then you obviously don't know me...


i'm always the one telling others it'll be ok, helping others with problems, I usually look forward to the future, and think "well, things won't get any worse, only better" - but then things do Get worse, and keep getting worse, and have done on a constant cycle for the last 10 years...


I have tried to get myself out of the cycle, and once almost did... but then lost my job, and BOOM, right back where I was, starting all over again...


i'm tired of the stress.. 10 years pretty much constantly being walked over and not given a **** about, and getting no help from anyone when I do talk to companies to try and resolve issues.


---------- Post added 27-02-2014 at 21:46 ----------


to all these people who are saying..


"concentrate and fix one thing first... the worst/biggest issue"


well, what happens while i'm resolving this issue, and several others are phoning me daily, sending me letters every couple of days stressing me out, demanding contact etc...

It means that you are burning out, whatever it is that you are doing, and for the sake of your health, either tell your management and let them hire more people, or find a better process, so that your working condition gets better. Or else, you should jump ship and find a better job where work life balance is supported. Companies who do not do this kind of thing has got bad management in place.


If this was your own company, then consider understanding the nature of your industry, and whether you should pursue a certain direction or call it quits.


Or I get another letter from somewhere else I didn't expect, adding more to the pile...

(and just so you know, it's not all money related....)

As I said, it sounds like harsh decisions has to be made. Keeping positive is one thing, but does it change things? Sometimes you also need to be refreshed too. I would team with those whom you can also trust too, and not drop the ball.


Treading water for so long is not good. It burns you out, and also if you do not sleep well, then it also affects your brain too, and it may become permanent. What Janie said above is true. I was reading an article before about sleep. It does show that if you do not continually sleep deeply, then it will actually make rewire your brain in a certain way and you may actually get Alzheimer in your old age, or neurodegenerative disease.


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Or perhaps consider that i'm currently unemployed.... and that being one of the main problems...



And it's not as simple as "just going out and getting a job" for me, due to ADHD and Autism...


But the job centre still push me and want me to apply for any and all job, but due to those, there are certain jobs I can't do...

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If you have people chasing you for money then go and get some debt advice. You might be letting the bully letters get to you? CAB or one of the related debt advice centres.


What you describe is a moment of just being overwhelmed by everything thats why you either need to talk with friends or a counselor on the meotional and stress aspect and an advisor on the money and letter side. They have the advantage over you of being able to see things objectively.

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If you have people chasing you for money then go and get some debt advice. You might be letting the bully letters get to you? CAB or one of the related debt advice centres.


What you describe is a moment of just being overwhelmed by everything thats why you either need to talk with friends or a counselor on the meotional and stress aspect and an advisor on the money and letter side. They have the advantage over you of being able to see things objectively.


Not much more to be said really.

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Or perhaps consider that i'm currently unemployed.... and that being one of the main problems...


And it's not as simple as "just going out and getting a job" for me, due to ADHD and Autism...


But the job centre still push me and want me to apply for any and all job, but due to those, there are certain jobs I can't do...

Did you read my article on city living ?

Letting go and ignoring everything and just wind down and sleep is also a discipline as well. I would find ways to reconsolidate and actually reduce spending and secure a place first, and then rebuild from scratch again. But when you rebuild, take lesser risk, and also have a back up plan.


Don't let ADHD or autism brings you down. If you have this, in actual fact, it may mean that you have let this continued for far too long, and hence you are often edgy and overthink and cannot switch off. This is actually far more common than you think. Friends that I met at uni, often used to say to me that "you should let go", but I had no understanding of truly what they mean. What they really mean is to let go of the information, the emotions, and everything else that goes with it, and sleep. Do not keep on fighting. Let go, find other ways, move away, find better options. Or ignore it. Also, not to react to things. It is actually a learned discipline. I also started to lose the triggers too. Whether this is friends, jobs, people. Self preservation is not a bad thing. Most of my managers did too. They would not hesistate to drop the team and move jobs, and they do, as they have their own families to look after.


Take a job first, but then continue to find others that are better. Nobody will discredit you for doing so.

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Or perhaps consider that i'm currently unemployed.... and that being one of the main problems...



And it's not as simple as "just going out and getting a job" for me, due to ADHD and Autism...


But the job centre still push me and want me to apply for any and all job, but due to those, there are certain jobs I can't do...


If it is money worries, then you could talk to "stepchange" You don't have to meet them face to face. You can get everything sorted online and over the phone.


They are the old "consumer credit counselling service" and all free.


I work in the field of Autism and I know how anxious and distressed it can affect them if too much is going on at the same time.


Good luck.

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i believe that autism and ADHD are caused by chemicals in our environment getting into the unborn child through the mother's ingestion. whether it be bispenol A in plastics, lead in water pipes, poisons sprayed on our growing food, heavy metals in our seafoods or vaccines given to us and our foodstock animals.

trouble is, when anyone mentions these factors, they get disgraced and hounded out of office because whole industries are making a fortune out of killing and maiming us.

hopefully, the protection of whistleblowers might just encourage proper unbiased research into what triggers these devastating ailments, then we can move forward to prevent them in the first place before we all become incapable of living long productive lives because of what we have been exposed to.

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Then you obviously don't know me...


i'm always the one telling others it'll be ok, helping others with problems, I usually look forward to the future, and think "well, things won't get any worse, only better" - but then things do Get worse, and keep getting worse, and have done on a constant cycle for the last 10 years...


I have tried to get myself out of the cycle, and once almost did... but then lost my job, and BOOM, right back where I was, starting all over again...


i'm tired of the stress.. 10 years pretty much constantly being walked over and not given a **** about, and getting no help from anyone when I do talk to companies to try and resolve issues.


---------- Post added 27-02-2014 at 21:46 ----------


to all these people who are saying..


"concentrate and fix one thing first... the worst/biggest issue"


well, what happens while i'm resolving this issue, and several others are phoning me daily, sending me letters every couple of days stressing me out, demanding contact etc...


Or I get another letter from somewhere else I didn't expect, adding more to the pile...


(and just so you know, it's not all money related....)


At worst you could be in prison, then your worries will be over, all the help you need will be awaiting you.

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At worst you could be in prison, then your worries will be over, all the help you need will be awaiting you.


People can always go to the police, explain they would be better off in prison, then ask why they shouldn't commit a crime in order to get locked up?


Anyways, to the OP...


Please relax, be as calm as you can considering, we think and make better decisions when in a calm state of mind.


Do talk to your GP, they may open up avenues of help for you, that you haven't yet considered.


Remember, you'll get mixed (good and not-so-good) advice on here, try and tune in to what you feel is helpful and disregard the rest. Do not waste energy arguing with trolls and idiots.

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